QUALIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS. Local FSO resources operating within their jurisdiction are responsible for establishing and meeting their own local standards. When being mobilized for extended attack, all equipment and personnel must be certified by the procedures established in this agreement through the IDL. Certification should take place preseason so that any issues can be addressed. It is the responsibility of the FSO Fire Chief, or their designee, to ensure resources meet all minimum requirements. All equipment and personnel training and experience must be certified by the FSO Chief or their designee as meeting the requirements and standards of the agreement. There are two acceptable systems for wildland certification:‌ 1. Skills Crosswalk - Wildland Training for Structural Firefighters (Crosswalk). The Crosswalk recognizes the skills developed through the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) structural fire training and identifies additional wildland fire training needs to meet National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) minimum qualifications. The Crosswalk is designed to facilitate wildland and structural cross training. Currently the Crosswalk is limited to Wildland Firefighter Type 2 (FFT2), Wildland Firefighter Type 1 (FFT1), Engine Boss (ENGB), and Strike Team Leader, Engines (STEN). For detailed information see: xxxxx://xxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxx/training/other/ 2. National Incident Management System Wildland Fire Qualifications System Agreement, PMS 310-1, published by the National Wildfire Coordinating Group. xxxxx://xxx.xxxx.xxx/?q=publications/310-1 A. Position Task Books B. Incident Qualification Cards (Red Cards)
QUALIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS. Local FSO resources operating within their jurisdiction are responsible for establishing and meeting their own local standards. When being mobilized for extended attack, all equipment and personnel must be certified by the procedures established in this agreement through the IDL. Certification should take place preseason so that any issues can be addressed. It is the responsibility of the FSO Fire Chief, or their designee, to ensure resources meet all minimum requirements. All equipment and personnel training and experience must be certified by the FSO Chief or their designee as meeting the requirements and standards of the agreement. 1. Skills Crosswalk - Wildland Training for Structural Firefighters (Crosswalk). The Crosswalk recognizes the skills developed through the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) structural fire training and identifies additional wildland fire training needs to meet National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) minimum qualifications. The Crosswalk is designed to facilitate wildland and structural cross training. Currently the Crosswalk is limited to Wildland Firefighter Type 2 (FFT2), Wildland Firefighter Type 1 (FFT1), Engine Boss (ENGB), and Strike Team Leader, Engines (STEN). For detailed information see: xxxxx://xxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxx/training/other/ 2. National Incident Management System Wildland Fire Qualifications System Agreement, PMS 310-1, published by the National Wildfire Coordinating Group. xxxxx://xxx.xxxx.xxx/?q=publications/310-1 A. Position Task Books B. Incident Qualification Cards (Red Cards) For positions listed in the PMS 310-1 that require an EMS license, i.e. Medical Unit Leader (MEDL), a copy of the cover letter from the Idaho EMS Bureau that grants the licensing and includes the license information shall be provided to IDL when initiating the Position Task Book and updated as necessary.‌‌‌
QUALIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS. Local FSO resources operating within their jurisdiction are responsible for establishing and meeting their own local standards. When being mobilized for extended attack on wildfire incidents, all equipment and personnel must meet and follow the National Xxxxxx Coordinating Group (NWCG) standards. Certification should take place preseason so that any issues can be addressed. It is the responsibility of the FSO Fire Chief, or their designee, to ensure resources meet all minimum requirements. All equipment and personnel training and experience must be certified/verified by the FSO Chief or their designee as meeting the requirements and standards of the agreement. There are Two acceptable systems for wildland certification: 1. National Incident Management System Wildland Fire Qualifications System Agreement, PMS 310-1, published by the National Wildfire Coordinating Group, NWCG Standards for Wildland Fire Position Qualifications | NWCG. 2. Alternative Pathways- Recognition of prior learning (RPL), NWCG position endorsements, and the National Fire Academy (NFA) Structural Fire Skills Crosswalk are methods for attaining NWCG PMS 310-1 positions outside of the qualification pathway through formal processes and recognized programs. Use of these processes and programs are determined by each agency independently and only apply to positions identified in the NWCG PMS 310-1. The use of these alternate pathways ensures the critical knowledge and skills needed to perform on wildland fire incidents is attained while increasing response capacity through a shortened path to qualification. For detailed information see: Alternative Pathways to NWCG Qualification | NWCG
QUALIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS. Reseller agrees to meet the qualification and certification requirements as set forth in this Agreement in Sections 5.8 and 5.9. SALES QUALIFICATIONS (BY PRODUCT GROUP) --------------------------------------- Salespeople 6PESP] Pre-Sales Systems Engineers 6PESP] TECHNICAL CERTIFICATION (BY GROUP) ---------------------------------- Systems Engineers 4[PESP]


  • Qualification Requirements In addition to ITB 13.1, ITB 13.2, and ITB 13.3 (b), the potential bidder must also fulfill the following:- a) The Bidder must be a Manufacturer or an Authorized Dealer or service provider for sales & service continuously from last one- year.

  • Certification Requirements The applicant will provide Vista Laboratories, Inc. with all product information for the evaluation of the product to be certified and warrant that the information provided is accurate and complete so that Vista Labs may perform the services requested. If the product was tested at an external laboratory, the applicant must provide the complete test report to Vista Labs. If the external testing facility is not ISO 17025 accredited, or does not have the proper scope, Vista Labs must determine if the test report can be used for certification activities. The applicant’s information is used to perform a product review and evaluation to determine the product’s compliance to the specific certification requested. Throughout the process, the client agrees to make claims regarding certification consistent with the scope of certification. The applicant agrees to supply the required number of product samples, to be determined by Vista Labs, to the laboratory for testing, measurement, and evaluation purposes. The client understands that certain tests may damage or destroy the sample and acknowledge that Vista Labs is not responsible for such damages. Samples will be returned only upon request by the applicant and at the applicant’s expense, after the completion of certification. Samples will be disposed of after six months if not requested for return by applicant. The product is ineligible for certification if it has been modified by the client after testing or certification. Changes to the product must be approved by Vista Laboratories. Vista Labs reserves the right to re- evaluate the product as a result of information that raises questions concerning the conformance of the product. Certified products maintain fulfilment of product requirements if the certification applies to ongoing production. If the client provides copies of the certification documents to other parties, the documents are reproduced in their entirety, or as specified in the certification scheme. In making reference to its product certification in media, such as brochures or advertisement, the client complies with the requirements of the Vista Labs or as specified by the certification scheme. The client complies with any requirements that may be prescribed in the certification scheme relating to the use of marks of conformity, and on all product correspondences and product related information. Vista Labs reserves the right to revise or withdraw the requirements as required in order to maintain conformance with FCC rules and regulations governing the product. The product may continue with certification and receive certification upon demonstration of compliance with the revised requirements, to the satisfaction of Vista Laboratories.

  • Notification Requirements 1. If the Family Leave is foreseeable, the employee must provide the agency/department with thirty (30) calendar days notice of his or her intent to take Family Leave. 2. If the event necessitating the Family Leave becomes known to the employee less than thirty (30) calendar days prior to the employee's need for Family Leave, the employee must provide as much notice as possible. In no case shall the employee provide notice later than five (5) calendar days after he or she learns of the need for Family Leave. 3. For foreseeable leave due to a qualifying exigency, an employee must provide notice of the need for leave as soon as practicable, regardless of how far in advance such leave is foreseeable. 4. When the Family Leave is for the purpose of the scheduled medical treatment or planned medical care of a child, parent, spouse or registered domestic partner, the employee shall, to the extent practicable, schedule treatment and/or care in a way that minimizes disruption to agency/department operations.

  • Documentation Requirements ODM shall pay the MCP after it receives sufficient documentation, as determined by ODM, detailing the MCP’s Ohio Medicaid-specific liability for the Annual Fee. The MCP shall provide documentation that includes the following: 1. Total premiums reported on IRS Form 8963;

  • Notification Requirement Through and up to the conclusion of the Non-Competition Period, Executive shall give notice to the Company of each new business activity he plans to undertake, at least seven (7) days prior to beginning any such activity. Such notice shall state the name and address of the Person for whom such activity is undertaken and the nature of Executive’s business relationship(s) and position(s) with such Person.

  • Application Requirements This application shall contain, as a minimum, a sketch showing the location of proposed facilities; a description, sketch, manufacturer’s brochure, etc. of the proposed facilities; and a description of the operation proposed. (11-28-90) 101. -- 199. (RESERVED)‌ 200. OPERATIONAL AGREEMENT.‌‌

  • Distribution Requirements Arts 3 A course in history, philosophy, theory, or practice of the creative and interpretive arts.

  • Director Notification Requirement If you are a director, associate director or shadow director of a Singapore company, you are subject to certain notification requirements under the Singapore Companies Act. Among these requirements, you must notify the Singapore subsidiary in writing within two business days of any of the following events: (i) you receive or dispose of an interest (e.g., RSUs or shares of Common Stock) in the Company or any subsidiary of the Company, (ii) any change in a previously-disclosed interest (e.g., forfeiture of RSUs and the sale of shares of Common Stock), or (iii) becoming a director, associate director or a shadow director if you hold such an interest at that time.

  • GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS I understand that in order to graduate from the program and to receive a certificate of completion, diploma or degree I must successfully complete the required number of scheduled clock hours as specified in the catalog and on the Enrollment Agreement, pass all written and practical examinations with a minimum score of 80%, and complete all required clinical hours and satisfy all financial obligations to the College.

  • Information Requirements The Company covenants that, if at any time before the end of the Effectiveness Period the Company is not subject to the reporting requirements of the Exchange Act, it will cooperate with any Holder and take such further reasonable action as any Holder may reasonably request in writing (including, without limitation, making such reasonable representations as any such Holder may reasonably request), all to the extent required from time to time to enable such Holder to sell Registrable Securities without registration under the Securities Act within the limitation of the exemptions provided by Rule 144 and Rule 144A under the Securities Act and customarily taken in connection with sales pursuant to such exemptions. Upon the written request of any Holder, the Company shall deliver to such Holder a written statement as to whether it has complied with such filing requirements, unless such a statement has been included in the Company’s most recent report filed pursuant to Section 13 or Section 15(d) of Exchange Act. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this Section 7 shall be deemed to require the Company to register any of its securities (other than the Common Stock) under any section of the Exchange Act.