Production Time Reports Sample Clauses
Production Time Reports. Producer must complete the Production Time Reports in ink detailing the specific time of reporting travel, beginning and end of meals and dismissal on set. The professional performers must review and sign the Production Time Report at the end of each day. Performers will not be asked to sign blank Production Time Reports. The original completed Production Time Reports must be delivered to the Union by the Friday following the week of work. Failure to comply with the requirements concerning Production Time Reports will result in a liquidated damages assessment by the Union against the Producer in the amount of $275.00 per day of breach.
Production Time Reports. 1. It shall be the required custom and practice to proffer a production time report (“the report”) to all principal performers at the end of each day, which report may include other principal performer(s) in the commercial(s) working that day and which reflects time in and out, meal periods, hairdress, travel, etc. for such principal performer(s). Such report shall not be offered in blank but shall, in all cases be filled in by Producer in ink. The principal performer(s) shall initial or sign such report in ink. The principal performer(s) may object to the accuracy of the information contained in the report. The signing or initialing of the report by the principal performer(s) shall not preclude the principal performer(s) from filing a timely claim. If a Member Report is used in lieu of contracts for singers, a production time report shall not be required in such case.
2. A copy of the report for the previous week shall be sent to the Union no later than 12 business days after the date of production.
3. In the event of repeated breach after written notice from the Union, liquidated damages in the amount of $150 shall be payable to the Union for each breach thereafter. A breach is the failure to file a production time report.
4. In the event of a negotiated stunt adjustment, the amount of such adjustment shall be indicated on the stunt performer’s production time report and initialed by both the stunt performer and the person authorized to negotiate such adjustment. When the contract includes the production time report, the stunt adjustment shall be inserted in the Special Provisions section of the contract, as provided in Section 9 B, and initialed by both parties.
Production Time Reports. Producer shall complete the Production Time Reports in ink detailing the specific time of reporting, travel, beginning and end of meals and dismissal on set. The professional performers shall review and sign the Production Time Report at the end of each day. Performers will not be asked to sign blank Production Time Reports. The original completed Production Time Reports shall be delivered to SAG-AFTRA by the Friday following the week of work. Failure to comply with the requirements concerning Production Time Reports shall cause SAG-AFTRA to be entitled to liquidated damages in the amount of $275.00 per day of breach.
Production Time Reports. (1) It shall be the required custom and practice to proffer a production time report made out in ink to all performers at the end of each day, which report may include other performers in the cast (working that day), and which reflects time in and out, time of meal periods (including non-deductible breakfasts), and travel (including the total number of miles round trip for studio zone locations) for such performer. Such report shall not be offered in blank. The performer shall initial or sign such report. A performer may object to the accuracy of the information contained in the report. Signing or initialing of the report by the performer shall not constitute acceptance of the report, and the performer shall not be deemed to have waived any right to file a timely claim.
(2) Producer shall deliver a copy of the report for the previous week to the Union no later than the end of the following week.
(3) In the event there is a substantial breach of the foregoing requirements, liquidated damages in the amount of $275 shall be payable to the Union for each day of such substantial breach. In the event there is a dispute as to whether or not a substantial breach has occurred, the dispute shall be referred to and determined by the Cooperative Committee. In the event the Cooperative Committee cannot determine the dispute, the matter may be referred to arbitration.
(4) With reference to stunt performers, the amount of stunt adjustment shall be noted on the production time report or time card and shall be initialed by the stunt performer and an authorized representative of the Producer.
Production Time Reports. (Exhibit Gs)
1. To be used each day by the Producer.
2. Producer shall complete them in ink or type in specific times for work, meals, travel, dismissal. (Example: Report on set: 9:00 a.m.; Meal: 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.; Dismissal: 5:00 p.m.)
3. Upon the performer's dismissal for the day, the Producer shall give the performer the daily production report to examine and initial.
4. Copies of the completed production time reports shall be provided to the Guild not later than Friday at 5:00 p.m. for the previous weeks' work.
5. In the event of non-compliance, the Guild shall notify the Producer in writing to this effect.
6. The Producer shall then have five (5) additional business days from the receipt of notice from the Guild to comply. In the event of non-compliance, Producer shall immediately be liable for a $275.00 liquidated damage claim for each day of breach.
Production Time Reports. 1. W VKDOO EH WKH UHTXLUHG FXVWRP DQG SUDFWLFH WR SURIIHU D SURGXFWLRQ WLPH UHSRUW (³WKH UHSRUW´) WR DOO principal performers at the end of each day, which report may include other principal performer(s) in the commercial(s) working that day and which reflects time in and out, meal periods, hairdress, travel, etc. for such principal performer(s). Such report shall not be offered in blank but shall, in all cases be filled in by Producer in ink. The principal performer(s) shall initial or sign such report in ink. The principal performer(s) may object to the accuracy of the information contained in the report. The signing or initialing of the report by the principal performer(s) shall not preclude the principal performer(s) from filing a timely claim. If a Member Report is used in lieu of contracts for singers, a production time report shall not be required in such case.
2. A copy of the report for the previous week shall be sent to the Union no later than 12 business days after the date of production.
3. In the event of repeated breach after written notice from the Union, liquidated damages in the amount of $150 shall be payable to the Union for each breach thereafter. A breach is the failure to file a production time report.
4. In the event of a negotiated stunt adjustment, the amount of such adjustment shall be indicated on the VWXQW SHUIRUPHU¶V SURGXFWLRQ WLPH UHSRUW DQG LQLWLDOHG E\ ERWK the stunt performer and the person authorized to negotiate such adjustment. When the contract includes the production time report, the stunt adjustment shall be inserted in the Special Provisions section of the contract, as provided in Section 9.B., and initialed by both parties.