PRELIMINARY TITLE. 1. TITLE This Agreement shall be known as the Nurses (Victorian Employer Agreement 2007-2011. Public Sector) Multiple 2. DIVISION INTO PARTS This Agreement is divided into the following parts: Parts: A Preliminary B Disputes and No Extra Claims C Staffing, Conditions and Wages 3. ARRANGEMENT 21. ANNUAL LEAVE 26 22 LONG SERVICE LEAVE 27 23. PARENTAL LEAVE 27 24 BLOOD DONORS LEAVE 28 25. PUBLIC HOLIDAYS - PART TIME EMPLOYEES 98 26. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & ASSOCIATED 30 ENTITLEMENTS 27. NOTICE PERIOD 31 28. APPOINTMENT AND FIXED TERM EMPLOYMENT - ALL 32 EMPLOYEES 29. CHANGE OF ROSTER 32 30. CHANGE OF SHIFT ALLOWANCE 32 31. SALARY PACKAGING 33 32. RESOURCES AND FACILITIES 34 SCHEDULE A LIST OF EMPLOYERS 37 SCHEDULE B CLASSIFICATIONS AND SALARY INCREASES 41 SCHEDULE C NURSE/PATIENT RATIOS 51 IA General Medical / Surgical Wards, Ante / Post Natal & Aged Care 51 IB (Summary) Interpretation 52 II Other Hospitals and Aged Care (Detail) 57 III Delivery Suites, NICU etc 58 IV Accident and Emergency, CCU, HDU & Palliative Care 59 V Rehabilitation and GEM 63 VI Operating Theatre Ratios 64 VII Post Anaesthetic Care Unit/Recovery Room (PACU) 64 APPENDIX 1 LETTER OF APPOINTMENT 65 APPENDIX 2 CLINICAL NURSE SPECIALIST CRITERIA 66 APPENDIX 3 INDICATIVE POSITION DESCRIPTION FOR SUPERVISOR 67 APPENDIX 4 GRADE 5 -SMALL RURAL HOSPITALS OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY 69
PRELIMINARY TITLE. Report Section 2.1


  • Preliminary Title Report (a) Not later than four (4) business days after the date of this Agreement, Seller, with Buyer's assistance and cooperation as necessary, shall arrange for the Title Company to prepare and deliver to Buyer a preliminary title report (the "Title Report") covering the Real Property dated not earlier than the date of this Agreement, such report showing all matters of record and all items which would be shown as exceptions on a ALTA owner's policy of title insurance, together with a recent ALTA survey of the Real Property certified by a licensed land surveyor and a legible copy of each recorded document underlying any exceptions shown in the Title Report. Subject only to the following permitted exceptions (the "Permitted Exceptions"), Seller shall cause all exceptions to title to the Real Property set forth in such Title Report to be removed prior to the Closing: (1) the standard printed exceptions contained in the Title Company's form of Owner's Policy; (2) building restrictions and zoning regulations heretofore or hereafter adopted by any municipal or other public authority relating to the Property; (3) current property taxes not yet delinquent; (4) the exceptions approved by Buyer in accordance with Section 5.13(b); and (5) any exception to which Buyer, in Buyer's sole discretion, specifically and expressly consents in writing prior to the Closing. Buyer shall pay all fees and costs associated with obtaining the Title Report. (b) Buyer shall have until 5:00 p.m. (Los Angeles time) on the fifth (5th) calendar day following Buyer's receipt of the Title Report to disapprove, in Buyer's sole discretion, any matters set forth in the Title Report; provided, however, that Buyer may not disapprove of the exceptions described in items (1), (2) and (3) of Section 5.13(a). If Buyer timely disapproves of any matters set forth in the Title Report, other than with respect to the exceptions described in items (1), (2) and (3) of Section 5.13(a), Seller shall have three (3) business days to indicate in writing whether Seller will cause such disapproved matters to be removed as exceptions to title prior to or concurrently with the Closing. Seller's failure to timely respond shall be deemed to constitute Seller's irrevocable agreement to remove all such disapproved matters as exceptions to title. If Seller timely indicates that it is unwilling to remove any such disapproved matters as exceptions to title, Buyer may elect to (i) proceed with the transaction contemplated hereby and take title subject to such disapproved matters, or (ii) terminate this Agreement. Buyer's failure to make such election within three (3) business days after being informed of Seller's decision shall be deemed an election of option (i). If Buyer terminates this Agreement pursuant to this Section 5.13(b), the Deposit (and all interest accrued thereon) shall be returned to Buyer, and the parties shall have no further obligations to one another except for any obligations that, by their terms, survive the termination of this Agreement.

  • Preliminary Matters 3.1. At least five (5) days prior to the pre-construction meeting described in Section 3.2, Contractor shall submit to Consultant for Consultant’s review and acceptance: 3.1.1. A progress schedule in the indicated form: Bar Chart Modified Critical Path Method (“CPM”) CPM Computerized CPM (CPM is interpreted to be generally as outlined in the Association of General Contractors (“AGC”) publication, “The Use of CPM in Construction.”) The progress schedule shall indicate the start and completion dates of the various stages of the Work, and shall show an activity network for the planning and execution of the Work. Included with the progress schedule shall be a narrative description of the progress schedule. The progress schedule must be updated monthly by Contractor, submitted as part of each Application for Payment, and must be acceptable to Consultant. 3.1.2. A preliminary schedule of Shop Drawing submissions; and 3.1.3. In a lump sum contract or in a contract that includes lump sum bid items of Work, a preliminary schedule of values for all of the Work that includes quantities and prices of items aggregating the Contract Price and that subdivides the Work into component parts in sufficient detail to serve as the basis for progress payments during construction. Such prices will include a breakdown of labor, equipment, materials, and an appropriate amount of overhead and profit applicable to each item of Work, which amounts Contractor must confirm in writing at the time of submission. In addition, after award but prior to the submission of the progress schedule, Consultant, Contract Administrator, and Contractor shall meet with all utility owners and secure from them a schedule of utility relocation; provided, however, that neither Consultant nor Town shall be responsible for the nonperformance by the utility owners. 3.2. At a time specified by Consultant, but before Contractor starts the Work at the Project site, a conference attended by Contractor, Consultant, and others as deemed appropriate by Contract Administrator, will be held to discuss the schedules referred to in Section 3.1; to discuss procedures for handling Shop Drawings and other submittals and for processing Applications for Payment; and to establish a working understanding among the Parties as to the Work. 3.3. Within thirty-five (35) days from the Project Initiation Date set forth in the applicable Notice to Proceed, a conference attended by Contractor, Consultant, and others, as appropriate, will be held to finalize the schedules submitted in accordance with Section 3.1. Within forty-five

  • Title Report If no Additional Mortgage Policy is required with respect to such Additional Mortgaged Property, a title report issued by the Title Company with respect thereto, dated not more than 30 days prior to the date such Additional Mortgage is to be recorded and satisfactory in form and substance to Administrative Agent;

  • Preliminary The business of the Company may be commenced at any time after incorporation.

  • OWNERSHIP TITLE The Licensed Software is the proprietary property of Symantec or its licensors and is protected by copyright law. Symantec and its licensors retain any and all rights, title and interest in and to the Licensed Software, including in all copies, improvements, enhancements, modifications and derivative works of the Licensed Software. Your rights to use the Licensed Software shall be limited to those expressly granted in this License Agreement. All rights not expressly granted to You are retained by Symantec and/or its licensors.

  • Preliminary Approval 50. Upon execution of this Agreement by all signatories, Class Counsel shall promptly move the Court for an order granting preliminary approval of this Settlement (“Preliminary Approval Order”). The proposed Preliminary Approval Order that will be filed with the motion shall be in a form agreed upon by Class Counsel and SPE, and substantially in the form as that attached as Exhibit 1 to this Agreement. The motion for preliminary approval shall request that the Court: (1) preliminarily approve the terms of the Settlement as within the range of fair, adequate, and reasonable; (2) provisionally certify the Settlement Class pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23(b)(3) and (e) for settlement purposes only; (3) approve the Notice Program set forth herein and approve the form and content of the Notice; (4) approve the procedures set forth in Section VII for Settlement Class Members to exclude themselves from the Settlement Class or to object to the Settlement; (5) stay the Action pending Final Approval of the Settlement; (6) stay and/or enjoin, pending Final Approval of the Settlement, any actions brought by Settlement Class Members concerning a Released Claim; and (7) schedule a Final Approval hearing for a time and date mutually convenient for the Court, Class Counsel, and counsel for SPE, at which the Court will conduct an inquiry into the fairness of the Settlement, determine whether it was made in good faith and should be finally approved, and determine whether to approve Class Counsel’s application for attorneys’ fees, costs, and expenses, and for Service Awards (“Final Approval Hearing”). 51. Within 10 days of the filing of the motion for preliminary approval, SPE, at its own expense, shall serve or cause to be served a notice of the proposed Settlement, in conformance with the requirements under the Class Action Xxxxxxxx Xxx, 00 X.X.X. § 0000(x) (“CAFA”).

  • Preliminary Evaluation Site evaluation and planning functions should proceed concurrently with the accomplishment of Schematic Design, Design Development, and Construction Documents. The Design Professional shall conduct a preliminary review of the site based on information furnished by the Owner and any other information that is obtained by the Design Professional. The Design Professional will advise the Owner of potential site-related problems that the Design Professional notes from such review.

  • PRELIMINARY RECITALS Executive’s employment with the Company has terminated.

  • Ownership Title to Project Deliverables This clause shall apply where Contractor is commissioned by the Authorized User to furnish project deliverables as detailed in the Purchase Order.

  • Marketable Title Upon payment of the purchase price, a Deed for the property shall be executed by the Seller and shall convey the property to the Buyer. Title to the property shall be good and marketable, free of liens, encumbrances, subject to all applicable ground rent, covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, rights of way, laws, ordinances, regulations, charges, taxes and assessments, rights of others in party walls of the Property, and any other matters of record. The buyer has the right to choose his own settlement agent or attorney to conduct settlement.