Planning Area. The countries of Region 1 as defined in No. 393 of the Radio Regulations together with the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Planning Area. The DRECP Planning Area encompasses the Mojave and Colorado Desert Ecoregions as identified in California. The western boundary of the Planning Area has been modified using the CREZ boundaries, so that the Planning Area boundary has expanded slightly to the west, to ensure incorporation of complete RETI CREZs. The Planning Area includes all or a portion of the following counties: Xxxx, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Inyo, Riverside, Imperial, and San Diego. A map of the DRECP Planning Boundary is provided as Exhibit A. The Parties intend to evaluate and analyze information regarding biological resources and anticipated Covered Activities in the Desert. Based on this analysis, the Parties anticipate the Planning Area boundaries will be further modified and refined to reflect where the locations of these activities are likely to be implemented. The Parties acknowledge the DRECP Planning Area overlaps, in whole or in part, with several existing NCCPs, HCPs, and other conservation and land-use plans involving one or more of the Parties. The Parties shall seek to maintain compatibility between the DRECP and these other plans, and any other such plans that may be approved before the DRECP is finalized, by adapting the DRECP to be compatible with existing plans, by amending existing plans, or by some combination of these methods.
Planning Area. Maynooth is a scheduled town as defined by the Local Government (Planning and Development) Act 1963. A town boundary was adopted by the County Council in 1985. This boundary is shown in the maps accompanying this plan. As lands zoned for development within this boundary have now largely been developed it was decided in this review of the town plan to zone additional land in the county area and to designate development boundaries beyond the 1985 boundary. The area to which this plan relates is the lands within the 2002 Development Boundary, as shown on the attached maps.
Planning Area. Any of the following as defined in the Development Standards: the Town Center Planning Area, Mixed Commercial and Business Planning Area, Large Format Retail Planning Subarea, Mixed Use Employment Planning Subarea, Neighborhood Center Planning Area, Resort Planning Area, High Density Residential Planning Area, Neighborhood (Mixed Density) Residential Planning Area and/or Park Planning Area.
Planning Area. The Planning Area shall include, at a minimum, the U.S. Census defined urban area for Saint Cloud, Minnesota, and any additional geographic area which is deemed necessary by the Policy Board to carry out the powers and duties as herein provided. This area shall not necessarily be limited to the jurisdictional boundaries of Parties to this agreement. The Planning Area may be adjusted at any time by a majority vote of the total Policy Board voting representatives present at a duly called meeting noticed for such purpose. At a minimum, the Planning Area shall be reviewed and approved by the Policy Board following the re-designation of urban areas by the U.S. Census Bureau after each decennial census.
Planning Area. Region 1 (those parts of Region 1, as defined in No. 5.3 of the Radio Regulations, situated to the west of meridian 170° E and to the north of parallel 40° S, except the territories of Mongolia) and the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Planning Area. Working in cooperation with the City, XXX will identify the final project planning area. In general, this will be the proposed annexation declaration area of Salem City with some slight variations if necessary.
Planning Area. The Strategy encompasses all areas of the Seattle Harbor owned, operated, or managed by the Port and NWSA, generally defined to be inclusive of all Port Maritime, Economic Development, and NWSA North Harbor properties, and the SCL service areas and distribution networks serving these areas. A map of the Planning Area is included as Attachment A, which may be periodically updated by notice pursuant to Section 12.8. The Planning Area may be modified in the event additional Strategic Partners are added and shall be subject to the mutual agreement of the Parties.
Planning Area. All undeveloped natural areas, including agricultural and disturbed areas, located within the subregional study area outside the CNF were evaluated during preparation and approval of the NCCP/MSAA/HCP. Within the 92,000-acre portion of the Subregion located outside the CNF, referred to as the “planning area,” 36 percent (about 33,000 acres) already has been urbanized. Another 6 percent (about 5,800 acres) has been used for agricultural purposes for decades or has been significantly disturbed by other uses (see Figure 4-M). Natural habitats remain in the remaining 58 percent (about 52,400 acres) of the non-CNF area. The natural communities that are subject to potential development pressure include, but are not limited to, coastal sage and other sage scrub communities, chaparral, woodland and forest, riparian, wetlands, and native and annual grasslands.
Planning Area. The area to be comprised by the NCCP/HCP (“Planning Area”) is the eastern portion of Contra Costa County depicted in Exhibit B and includes approximately 190,000 acres. The Planning Area includes the watersheds draining the eastern side of Mount Diablo and portions of the watersheds draining the northern side of Mount Diablo. The Planning Area encompasses a variety of land uses and vegetation types. Rainfall generally decreases from west to east. The topography is more rugged and hilly in the western and southern areas. Existing development and irrigated agriculture predominate in the northern and eastern portions of the Planning Area. Grazed annual grasslands are the most common landcover in the undeveloped portions of the Planning Area. Other natural communities present include oak woodland, oak savannah, chaparral/scrub, riparian scrub and woodland, and permanent and seasonal wetlands. Though some tidal wetlands may exist within the Planning Area, the NCCP/HCP will not attempt to address or seek a permit for impacts to these habitats because tidal wetlands support a distinct suite of species not present elsewhere in the Planning Area and the Member Agencies to do not wish to cover activities in such habitats through the NCCP/HCP.