PROTECTION OF EXISTING FACILITIES. Contractor shall protect Customer’s existing equipment and facilities, and avoid interference with Company and Customer’s operations. Except as set forth in Item 1 of Exhibit A “Work Scope”, Contractor shall not remove or alter any part of the Customer’s existing structures, landscaping, fences, equipment or facilities without the prior knowledge and consent of Company and/or Customer. Contractor’s obligations set forth above in this Section 15 are in addition to and not in lieu of obligations described in Article 20, Cleanup.
PROTECTION OF EXISTING FACILITIES. XXXX shall protect all existing utilities, and any portions of the PROJECT, at or adjacent to the PROJECT site which are not designated for removal. If required by the CITY REPRESENTATIVE or any authorities having or claiming jurisdiction, the XXXX shall restore damaged or temporarily relocated utilities and affected areas to a condition equal to or better than they were prior to such damage or temporary relocation.
PROTECTION OF EXISTING FACILITIES. Contractor shall protect existing equipment and facilities, and avoid interference with Owner’s operations. Contractor shall not remove or alter any part of the existing structures, equipment or facilities without the prior knowledge and consent of Owner.
PROTECTION OF EXISTING FACILITIES. Contractor agrees to protect from damage by his operations under this contract existing improvements or facilities located upon real property owned or beneficially owned by the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation including, but not limited to, fences, drainage pipes, reads, barriers, water bars, plot center stakes, property line markers, tags, corner stones, pipes and/or park and campground areas. In the event Contractor, by his operation, shall damage any existing improvement, facility, or park area Colville Indian SWP/LIHEAP may withhold and deduct from any payments due to Contractor the amount required for the repair or replacement of any damage to improvement or facility.
PROTECTION OF EXISTING FACILITIES. The Vendor shall talce al.I necessary precautions during the period of the service to protect existing facilities from damage by workmen and shall repair or replace, at its; own expense, any damage to property caused by their employees or suppliers. The Vendor at all times shall keep the premises free from accumulation of waste materials and rubbish caused by their operations and from leaks and spillage from equipment. Upon completion of the work, he shall remove all their waste materials and rubbish from and about the installation, as well as all their tools, equipment, machinery, and surplus materials, and shall clean all building surfaces and leave the work area clean. CONDITIONS FOR EMERGENCY/ HURRICANE OR DISASTER (FORCE MAJEURE) Proposer shall provide first-priority services to the College in the event of a hurricane, flood or other natural disaster. It is hereby made a part of this RFP that before, during and after a public emergency, disaster, hurricane, flood or other force majeure that College shall require a "first priority" basis for goods and services. It is vital and imperative that the majority of citizens are protected from any emergency situation which threatens public safety and health, as determined by the Associate Vice President for Business Services & Resource Management. Vendor agrees to rent/sell/lease all goods and services to the College or other governmental entities, as opposed to a private citizen or corporation, on a first priority basis. College expects to pay a fair and reasonable price for all products/services in the event of a disaster, emergency or hurricane. Vendor shall furnish a twenty-four (24) hour telephone number in the event of such an emergency. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT (to two decimal QUANTITY places) TOTAL 1 Storm Drain {Video Camera) Observation O - 48" Log/Written Report Linear Ft 1 $6.00 $6.00 2 Storm Drain {Video Camera) Observation 49" - 72" Log/Written Report Linear Ft 1 $20.00 $20.00 3 Cleaning Box Culverts of Debris and Bituminous Materials Removed Per Ft 1 $30.00 $30.00 4 O" to 12" Cross/Side Drain or Equivalent Elliptical Circumference Week Week 1 $1.00 $1.00 5 15" to 30" Cross/Side Drain or Equivalent Elliptical Circumference Week Week 1 $5.00 $5.00 6 36" to 42" Cross/Side Drain or Equivalent Elliptical Circumference Week Week 1 $10.00 $10.00 7 48" to 60" Cross/Side Drain or Equivalent Elliptical Circumference Week Week 1 $15.00 $15.00 8 72" to 96" Cross/Side Drain or Equivalent Elliptical Circumferenc...
PROTECTION OF EXISTING FACILITIES. Project work will take place at an active Water Reclamation Facility that is to remain in operation at all times. Construction activities may require work around active facilities not associated with this Project. As such, DESIGN-BUILDER shall protect all existing utilities, and any portions of the Project, at or adjacent to the Site which are not designated for removal. Any damage to existing facilities that impacts the operation of the treatment plant, as determined by the Project Manager, shall be immediately fixed under an emergency basis by the DESIGN- BUILDER. The DESIGN-BUILDER shall restore damaged or temporarily relocated utilities and affected areas to a condition equal to or better than they were prior to such damage or temporary relocation. The CITY shall maintain permanent property insurance on all the existing facilities.
PROTECTION OF EXISTING FACILITIES. Contractor shall exercise all necessary caution to avoid damage to any existing trees, or surface improvements, or to any existing drainage structures, sewer cleanouts, or junction boxes for underground electric, telephone, fiber optic or cable TV, or storm sewer, sanitary sewer, water line, and underground utilities, which are to remain in place, and shall bear full responsibility for any damage thereto.
PROTECTION OF EXISTING FACILITIES. A. Before beginning any reconstruction, the CONTRACTOR shall carefully survey the existing facilities and examine the Specifications and Drawings to determine the extent of reconstruction and coordination with the WORK. Existing facilities not subject to reconstruction shall be protected and maintained in accordance with Section 015010 - Protection of Existing Facilities. Damaged existing facilities shall be repaired to the previous condition or replaced.
B. Persons shall be afforded safe passages around areas of demolition.
C. Structural elements shall not be overloaded. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for shoring, bracing, or adding new supports as may be required for adequate structural support as a result of WORK performed under this Section. The CONTRACTOR shall remove temporary protection when the WORK is complete or when so authorized by the ENGINEER.
D. The CONTRACTOR shall carefully consider bearing loads and capacities before placement of equipment and material on Site. In the event of any questions as to whether an area to be loaded has adequate bearing capacity, the CONTRACTOR shall consult with the ENGINEER prior to the placement of such equipment or material.
PROTECTION OF EXISTING FACILITIES. DESIGN‐BUILDER shall protect all existing utilities, and any portions of the PROJECT, at or adjacent to the Site which are not designated for removal. If required by the Project Manager or any authorities having or claiming jurisdiction, the DESIGN‐ BUILDER shall restore damaged or temporarily relocated utilities and affected areas to a condition equal to or better than they were prior to such damage or temporary relocation.
PROTECTION OF EXISTING FACILITIES. Consultant shall take commercially reasonable precautions to protect existing equipment and facilities, and avoid interference with Company’s operations. Consultant shall not remove or alter any part of the existing structures, equipment or facilities without the prior knowledge and consent of Company.