Posts Sample Clauses

Posts. The tracking system is secured to steel posts, also known as piles, which serve as the foundation. The piles are driven or screwed into the ground to a depth of approximately eight to 10 feet depending on site specific soil conditions.
Posts. Permanent mounting height of seven (7’) feet- Posts for all interim signs shall meet the requirements of Section 911 except that green or silver paint may be used in lieu of galvanization for steel posts or structural shape posts. Within the limits of a single project, all metal posts shall be the same color. Wood posts are not required to be pressure treated. Ground mounted sign(s) greater than nine
Posts. Wood, steel or synthetic posts may be used. Posts shall be of sufficient length, but no less than 4 feet, to ensure adequate embedment while fully supporting the silt fence and shall have sufficient strength to resist damage during installation and to support applied loads while in service.
Posts. Typically 4”x4”s, the posts provide vertical structural support for the fence and are set directly in the ground. When choosing posts, be sure to look for XxXxxxxxx Cascade® products with incisions on the surface of the wood, the signature of a product that has been treated to prevent rot from ground contact. Horizontal structural members on a fence, the rails, are usually 2”x4”s. Rails keep the fence sturdy and straight and provide a nailing surface for the siding boards. The Treated Framing Lumber chart on page 2 outlines your choices of color and grade. Many unique and functional fence styles are possible with the wide range of XxXxxxxxx Cascade® siding boards. They range from simple 1”x 6” material — straight cut or dog ear — to more elaborate, custom cut applications. The use of pressure treated siding board material is highly recommended for its durability. Cedar and redwood are other appropriate choices.
PostsThe motor vehicle driver will be responsible for driving project vehicles in the project area. The workstation will be at PMCU Nakuru. He/she will sign a six (6) year Contract of Employment with the initial six months on probation. The contract will remain in force but renewable annually based on satisfactory annual performance. He/she will be answerable to the Administrative Assistant for the following duties and responsibilities:
Posts. Contractor’s Service Personnel shall be assigned to specific posts at the Property pursuant an agreed upon deployment (“Post Orders”). Any Post Orders prepared by or at the direction of Customer may also include information related to the assigned post, provided, however, such Post Orders are not incorporated herein and may not contradict the terms of this Agreement. In the event of a conflict between the Contractor’s obligations set forth herein and any applicable Post Orders, this Agreement shall control. Scope of Services. Services shall be provided in accordance with validly executed Statements of Work. The Parties agree that any change in the Services contemplated by this Agreement, including any modification, supplementation or reduction in Service Personnel, shall be made by a request in writing by Customer and, if such changes or modifications are accepted by Contractor, shall be agreed upon in writing signed by Customer and Contractor. If at any time Contractor believes that additional Service Personnel or related actions in excess of the Services expressly requested by Customer are necessary to properly furnish Services at the Property, Contractor may so inform Customer. However, the Parties agree that Contractor’s responsibility is solely limited to providing Service Personnel, and Contractor has not been engaged by Customer as a consultant or otherwise to provide advice or an assessment of security, site evaluation or staffing needs at the Property, except as otherwise specifically stated herein. Contractor shall not be responsible for any decisions or security assessments made by Customer or anyone else, including pertaining to the sufficiency and assigned location of Service Personnel. The Parties agree that Contractor does not herein or otherwise represent and cannot warrant, expressly or impliedly that the Services furnished will prevent or minimize the likelihood of loss or damage.
Posts. 5.1. The Influencer represents and warrants that each Post: a. complies with all applicable laws and regulations including the XXXXX Xxxxxxxxx, 0000 and the PEMRA Rules, 2009 as well any industry self-regulations relating to influencer marketing; b. complies with all terms and conditions set by the Platform on which the Post is published by the Influencer; c. discloses the fact that the Influencer is being paid by DEN. All Posts should be transparent and labeled with appropriate disclosures, such as “#ad”. DEN expects Influencers to keep themselves up to speed with the latest best practice on how to label influencer marketing posts in a transparent way in order to make sure that consumers are clear about the commercial nature of the sponsored Post(s); d. does not contain any content which the Influencer knows or suspects (or ought reasonably to have known or suspected) to be false, misleading or deceptive; e. does not contain any content that is indecent, discriminatory, or offensive or contains or promotes aggressive or illegal behavior or sexually suggestive imagery; and f. does not violate the privacy rights, contract rights, intellectual property rights or other rights of any person, corporation or entity.
Posts. All posts submitted via Slack (“Posts”) will be intermittently monitored by Net Impact to ensure consistency with the Net Impact Code of Conduct. The Net Impact Code of Conduct is also detailed below. Posts to Slack must not contain any inappropriate or offensive material, as determined solely by Net Impact. Any post to Slack, which in the sole opinion of Net Impact, is deemed inappropriate (e.g., defamation, nudity, pornography, gratuitous violence, inappropriate language, obscenity, illegality, racial or moral offensiveness, etc.) or is inconsistent with the theme or image of the Program may be removed and the Participant may also be removed from the Program. . Moreover, posts to Slack must comply with all laws, rules, and regulations including, but not limited to, those concerning copyright, plagiarism, trademark, defamation and invasion of privacy. Participants are expected to abide by the Net Impact’s “Honor Codeat all times. The Honor Code states that Participants agree to represent themselves, as well as all actions they take and report, honestly and consistently with Rules. This Program and all Participant actions are subject to the Net Impact Code of Conduct: Net Impact reserves the right at its sole discretion to remove any Participant for any reason at any time from the Slack community., Participants must be respectful that they are representing Net Impact's brand and its mission when engaging on the Net Impact Chapter Leaders Slack platform. Any activities or behavior that Net Impact, at its sole discretion, deems to be inconsistent with, or in opposition to, Net Impact's message may result in removal from the Program. By signing, I attest that I am aware of and agree to Net Impact’s honor code and I understand that if I am found to be in violation of the honor code I will be removed from the Program.
Posts a. All posts shall be hot-dip galvanized schedule 40 steel pipe. Post spacing shall not exceed 8 ft. on center. i. Line posts shall be 2.375” o.d. (2” nominal) ii. All pull, gate and terminal posts 2.875 o.d. (2 ½” nominal) b. Pull posts shall be installed at all changes in vertical line of 10 degrees or more, or at intervals not exceeding 300 ft. c. Each post shall be fitted with post tops to prevent water intrusion.
Posts. 2.1. Subject to the remainder of this agreement, the Owner may post any Post. 2.2. The Owner shall, before posting any Post, send a copy of the full wording of the Charter Agreement to YachtZap for YachtZap’s written approval. 2.3. Following the written approval of the Charter Agreement by YachtZap, the Owner may, in the 2.3.1. Include the text of the Charter Agreement within the relevant Post; or 2.3.2. Ask YachtZap to send to the Client a copy of the Charter Agreement as soon as practicable following a request from a Client to reserve a Charter. 2.4. The Owner shall ensure that all information contained in all Posts shall be as accurate and up- to-date as reasonably practicable, and all photos used shall have been taken within the 12 months preceding the Post and shall principally feature no yacht other than the Yacht. 2.5. The Owner shall ensure, at all times while a Post remains on the Website, that the Website calendar is always kept up-to-date in respect of the Yacht. 2.6. YachtZap does not guarantee that any Post will appear in any order or rank, or appear at all, in the Website search results, or any third party search engine results. 2.7. YachtZap does not guarantee that any Post will appear for any duration on the Website, or appear in any order or rank, or appear at all. 2.8. YachtZap may reject or withdraw any Post, any time and for any reason, and without giving notice or explanation to the Owner, and without incurring any liability on the part of YachtZap.