PROGRESS ASSESSMENTS. A. A Progress Assessment is an evaluation of the Postdoctoral Scholar’s progress and accomplishments in research and professional development.
PROGRESS ASSESSMENTS. 1. A Progress Assessment is an evaluation of the Postdoctoral Scholar’s progress and accomplishment in research and professional development. 2. Within a reasonable time after the beginning of each appointment, the supervisor, or in limited circumstances her/his appropriate academic designee, will communicate the supervisor’s research and progress expectations for the coming year. These expectations may include those components in an IDP that are directly related to the research assignment for that year. 3. A Postdoctoral Scholar may request that the goals and expectations on which s/he will be assessed be provided to her/him in writing. in such circumstances: a. The Postdoctoral Scholar shall submit a written draft of the discussed goals and expectations as provided in §B.2., above, to the supervisor for review. b. The supervisor will provide the Postdoctoral Scholar with the final goals and expectations upon which the Postdoctoral Scholar’s progress will be based.
PROGRESS ASSESSMENTS. 33.4.1 A Progress Assessment is an evaluation of the ASE’s progress and accomplishments in their job duties related to research, teaching, and professional development.
PROGRESS ASSESSMENTSConsistent with Article 25 (Professional Development), the contents of progress assessments of IRTA/CRTA and Visiting Fellows (herein referred to as non-FTE Fellows).
PROGRESS ASSESSMENTS.  Supervisor must communicate research and progress expectations for coming year; include details in appointment notification  No mentoring requirements  Contract does not detail HOW a faculty member mentors  Contents of IDPs, Progress Assessments and Annual Reviews are not grievable  A Postdoc may request that goals and expectations be provided in writing  Supervisor must provide periodic reviews – informal progress assessments  Supervisor shall provide the Postdoc with at least one written review per 12-month period  Postdoc may grieve factual inaccuracies in Progress Assessments or Annual reviews  If Postdoc disagrees with substance, may submit an addendum to personnel file.  Three forms of discipline:  Letter of Warning  Suspension  Dismissal  Dismissal normally preceded by at least one letter of warning.  UC may proceed to dismissal without written warning when seriousness of misconduct or performance warrants.  Just Cause for Discipline and Dismissal  Process outlined in the AgreementDisciplinary Actions will be grievable and arbitrable.  Contract acknowledges research may be inherently hazardous and appropriate actions should be taken to minimize hazards  Supervisor must document training and information provided to Postdoc  Postdoc may refuse to perform work s/he believes is hazardous and about which s/he has not been properly trained  No retaliation for filing a complaintClaims of “stress due to workplace hazards” are explicitly excluded from the H&S article  The university has agreed that there is one “personnel” file at each location, even though numerous files with Postdoc information may exist.  A personnel file has formal documents as listed in the article  A personnel file does not have grievance materials in it, but will contain disciplinary materials.  Supervisors may keep a personal file, but information in it cannot be used in future actions unless a copy has made it to the personnel file  Materials to be retained in a Personnel File  Any material in the personnel file must be copied to the Postdoctoral Scholar.  Only “official” record is in a central file (division/ department) – if information does not make it to the department file, it cannot be used for discipline  E-mails may be placed in a personnel file  UC must be able to pull files w/in five working days  The university did not substantively change the leaves of absence provided under the Academic Personnel ManualFailure to follow the LOA t...


  • Loss Assessment We will pay up to $1000 for your share of loss assessment charged during the policy period against you by a corporation or as- sociation of property owners, when the assess- ment is made as a result of:

  • Ergonomic Assessments ‌ At the request of the employee, the Employer will ensure that an ergonomic assessment of the employee’s workstation is completed. Solutions to identified issues will be implemented within available resources.

  • Risk Assessments a. Risk Assessment - DST shall, at least annually, perform risk assessments that are designed to identify material threats (both internal and external) against Fund Data, the likelihood of those threats Schedule 10.2 p.2 occurring and the impact of those threats upon DST organization to evaluate and analyze the appropriate level of information security safeguards (“Risk Assessments”). b. Risk Mitigation - DST shall use commercially reasonable efforts to manage, control and remediate threats identified in the Risk Assessments that it believes are likely to result in material unauthorized access, copying, use, processing, disclosure, alteration, transfer, loss or destruction of Fund Data, consistent with the Objective, and commensurate with the sensitivity of the Fund Data and the complexity and scope of the activities of DST pursuant to the Agreement. c. Security Controls Testing - DST shall, on approximately an annual basis, engage an independent external party to conduct a review (including information security) of DST’s systems that are related to the provision of services. DST shall have a process to review and evaluate high risk findings resulting from this testing.

  • Needs Assessment 1. The Contractor shall conduct a cultural and linguistic group-needs assessment of the eligible client population in the Contractor’s service area to assess the language needs of the population and determine what reasonable steps are necessary to ensure meaningful access to services and activities to eligible individuals. [22 CCR 98310, 98314] The group-needs assessment shall take into account the following four (4) factors: a. Number or proportion of persons with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) eligible to be served or encountered by the program. b. Frequency with which LEP individuals come in contact with the program. c. Nature and importance of the services provided. d. Local or frequently used resources available to the Contractor. This group-needs assessment will serve as the basis for the Contractor’s determination of “reasonable steps” and provide documentary evidence of compliance with Cal. Gov. Code § 11135 et seq.; 2 CCR 11140, 2 CCR 11200 et seq., and 22 CCR98300 et seq. 2. The Contractor shall prepare and make available a report of the findings of the group-needs assessment that summarizes: a. Methodologies used. b. The linguistic and cultural needs of non-English speaking or LEP groups. c. Services proposed to address the needs identified and a timeline for implementation. [22 CCR 98310] 3. The Contractor shall maintain a record of the group-needs assessment on file at the Contractor’s headquarters at all times during the term of this Agreement. [22 CCR 98310, 98313]

  • TAXES & ASSESSMENTS The real estate taxes shall be prorated. Seller shall pay real estate taxes which are payable during the year in which Closing occurs, and taxes payable during the succeeding year, prorated to the date of Closing. Buyer shall assume and pay all subsequent taxes. If at the time of closing the tax bill for the Real Estate for the succeeding year has not been issued, taxes payable shall be computed based on the last tax bill available to the closing agent. The succeeding year’s tax bill, because of recently constructed improvements, annexation, reassessment, or similar items may greatly exceed the last tax bill available to the closing agent.

  • TAXES, ASSESSMENTS AND UTILITIES (A) Lessee shall be liable, and agrees to pay the charges for, all public utility services rendered or furnished to the Leased Premises, including heat, water, gas, electricity, sewer, sewage treatment facilities and the like, all personal property taxes, real estate taxes, special assessments, and municipal or government charges, general, ordinary and extraordinary, of every kind and nature whatsoever, which may be levied, imposed, or assessed against the Leased Premises, or upon any improvements thereon, at any time after the Occupancy Date of this Lease and prior to the expiration of the term hereof, or any Renewal Term. (B) Lessee shall pay all real estate taxes, assessments for public improvements or benefits, and other governmental impositions, duties, and charges of every kind and nature whatsoever which shall or may, during the term of this Lease, be charged, laid, levied, assessed, or imposed upon, or become a lien or liens upon the Leased Premises or any part thereof or upon the rents payable hereunder, except for taxes based solely upon the income of Lessor. Such payments shall be considered as rent paid by Lessee in addition to the Rent defined at Article 4 hereof. Lessee shall be deemed to have complied with the foregoing covenant if payment is permitted without penalty or interest, or before the same shall become a lien upon the Leased Premises. If by law any real estate taxes, assessments for public improvements or benefits, or other governmental impositions, duties, and charges of every kind and nature whatsoever may at the option of the taxpayer be paid in installments (whether or not interest shall accrue on the unpaid balance), Lessee may exercise the option to pay the same in installments and shall pay such installments as they become due during the term of this Lease. Lessee shall not be liable for installments which come due after the termination date of the Lease. If due to a change in the method of taxation, a franchise tax, rental tax, or income or profit tax shall be levied against Lessor in substitution for or in lieu of any tax which would otherwise constitute a real estate tax, such tax shall be deemed a real estate tax for the purposes herein and shall be paid by Lessee. (C) All real estate taxes, assessments for public improvements or benefits, water rates and charges, sewer rents, and other governmental impositions, duties, and charges which shall become payable for the first and last tax years of the term hereof shall be apportioned pro rata between Lessor and Lessee in accordance with the respective number of months during which each party shall be in possession of the Leased Premises in said respective tax years. For the purposes of this provision, all personal property taxes, real estate taxes and special assessments shall be deemed to have been assessed in the year that the first payment or any installment thereof is due. (D) Lessee shall have the right to contest or review by legal proceedings or in such other manner as may be legal (which, if instituted, shall be conducted solely at Lessee's own expense) any tax, assessment for public improvements or benefits, or other governmental imposition aforementioned, at any time until the property is subject to levy or execution. All such proceedings shall be begun as soon as reasonably possible after the imposition or assessment of any contested items and shall be prosecuted to final adjudication with reasonable dispatch. In the event of any reduction, cancellation, or discharge, Lessee shall pay the amount that shall be finally levied or assessed against the Leased Premises or adjudicated to be due and payable, and, if there shall be any refund payable by the governmental authority with respect thereto, Lessee shall be entitled to receive and retain the same, subject, however, to apportionment as provided during the first and last years of the term of this Lease. (E) Lessor, within sixty (60) days after notice to Lessee if Lessee fails to commence such proceedings, may, but shall not be obligated to, contest or review by legal proceedings, or in such other manner as may be legal, and at Lessor's own expense, any tax, assessments for public improvements and benefits, or other governmental imposition aforementioned, which shall not be contested or reviewed, as aforesaid, by Lessee, and unless Lessee shall promptly join with Lessor in such contest or review, Lessor shall be entitled to receive and retain any refund payable by the governmental authority with respect thereto. (F) Lessor shall not be required to join in any proceeding referred to in this Article, unless in Lessee's reasonable opinion, the provisions of any law, rule, or regulation at the time in effect shall require that such a proceeding be brought by and/or in the name of Lessor, in which event Lessor shall upon written request, join in such proceedings or permit the same to be brought in its name.

  • Environmental Assessments Foreclose on or take a deed or title to any commercial real estate without first conducting a Phase I environmental assessment of the property or foreclose on any commercial real estate if such environmental assessment indicates the presence of a Hazardous Substance in amounts which, if such foreclosure were to occur, would be material.

  • Diagnostic Assessment 6.3.1 Boards shall provide a list of pre-approved assessment tools consistent with their Board improvement plan for student achievement and which is compliant with Ministry of Education PPM (PPM 155: Diagnostic Assessment in Support of Student Learning, date of issue January 7, 2013). 6.3.2 Teachers shall use their professional judgment to determine which assessment and/or evaluation tool(s) from the Board list of preapproved assessment tools is applicable, for which student(s), as well as the frequency and timing of the tool. In order to inform their instruction, teachers must utilize diagnostic assessment during the school year.

  • Risk Assessment An assessment of any risks inherent in the work requirements and actions to mitigate these risks.

  • Security Assessments Upon advance written notice by the JBE, Contractor agrees that the JBE shall have reasonable access to Contractor’s operational documentation, records, logs, and databases that relate to data security and the Contractor’s Information Security Program. Upon the JBE’s request, Contractor shall, at its expense, perform, or cause to have performed an assessment of Contractor’s compliance with its privacy and data security obligations. Contractor shall provide to the JBE the results, including any findings and recommendations made by Contractor’s assessors, of such assessment, and, at its expense, take any corrective actions.