TEMPORARY PROTECTION. A. Provide temporary bracing, shoring, needling and support during demolition, cutting, remodeling and related new construction as necessary for the execution of the Work and the protection of persons and property. B. Provide protective coverings and enclosures necessary to prevent damage to existing spaces and materials to remain. C. Provide dustproof temporary enclosures separating areas under demolition and remodeling from the remainder of the building.
TEMPORARY PROTECTION. The Vendor shall: Conduct demolition operations in such manner as to prevent injury to people and damage to adjacent buildings and facilities that will remain, and ensure safe passage of people around selective demolition area; Erect temporary protection, such as walks, fences, canopies, and covered passageways, where required by authorities having jurisdiction; Protect existing site improvements, appurtenances, and landscaping that will remain; Provide temporary weather protection, during interval between demolition and removal of existing construction, on exterior surfaces and new construction to ensure that no water leakage or damage occurs to structure or interior areas; Protect walls, ceilings, floors, and other existing finish work that are to remain and are exposed during demolition operations; Cover and protect furniture, furnishings, and equipment that have not been removed.
TEMPORARY PROTECTION. We will pay for the temporary protection of Your property covered by this Section after a Burglary or an attempted Burglary. You must need such protection and the costs must be reasonable. OPTIONAL EXTENSIONS (Only in force if shown on the Schedule). Theft This Section is extended to cover accidental loss or damage caused by theft except theft of Your Stock when Your business is open.
TEMPORARY PROTECTION. Costs and expenses incurred by or on behalf of the Insured:
TEMPORARY PROTECTION. All barricades, fencing, gates, signage, lighting required to protect the staff, students and public from the construction work. Perimeter barricades design shall be subject to District approval and shall include painting and regular maintenance. DBE shall also provide protection of adjacent structures, trees, facilities from construction activities.
TEMPORARY PROTECTION. A. Provide suitable Owner-approved temporary protection to prevent the entrance of debris, obstructions, and water infiltration into the building. Provide warning signs to reroute personnel around areas of dangerous work. Place warning barriers at roof perimeters and at deck openings. Clearly label temporary covers over deck openings. Do not permit openings to remain unprotected overnight. Schedule operations to allow for completion of new roofing over a predetermined area of roof within a day's work. Use special care to avoid damaging existing roofing and flashing when working on the roof of the building. B. Provide temporary tie-ins between existing and new roof systems as specified and detailed. Tie-in construction shall completely prevent interior leaks, migration of moisture from existing to new construction and damage of any type to the facilities. Provide necessary quality control at tie-ins on a daily basis to prevent leaks. C. Avoid traffic on completed roof areas. Coordinate work to prevent this situation. Should temporary access be required, provide temporary substrate protection for trafficked areas. D. Protect materials scheduled for reuse from damage by placing them in labeled containers or wrappings stored in a weathertight trailer. E. Provide temporary protection such as plywood and tarps for streets, drives, curbs, sidewalks, landscaping, and existing exterior improvements during all phases of the project.
TEMPORARY PROTECTION. Erect temporary protection, such as walks, fences, railings, canopies, and covered passageways, where required by authorities having jurisdiction and as indicated. Comply with requirements in Division 01 Section "Temporary Facilities and Controls." 1. Protect adjacent buildings and facilities from damage due to demolition activities. 2. Protect existing site improvements, appurtenances, and landscaping to remain. 3. Erect a plainly visible fence around drip line of individual trees or around perimeter drip line of groups of trees to remain. 4. Provide temporary barricades and other protection required to prevent injury to people and damage to adjacent buildings and facilities to remain. 5. Provide protection to ensure safe passage of people around building demolition area and to and from occupied portions of adjacent buildings and structures.
TEMPORARY PROTECTION. Provide temporary barricades and other protection required to prevent injury to people and damage to adjacent buildings and facilities to remain.
TEMPORARY PROTECTION of Traffic (TP&DT) (Contingency) See Contingency Fee Summary Table in Amendment No. 1, Exhibit B for details.


  • Temporary Promotions In cases of prolonged absence from duty, vacancy of an approved position, or other emergencies, the appointing authority with the consent of the Director of Human Resources or designee may, in writing, temporarily promote a Regular Hire employee when such employee is regularly required to substantially perform the full duties of a budgeted position within a higher classification for a period in excess of ten (10) days. In such cases, the employee shall be paid for all hours in paid status at the rate on the salary range of the higher classification that is closest to, but not less than five percent (5%) above his or her base hourly rate in the classification in which he/she holds regular status at the time he/she is temporarily promoted. All increases shall be rounded to the nearest whole percentage using regular rounding rules. In no event shall an employee in a temporary promotion receive more than the top step of the higher classification into which the employee is temporarily promoted. If the full time status of the classification into which the employee temporarily promotes is different from the classification in which he/she holds regular status (e.g., an employee in a classification that is 37.5 hours full time per week temporarily promotes to a classification that is 40 hours per week full time, or vice versa), the employee will continue to work the scheduled hours of his/her Regular Hire classification. An employee’s eligibility for overtime and leave accrual shall be pursuant to his/her regular classification. An employee must meet the minimum qualifications for the job class to which he/she is being temporarily promoted and must have completed the first six (6) months of his or her initial probationary period with the County. The appointing authority will notify all department employees of temporary promotional opportunities and will allow department employees five

  • Temporary Policies Registry Operator shall comply with and implement all specifications or policies established by the Board on a temporary basis, if adopted by the Board by a vote of at least two-­‐thirds of its members, so long as the Board reasonably determines that such modifications or amendments are justified and that immediate temporary establishment of a specification or policy on the subject is necessary to maintain the stability or security of Registry Services or the DNS (“Temporary Policies”). 2.1. Such proposed specification or policy shall be as narrowly tailored as feasible to achieve those objectives. In establishing any Temporary Policy, the Board shall state the period of time for which the Temporary Policy is adopted and shall immediately implement the Consensus Policy development process set forth in ICANN’s Bylaws.

  • Temporary Promotion A. A regular, probationary or limited-term employee who is assigned on a temporary basis to a higher level vacant regular or limited-term position shall be promoted on a temporary basis to that class when such employee has been assigned to the higher class for one hundred twenty (120) consecutive regularly scheduled hours of work and the employee has been performing all of the significant duties and responsibilities of the higher class, unless the employee requests to be reassigned to his or her former class. At any time before the temporary promotion is made, such employee may request to be reassigned to his or her former class. In such a case, the employee shall be reassigned within five (5) working days. B. An agency/department may, at its option, waive the one hundred twenty (120) hour requirement when it is necessary to utilize a regular, probationary or limited-term employee in a higher level vacant regular or limited-term position for a period that is expected to be at least one hundred twenty (120) regularly scheduled hours but not to exceed eighteen (18) months. C. An employee on temporary promotion shall not be placed on promotional probation. Upon return from temporary promotion, an employee shall serve the remainder of any uncompleted probationary period in the employee's former class and shall have the step status and merit increase eligibility date he or she would have achieved if the employee had remained in the lower class throughout the period of his or her service in the higher class. D. At the end of the employee's assignment to the higher class, the employee shall have the right to return to his or her former class and agency/department. A temporary promotion shall not exceed a period of eighteen (18) months.

  • Temporary Leave Teachers who are members of UTW, at the request of UTW, shall be granted leave to participate in certain UTW activities subject to and in accordance with policies of the Board and administrative guidelines.

  • Temporary Layoffs A. The Employer may initiate a temporary layoff for up to twelve (12) working days per fiscal year. Employees will be given thirty (30) days’ notice before the effective date of a temporary layoff. Employees may request alternative temporary layoff days from their manager or supervisor and any requests will be considered and approved or denied in writing. B. A temporary layoff will not affect an employee’s incremental movement, vacation and sick leave accrual rates, or seniority. C. A temporary layoff is leave without pay. An employee may not use any leave for a temporary layoff day(s).

  • Temporary Layoff The Employer may temporarily layoff an employee for up to ninety (90) days due to an unanticipated loss of funding, revenue shortfall, lack of work, shortage of material or equipment, or other unexpected or unusual reasons. An employee will normally receive seven (7) days notice of a temporary layoff.

  • Temporary A temporary employee is one who is hired for a limited period of time not to exceed sixty (60) days. The Employer agrees not to use temporary employees for the sole purpose of avoiding the filling of permanent full-time positions.

  • Temporary Positions A) The Employer may create regular temporary positions for vacation relief for more than one (1) incumbent for up to six (6) months duration. B) The Employer may create regular temporary project positions (i.e. grant funded, capital projects, pilot projects, or term specific assignments) for up to twelve (12) months’ duration. These positions are not renewable after the end date of the project, unless the Union and Employer agree to renew/extend the time limits. C) These positions will be posted and filled in accordance with Article 17.01-

  • Temporary Upgrade An employee in a temporary upgrade status shall have no right to grieve or arbitrate release from such temporary upgrade status.

  • Temporary Position (i) is a position that the Employer has determined will be in excess of eight