PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVE. The primary purpose of this procedure shall be to obtain at the lowest administrative step, and in the shortest period of time, equitable solutions to grievances, which may arise from time to time. Both the Board and the Association agree that grievance proceedings shall be handled in a confidential manner.
PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVE. What are we going to do?
PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVE. 1. The Parties recognise the economic growth and opportunities provided by electronic commerce, the importance of avoiding barriers to its use and development, and the applicability of relevant WTO rules.
2. The objective of this Chapter is to promote electronic commerce between the Parties, including by encouraging cooperation on electronic commerce.
3. The Parties shall endeavour to ensure that bilateral trade through electronic commerce is no more restricted than other forms of trade.
PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVE. The purpose of this Agreement is to define the terms under which the County will provide road maintenance and debris removal within the public right-of-way, and driveway permitting consultation services on a temporary basis to the City of Spring Branch.
PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVE. 1. The purpose of this Agreement is to provide a favourable arrange ment for facilitating transit traffic through the territories of the States of the Contracting Parties.
2. The Contracting Parties shall take all necessary measures:
(a) For expeditious movement of transit traffic and for the avoidance of unnecessary delays to transit traffic through the territories of their States;
(b) To reduce the cost of transit traffic conducted via the territories of their States; and
(c) To bring about simplification and harmonization of Customs and other relevant documentation and procedures relating to transit traffic through the territories of their States, in accordance with international standards recognized and accepted by the Contracting Parties.
PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVE. The primary purpose of this procedure shall be to obtain at the lowest administrative level and in the shortest period of time, equitable solutions to grievances which may arise from time to time.
PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVE. The purpose and objective of the Commission is:
(a) To promote and facilitate the implementation of the principles, rights and obligations provided for in the present Framework;
(b) To serve as an institutional framework for cooperation among Nile Basin States in the use, development, protection, conservation and management of the Nile River Basin and its waters;
(c) To facilitate closer cooperation among the States and peoples of the Nile River Basin in the social, economic and cultural fields.
PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVE. 1.1 This Agreement is intended to formalise and standardise services provided to State and Territory Emergency Services Agencies, agree on clear allocation of responsibilities of the Australian Government, the States, Territories and local governments for Flood management, Fire Weather management and management of Extreme Weather and Hazard Impact Events.
1.2 This Agreement is entered into to implement the agreed approach for the delivery of the Bureau’s Services to Emergency Services Agencies and includes the development of governance arrangements, Standard Services and Supplementary Services for Fire Weather, Flood, and Extreme Weather and Hazard Impact Events. The Agreement also outlines the agreed responsibilities for forecasting and warning services for Riverine Flooding and Flash Flood.
1.3 This Agreement, through clear articulation of roles and responsibilities, will further strengthen the existing collaborative relationship between the Bureau and Emergency Services Agencies, and help to plan for and manage the impact of Hazard Events for improved community safety outcomes.
1.4 This Agreement does not cover, and does not limit, the provision of services by the Bureau to organisations other than Emergency Services Agencies.
PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVE. The purpose of this JIA is to document the principles guiding the technical and operational work efforts between Pacific and CLEC relative to the implementation of OSS interfaces referenced in the Interconnection Agreement and identified in Section 2.2, Scope.