Project Performance Management System Sample Clauses

Project Performance Management System. Within 6 months of the Effective Date, the Borrower shall finalize and adopt a detailed project performance and monitoring system for monitoring performance and preparing benchmark information acceptable to ADB, based on agreed indicators and procedures. Thereafter, the Project Executing Agency shall submit annually a benefit monitoring report to ADB.
Project Performance Management System. The Borrower shall ensure that, within 6 months from Effective Date, DUDBC shall establish a project performance management system satisfactory to ADB. The Borrower shall ensure or cause DUDBC to ensure that, within 12 months from Effective Date, framework for baseline data corresponding to indicators and targets set out in the GESI Action Plan, disaggregated by sex, caste, and ethnicity is established and data collection commenced.
Project Performance Management System. The Borrower shall, and shall cause Punjab to, (i) set up a project performance management system as agreed with ADB by not later than two months from Board approval of the Project and cause it to be operated throughout the Project implementation period; and (ii) undertake periodic review of the Project based on the project performance management system.
Project Performance Management System. The PSC and ADB shall monitor the Project as an integral part of the program performance management system. The Project inputs, process, and output indicators will be monitored to determine how they affect impact. Capacity building requirements shall be continuously monitored and reassessed so that capacity building can be tracked as an ongoing process. Special attention will be paid to the capacity of the FMU.
Project Performance Management System. ADBL and SFDB shall each establish and maintain a Project performance management system that shall generate semi-annual reports. The reports shall comprise (a) financial reports covering (i) loan portfolio growth and performance, (ii) liability growth and management especially of savings deposits, and (iii) financial performance indicators concerning earnings and liability structures, including capital adequacy ratio, collection rate, operating profit ratio and non-performing loan ratio; (b) details of the number of borrowers by
Project Performance Management System. The Borrower shall cause PEPCO to establish, within three (3) months of the Effective Date, a PPMS in a form and substance acceptable to ADB, in accordance with the Project performance indicators and targets stipulated in the design and monitoring framework. PEPCO shall consolidate for submission to ADB quarterly progress reports prepared by the DISCO providing (a) a narrative description of progress made during the period (progress on compliance with environmental and social requirements); (b) changes in the implementation schedule; (c) problems or difficulties encountered; and (d) work to be carried out in the next period. The progress reports shall also include a summary financial account for the subproject components, consisting of expenditures during the period, total expenditures to date, and benefit monitoring in accordance with procedures and details acceptable to ADB.
Project Performance Management System. 17. LPA shall adopt a performance monitoring and evaluation (PME) plan to ensure that PME is undertaken for each Project component and Project resources are managed efficiently and benefits realized. The LPA, drawing on data generating from SLPs, MEPs, LIPs, and Forestry SMEs shall establish and maintain a project performance management system (PPMS) in accordance with agreements reached with ADB. Without limiting the generality of the above, the indicators and baseline data shall to the extent possible, make full use of gender-disaggregated data and information. LPA shall (a) submit a detailed PME implementation plan to prepare benchmark information for ADB’s review and concurrence within 6 months of the EffectiveDate; and (b) provide annual PME reports to ADB and the Government of Malaysia throughout Project implementation.
Project Performance Management System. Within 6 months of the Effective Date, Punjab shall establish a specific monitoring and evaluation (M&E) unit within the PMU. The M&E unit shall establish a monitoring and evaluation system that shall be used throughout Project implementation. The M&E unit shall ensure that the system will generate trimester reports on Project implementation progress. Within no later than 12 months of the Effective Date, specific indicators shall be identified as a basis for the monitoring and evaluation of the Project. Punjab shall ensure that a baseline survey shall be implemented for each sub-project before its commencement and at the end of its implementation. Punjab shall further ensure that thematic evaluations may be implemented by the M&E unit upon request either from the Project director, one of the PMU managers or ADB.
Project Performance Management System. The Borrower through PMO shall establish within six (6) months of the Effective Date a PPMS acceptable to ADB to monitor the progress of the Project in achieving its outcome and outputs. A matrix of indicators shall be developed in a participatory manner to substantiate the performance indicators agreed with ADB. Baseline data shall be gathered for the indicators, and shall be updated on a semi-annual basis during Project implementation.
Project Performance Management System. The Project shall be monitored and evaluated to determine its efficiency (delivery of inputs against specified implementation targets and time frame) and effectiveness (outputs, outcomes, and short-term impacts) as measured against baseline pocket area and product- chain data. The baseline and product-chain studies shall be undertaken in each district and shall involve quantitative and qualitative assessments in order to provide a clear understanding of the socioeconomic characteristics of the beneficiaries, including ethnicity, gender, and economic status, and an assessment of the value chain that shall serve as a benchmark against which Project progress can be measured.