PLEASE CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX. I certify, pursuant to Public Law 2012, c. 25, that neither the bidder listed below nor any of the bidder's parents, subsidiaries, or affiliates is listed on the N.J. Department of the Treasury's list of entities determined to be engaged in prohibited activities in Iran pursuant to P.L. 2012, c. 25 ("Chapter 25 List"). I further certify that I am the person listed below, or I am an officer or representative of the entity listed below and am authorized to make this certification on its behalf. I will skip Part 2 and sign and complete the Certification below. I am unable to certify as above because the bidder and/or one or more of its parents, subsidiaries, or affiliates is listed on the Department's Chapter 25 list. I will provide a detailed, accurate and precise description of the activities in Part 2 below and sign and complete the certification below. Failure to provide such will result in the proposal being rendered as non-responsive and appropriate penalties, fines and/or sanctions will be assessed as provided by law.
PLEASE CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX. The undersigned meets the definition of an “Accredited Investor.” [ ] (b) The undersigned does not meet the definition of an “Accredited Investor.”
PLEASE CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX. The undersigned meets the definition of an “Accredited Investor.” ☐ (b) The undersigned does not meet the definition of an “Accredited Investor.” 1 Since the July 21, 2010 enactment of Section 413(a) of the Xxxx-Xxxxx Xxxx Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, the value of a person’s primary residence must be excluded from his/her net worth. On December 21, 2011, the SEC adopted amendments to Rule 501(a)(5) and Rule 215 to clarify treatment of indebtedness secured by a person’s primary residence when calculating his or her net worth (Release No. 33-9287 Net Worth Standard for Accredited Investors). These amendments are effective February 27, 2012. It is important to follow carefully the instructions set forth in this Questionnaire when calculating net worth.
PLEASE CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX. [ ] The research to be conducted under this CRADA does not involve animal subjects within the meaning of 7 [x] The research to be conducted under this CRADA involves animal subjects within the meaning of 7 USC 2131 et seq. and 9 CFR Parts 1, 2, and 3, and Collaborator agrees to take all steps required by NOAA to assure compliance with 9 CFR Parts 1, 2, and 3. Collaborator certifies that research involving animal subjects shall not begin until documentation of the appropriate reviews and certifications have been provided to and approved by NOAA.
PLEASE CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX. The donor has read and agrees to be bound by the Rules of Conduct regarding Donations set forth in Mayor’s Memorandum 2012-3, dated May 16, 2012.
PLEASE CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX. [x] Laboratory/Program does not have an existing contractual or similar legal relationship with the prospective partner(s); or [ ] Laboratory/Program does have an existing contractual or similar legal relationship with the prospective partner(s), but the Laboratory Director has determined, in accordance with the factors listed at 15 CFR 17.3(c), that the technical subject matter of the funding agreement is sufficiently distinct from that of this CRADA;
PLEASE CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX. The undersigned meets the definition of an “Accredited Investor.” [ ] (b) The undersigned does not meet the definition of an “Accredited Investor.” The undersigned hereby represents and warrants to the Company that (i) the information contained herein is complete and accurate and may be relied upon by the Company, (ii) the undersigned, together with his or her investment advisors, has such knowledge and experience in financial matters that he, she or they are capable of evaluating the merits and risks of the investment, and (iii) the undersigned will notify the Company or its counsel immediately of any material change in such information occurring prior to the acceptance or rejection of his or her stock in the Company. The undersigned has or have executed this Investor Questionnaire on this ___ day of ___________, 2017. Print Name of Stockholder Signature of Stockholder Print name of Spouse Signature of Spouse (if the Shares are held in joint name or are (if the Shares are held in joint name or are community property) community property)
PLEASE CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX. The undersigned Shareholder meets the definition of an “Accredited Investor.” [ ] (b) The undersigned Shareholder does not meet the definition of an “Accredited Investor.” The undersigned hereby represents and warrants to Acquiror that (i) the information contained herein is complete and accurate and may be relied upon by Acquiror, (ii) the undersigned, together with his or her investment advisors, has such knowledge and experience in financial matters that he, she or they are capable of evaluating the merits and risks of the investment, and (iii) the undersigned will notify Acquiror or its counsel immediately of any material change in such information occurring prior to the acceptance or rejection of his or her shares of Acquiror common stock to be received in the Merger. The undersigned has or have executed this Shareholder Questionnaire this day of , 2003. Print Name of Shareholder Signature of Shareholder Print name of Spouse (if APT Shares are held in joint name or are community property) (if APT Shares are held in joint name or are community property) Signature of Spouse
PLEASE CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX. Are you the Owner # Property Manager # Action Requested: Add Direct Deposit # Change Bank or Acct. # # Cancel Account # Transit (ABA) #: Account # This is a: Checking Account # Savings Account # I hereby authorize Idaho Housing and Finance Association to initiate deposits to my account(s) as indicated above and the depository named above, to credit the same to such account.


  • CHECK-IN AND CHECK-OUT 8.11.1 Specific check-in information will be provided to all Resident students via the Residential Life website (xxxxx:// A resident planning to check-in after the stated arrival period, must notify Residential Life prior to the stated check-in time. 8.11.2 Each Resident is given a room key or card access to the apartment/room, and electronic card access to the building through their ID card or a key to the outside/foyer door. Residents may receive additional keys within specific areas of campus, such as mailbox keys. Residents who lose their room or mailbox key, or fail to return keys upon vacating the room, will be charged accordingly.

  • Request for Dues Check Off Employees shall have the right to request and be allowed dues check off for the Exclusive Representative, provided that dues check off and the proceeds thereof shall not be allowed any employee organization that has lost its right to dues check off pursuant to the PELRA Upon receipt of a properly executed authorization card of the employee involved, the District will deduct from the employee’s paycheck the dues as specified by the Union.

  • Union Check-Off The Employer agrees to the monthly check-off of all Union Dues, Assessments, Initiation Fees, and written assignments of amounts equal to Union Dues. The check-off monies deducted in accordance with the above paragraph shall be remitted to the Union by the Employer within two (2) weeks of the end of each month. The Employer shall provide the Union's Provincial Office with a list of all employees hired, and all employees who have left the employ of the Employer (who shall be designated as terminated and shall include discharges, resignations, retirements and deaths) in the previous month along with a list of all employees in the bargaining unit and their employee status and the amount of dues or equivalent monies currently being deducted for each employee.

  • UNION DUES CHECK-OFF On a weekly basis the Employer agrees to deduct uniform dues and initiation fees from the paycheck of those covered employees whose individual written unrevoked authorizations are on file with the Employer and to transmit the amounts so deducted to the Union monthly. Said deduction authorizations shall be in such form as to conform with Section 302(c) of the Labor Management Relations Act of 1947.

  • DUES CHECK-OFF A. Upon the presentation by the Union of a list of the individual employees covered by this Agreement for each of whom the Union certifies to have on file a written authorization for dues deduction or service fee deduction duly executed by the employee, the Union shall be entitled to have the dues or service fees deducted from their paychecks on a bi-weekly basis. Such authorization shall be non-revocable and automatically renewed from year to year. B. The amounts to be deducted shall be certified to the Employer by the Treasurer of the Union. Whenever the Union notifies the Employer to begin deducting the dues of any bargaining unit employee, said deductions shall begin no later than the second paycheck following the Union's notification. If the Employer fails to make the deduction within this period, the Union will notify the Employer who shall immediately correct the error. Aggregate deductions of all employees shall be remitted at least monthly to the Union along with an itemized statement. C. The Employer or its agents or representatives shall not encourage or discourage membership in the Union by discriminating in hiring, tenure, wages, hours, or conditions of employment. The Union, its agents, representatives and persons who work for it shall not restrain, coerce, or interfere with employee rights. D. The Union shall indemnify and hold the Employer harmless against any and all claims, demands, suits, or any other forms of liability that shall arise out of or by reason of action taken or not taken by the Employer for the purposes of complying with any list, notice, form, card, or assignment furnished under this Article. E. When a bargaining unit employee returns to work from a non-pay status, and upon appropriate certification from the Union that the employee owes back dues to the Union, the Employer shall deduct from the employee's next paycheck the full amount of back dues owed.

  • Credit Check You are authorized, in your discretion, should you for any reason deem it necessary for your protection to request and obtain a consumer credit report for the Customer.

  • Please see the current Washtenaw Community College catalog for up-to-date program requirements Conditions & Requirements

  • CHECK-OFF 9.01 Subject to this Article, the Employer will, as a condition of employment, deduct an amount equal to the monthly membership dues from the monthly pay of all employees in the bargaining unit. Where an employee does not have sufficient earnings in respect of any month to permit deductions made under this Article, the Employer shall not be obliged to make such deduction from subsequent salary. 9.02 The Association shall inform the Employer in writing of the authorized monthly deduction to be checked off for each employee. 9.03 For the purpose of applying clause 9.01, deductions from pay for each employee in respect of each calendar month will start with the first full calendar month of employment to the extent that earnings are available. 9.04 No employee organization, as defined in Section 3 of the Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act, other than the Association, shall be permitted to have membership dues and/or other monies deducted by the Employer from the pay of employees in the bargaining unit. 9.05 The amounts deducted in accordance with clause 9.01 shall be remitted to the Association by cheque in the month following that in which their deductions were made and shall be accompanied by particulars identifying each employee and the deductions made on his/her behalf. 9.06 The Employer agrees to make deductions for other purposes on the basis of the production of appropriate documentation. 9.07 The Association agrees to indemnify and save the Employer harmless against any claim or liability arising out of the application of this Article, except for any claim of liability arising out of an error committed by the Employer limited to the amount actually involved in the error. 9.08 An employee who satisfies the Employer to the extent that he/she declares in an affidavit that he/she is a member of a religious organization, registered pursuant to the Income Tax Act, whose doctrine prevents him/her, as a matter of conscience, from making financial contributions to an employee organization and that he/she will make contributions to a charitable organization equal to dues, shall not be subject to this Article, provided that the affidavit submitted by the employee shows the registered number of the religious organization and is countersigned by an official representative of the religious organization involved. A copy of the affidavit will be provided to the Association.

  • New York Law to Apply This Agreement shall be construed and the provisions thereof interpreted under and in accordance with the laws of the State of New York.

  • NON-SUFFICIENT FUNDS (NSF CHECKS) If the Tenant pays the Rent with a check that is not honored due to insufficient funds (NSF): (check one)