Postal Services. Article 7 Exploration for, or extraction of, oil, gas, coal or other solid fuels, as well as ports and airports Article 9 Contracts covering several activities CHAPTER III General principles Article 10 Principles of awarding contracts TITLE II Rules applicable to contracts CHAPTER I General provisions Article 11 Economic operators
Postal Services. Civil Aviation;
Postal Services. The University Administration shall pay for reasonable postal services related to teaching, scholarship/research/creative activity, service or other assigned duties.
Postal Services. The Member States shall, in collaboration with the relevant international organisations including Universal Postal Union and Pan-African Postal Union, promote close co-operation between their postal administrations and devise ways and means to achieve fast, reliable, economic and efficient postal services among themselves, through the strengthening of Common Market postal sorting, routing, transit and distribution centres.
Postal Services. Area Standard Outgoing external mail, parcel and courier services All items (correctly prepared) will be processed and despatched on the day they are received. Trackable item details will be forwarded to account customers electronically and non-account customers on request. Postal Services track these items pro-actively and intervene when issues arise. Incoming external mail and parcels Postal Services handle these for all Whiteknights campus buildings. Postal Services will sort and deliver to Whiteknights House office delivery points on the day they are received in the morning. Items not destined for Whiteknights house are inserted into the internal distribution stream for next round despatch. Internal mail and parcel distribution Items of standard mail are distributed on a ‘sort and deliver on the next round’ basis, which will always be on the same day or the following morning (Mon-Fri) for late arriving items. Mail Shop Customers will be served between 9am and 4.30pm, Monday – Friday. All services available to account customers are provided. Postal Services do not provide office delivery services within buildings except for Whiteknights House. Distribution work involving significant heavy multiple parcel collections; very large numbers of items (filling a van) and anything that would require more than one person to lift; or ad-hoc work that might otherwise significantly delay scheduled rounds, should be referred to Portering Services.
Postal Services. 1. This sphere includes, inter alia, the planning, formulation and implementation of policies, as well as the management and supervision of post offices, postal services and all monetary transactions and activities in postal units (publicly known as "the Postal Bank").
2. The Palestinian side shall issue postage stamps and postal stationery (hereinafter "stamps"), date stamps and all other related materials, subject to the following provisions:
a. Stamps shall include only the terms "the Palestinian Council" or "the Palestinian Authority", the face value and the subject. Should date stamps include the name of the issuing authority, only the above-mentioned terms may be used.
b. The face value shall be stated only in one of the agreed legal currencies circulating in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip as detailed in Annex V (Protocol on Economic Relations). c. The design, symbols, wording and subjects of stamps and date stamps issued by the Palestinian side will be in the spirit of the peace.
3. In setting postal rates for international postal services, both sides shall coordinate in such a way as to prevent mutual economic harm.
4. Both sides shall ensure the efficient transmission and delivery of postal items, including parcels, destined for or originating from the other side. Similarly, they shall ensure the efficient transmission and delivery of such postal items arriving from, or destined for, foreign countries.
5. The modalities and arrangements for sending and receiving all postal items, including parcels, between the two sides will be arranged by means of a commercial agreement between the Israel Postal Authority and the Palestinian side.
a. The modalities and arrangements for sending and receiving postal items, including parcels, between the Palestinian side and foreign countries, will be arranged by means of commercial agreements between the PLO, for the benefit of the Palestinian side, and the Postal Authorities of Jordan and Egypt, and a commercial agreement between the Palestinian side and the Israel Postal Authority.
b. Without derogating from the generality of paragraph 5 of Article IX of this Agreement (Foreign Relations), the status of the Palestinian side to this Agreement in the Universal Postal Union will remain as it is at present, and the Palestinian side will not be party to any action to alter or change its status.
7. The relevant customs principles detailed in Annex V (Protocol on Economic Relations) shall also apply to postal items, i...
Postal Services a. This sphere includes, inter alia, the management of post offices and postal delivery in the Gaza Strip and the Jericho Area.
b. The Palestinian Authority may issue postage stamps, postal stationery (hereinafter "stamps") and date stamps, subject to the following provisions:
1. Stamps shall include only the term "the Palestinian Authority", the face value and the subject.
2. The face value shall be stated only in the agreed legal currency circulating in the Gaza Strip and the Jericho Area as detailed in Annex IV.
3. The design, symbols and subjects of stamps, postal stationery and date stamps issued by the Palestinian Authority will be in accordance with the principles outlined in Article XII of the Agreement.
4. The date stamp shall include only the name of the office responsible for the cancelling of the stamp and the date of that operation.
c. Both sides will coordinate and cooperate in establishing postal rates for international postal services in such a way as to prevent mutual economic harm to each other.
d. The modalities and arrangements for sending and receiving all postal items, including parcels, between the Gaza Strip and the Jericho Area and Israel and the West Bank will be arranged by means of a commercial agreement between the Israel Postal Authority and the Civil Administration respectively on one side, and the Palestinian Authority on the other.
e. The modalities and arrangements for sending and receiving all postal items, including parcels, between the Gaza Strip and the Jericho Area and other countries will be arranged by means of a commercial agreement between the Israel Postal Authority and the Palestinian Authority, further modalities will be discussed in the CAC.
f. The customs principles detailed in Annex IV shall also apply to postal items, including parcels, transmitted to the Gaza Strip and the Jericho Area.
Postal Services. Entities operating in accordance with Act No 19/2002 on postal services.
Postal Services. Postal services are a reserved matter. The Consumer Council has certain functions in relation to postal services with DBT as the partner Department, which funds its consumer advocacy work in NI. The Public Bodies (Abolition of the National Consumer Council and Transfer RI WKH 2IILFH RI )DLU 7UDGLQJ¶V )XQFWLRQ 2014 transferred National Consumer Council functions for consumer matters in relation to post in NI to the Consumer Council. The Order transfers to the Consumer Council certain functions of the National Consumer Council under the Postal Services Act 2000 the Consumer Estate Agents and Redress Act 2007 and the Postal Services Act 2011 which are all UK acts. The Consumer Council thereby took on the functions of the National Consumer Council (which was abolished) relating to consumer matters in NI for postal services. 7KH &RQVXPHUwo rk&foRcuXsQesFonLcOar¶ryiVng out research, influencing policy, providing advice and information, and investigating complaints made by consumers in vulnerable circumstances, and gives us information gathering and investigation powers to help fulfil this statutory function.
Postal Services. The client acknowledges that the Owner will comply with the U.S. Postal Service regulations regarding the Client’s mail. Upon termination of this lease, the Owner will not be responsible for providing any further service. The client must notify all parties with whom business is conducted of its change of address.