Rebar Sample Clauses

Rebar. 2. Welded wire mesh.
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Rebar. WAYNE B. WEISMAN EUROPA INTERNATIXXXX, XXX. BY: ----------------------------------------- NAME: TITLE: KNOLL CAPITAL FUND II MASTER FUND, LTD BY: ----------------------------------------- NAME: TITLE: BRISTOL INVESTMENT FUND, LTD. BY: ----------------------------------------- NAME: TITLE: TAJ VENTURES LLC BY: ----------------------------------------- NAME: TITLE: -------------------------------------------- EDWARD KOVALIK -------------------------------------------- NOAM RUBINSTEIN -------------------------------------------- MOSHE MANA -------------------------------------------- DONALD G. SPRINGER FCC CUST. FBO XXX XXXXX XXX # 0001-7196 BY: ----------------------------------------- NAME: TITLE: CRANSHIRE CAPITAL, LP BY: ----------------------------------------- NAME: TITLE: BB PRIVATE EQUITY N.V. BY: ----------------------------------------- NAME: TITLE: CAPE CAPITAL INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LTD. BY: ----------------------------------------- NAME: TITLE: CAPE CAPITAL INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LTD. BY: ----------------------------------------- NAME: TITLE: PROVIDENTIA HOLDINGS LIMITED BY: ----------------------------------------- NAME: TITLE: DAKOTA GROUP, LTD BY: ----------------------------------------- NAME: TITLE: HILLSWOOD HOLDINGS LIMITED BY: ----------------------------------------- NAME: TITLE: BY PRIMARY MANAGEMENT LIMITED BY: ----------------------------------------- NAME: TITLE: TETLOE LIMITED BY: ----------------------------------------- NAME: TITLE: BIOVISION INC BY: ----------------------------------------- NAME: TITLE: ADVICORP PLC BY: ----------------------------------------- NAME: TITLE: REPUBLIC NOMINEE LIMITED A/C 1955 FOR AND ON BEHALF OF REPUBLIC NOMINEES LIMITED BY: ------------------------------------------- NAME: TITLE: REPUBLIC NOMINEE LIMITED A/C 2548 FOR AND ON BEHALF OF REPUBLIC NOMINEES LIMITED BY: ------------------------------------------- NAME: TITLE: ---------------------------------------------- SAM DRYDEN ---------------------------------------------- JOHN BALDWIN ---------------------------------------------- STUART BRISTER ---------------------------------------------- HUGH D. EVANS ---------------------------------------------- RICHARD GLASS ---------------------------------------------- ERIC KATZ ---------------------------------------------- WILLIAM H. KISSAM ---------------------------------------------- GRANT KLETTER
Rebar specifications
Rebar. Rebar is typically 95 percent recycled content from sources such as old cars and rail- road track, for example. More than 4,300 tons of rebar will be used. Truss and structural steel The specifications for the truss steel do not require a specific recycled content. But al- most all new plates and shapes available have a high recycled content of more than 85 percent. Nearly 2,540 tons of steel will be needed to retrofit the Washington Avenue bridge. Stations, sheet piling and other uses of structural steel, which can include recy- cled steel materials, will account for another 1,185 tons. More Project goes green (continued from page Operation & maintenance facility The project will re-use the Diamond Products building, a vacant former Xxxxxxxx Co. storage facility in Lowertown, for the operations and maintenance facility. By re- using the building, the project will save the cost of producing and delivering more than 12 million pounds of concrete and thousands of pounds of steel. About 50,000 lineal feet of piling supporting the existing floor and roof-support columns will re- main in place. Storm water Storm water will be managed using best-management practices, including use of in- filtration trenches, which are rock-filled trenches to be built under curbs and boule- vards along most of University Avenue. Storm water runoff is stored in the voids of the rock-filled trenches and slowly infiltrates through the bottom and into the soil, increasing groundwater recharge. Pollution is also filtered through the soil through this process. Storm water will be managed in other areas of the project through the use of rain gardens and underground infiltration pipe systems. LED lighting LED lighting will be used throughout the 18 new light rail stations. LED stands for light-emitting diode. LEDs are small light sources that become illuminated by the movement of electrons through a semiconductor material. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates the rapid adoption of LED lighting in the United States over the next 20 years can deliver savings of about $265 billion, avoid the need for 40 new power plants and reduce lighting electricity demand by 33 percent in 2027.
Rebar. Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 1, of the Plat of Medical Tech Park Minor Subdivision, the Point of Beginning; thence S1°36'05"W, a distance of 420.64 feet; thence N88°50'52"W, a distance of 1242.18 feet; thence N1°35'06"E, a distance of 80.00 feet; thence S88°50'52"E , a distance of 60.00 feet; thence N1°35'09"E a distance of 345.16 feet; thence S88°37'43"E, a distance of 1182.27 feet to the Point of Beginning; the parcel described above contains 11.59 Acres, as platted. The above described tracts of land are to be known and designated as the Amended Plat of Lot 2 of the Medical Tech Park Minor Subdivision, Cascade County, Montana, and the lands included in all roads, avenues, alleys, and parks or public squares shown on said plat are hereby granted and donated to the use of the public forever.
Rebar. The supply and installation of reinforcing materials to the site with the types, lengths, diameters and degrees of strength required to ensure proper implementation of the reinforcing work and with the least possible connections. It shall be required before commencing with the armament works, knowing that the approval does not absolve the contractor from bearing full responsibility for the armament works. Also, the reinforcing materials must be cleaned of rust and any other materials, and the armaments should be installed and fixed in their correct positions and linked well using binding wires, supports, chairs and spacers. It is forbidden to pour concrete before taking the engineer’s written approval, and all work must be done according to the specifications and instructions of the supervising engineer. Framework-: The brickwork must exactly match the dimensions and shapes required according to the concrete that will be poured into it, according to the detailed plans. That the slabs of bricks are adjacent to each other, so that the sump does not leak from them. The contractor is solely responsible for the safety of the block and for every malfunction and damage that may occur as a result of not bearing it. The supervising engineer has the right to inspect the block and request additional supports or ties if he deems it necessary, but this does not absolve the contractor from full responsibility for the safety of the block and the engineer is not responsible for any Malfunction or damage caused. In all cases, the surface of the block must be flat, free of corrugation and close together so as to prevent the flow of the slurry from it. The vertical supports must be of sufficient number and sections to bear the loads that fall on them and in the form that the contractor deems fit, provided that the supervising engineer approves them. The contractor shall ensure the work of sturdy and wide scaffolding and walkways of wood to ensure the progress of work and the carts to transport the concrete during pouring without causing any damage to the rebar or changing its position. The brickwork must be completely cleaned before starting to pour the concrete, and the necessary arrangement must be made for this in the work of the walls and columns by leaving suitable holes for the cleaning process, and the brickwork must be sprayed with water well before starting to pour the concrete. The brickwork must be made for reinforced concrete in parts that can be dismantled each ...

Related to Rebar

  • FLOORING All Bed Rooms, Dinning-cum-Living, and would be finished with Ivory Vitrified tiles (24'' X 24'') flooring and 4'' skirting. Bath-room, Kitchen & Balcony would be finished with Ivory Ceramic tiles (12'' X 12'') flooring. The walls of the Toilets/Bathrooms would finish with white glazed tiles in 60'' height. Roof would be finished with roof tiles.

  • Underground Tanks If underground or other storage tanks storing Hazardous Materials located on the Premises or the Project are used by Tenant or are hereafter placed on the Premises or the Project by Tenant, Tenant shall install, use, monitor, operate, maintain, upgrade and manage such storage tanks, maintain appropriate records, obtain and maintain appropriate insurance, implement reporting procedures, properly close any underground storage tanks, and take or cause to be taken all other actions necessary or required under applicable state and federal Legal Requirements, as such now exists or may hereafter be adopted or amended in connection with the installation, use, maintenance, management, operation, upgrading and closure of such storage tanks.

  • Ceiling Company and its subcontractors will not affix, attach, or suspend any lighting fixtures, signs, or other fixtures or devices of any kind or nature from the ceiling above any of the Premises without the prior written approval of Authority.

  • Underground Storage Tanks In accordance with the requirements of Section 3(g) of the D.C. Underground Storage Tank Management Act of 1990, as amended by the District of Columbia Underground Storage Tank Management Act of 1990 Amendment Act of 1992 (D.C. Code § 8-113.01, et seq.) (collectively, the “UST Act”) and the applicable D.C. Underground Storage Tank Regulations, 20 DCMR Chapter 56 (the “UST Regulations”), District hereby informs the Developer that it has no knowledge of the existence or removal during its ownership of the Property of any “underground storage tanks” (as defined in the UST Act). Information pertaining to underground storage tanks and underground storage tank removals of which the D.C. Government has received notification is on file with the District Department of the Environment, Underground Storage Tank Branch, 00 X Xxxxxx, X.X., Xxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx, X.X., 00000, telephone (000) 000-0000. District’s knowledge for purposes of this Section shall mean and be limited to the actual knowledge of Xxxxxx Xxxxx, Property Acquisition and Disposition Division of the Department of Housing and Community Development, telephone no. (000) 000-0000. The foregoing is set forth pursuant to requirements contained in the UST Act and UST Regulations and does not constitute a representation or warranty by District.

  • Name of Building Tenant shall not use the name of the Building for any purpose other than as the address of the business conducted by Tenant in the Premises without the written consent of Landlord. Landlord reserves the right to change the name of the Building at any time in its sole discretion by written notice to Tenant and Landlord shall not be liable to Tenant for any loss, cost or expense on account of any such change of name.

  • Walls 12 Developer shall provide rustication patterns on all walls, except drainage headwalls, in Aesthetic 13 Area 3 in accordance with Exhibit L2.24 of the LAADCR. The final designs shall resemble these 14 simulations.

  • Monument Signage Tenant shall have the right to have its logo listed on the monument sign for the Building (the “Monument Sign”), subject to the terms of this Section 23. The design, size and color of Tenant’s signage with Tenant’s logo to be included on the Monument Sign, and the manner in which it is attached to the Monument Sign, shall comply with all Applicable Laws and shall be subject to the reasonable approval of Landlord and any applicable governmental authorities. Landlord reserves the right to withhold consent to any signage that, in the reasonable judgment of Landlord, is not harmonious with the design standards of the Building and Monument Sign. Landlord shall have the right to require that all names or logos on the Monument Sign be of the same size and style. Tenant must obtain Landlord’s written consent to any proposed signage and lettering or logo design prior to its fabrication and installation. The location of Tenant’s logo on the Monument Sign shall be subject to Landlord’s reasonable approval. To obtain Landlord’s consent, Tenant shall submit design drawings to Landlord showing the type and sizes of all lettering; the colors, finishes and types of materials used; and (if applicable and Landlord consents in its reasonable discretion) any provisions for illumination. Although the Monument Sign will be maintained by Landlord, Tenant shall pay its proportionate share of the cost of any maintenance and repair associated with the Monument Sign. Tenant’s signage on the Monument Sign shall be designed, constructed, installed, insured, maintained, repaired and removed from the Monument Sign all at Tenant’s sole risk, cost and expense. Landlord shall be responsible for the maintenance, repair or replacement of Tenant’s signage on the Monument Sign, the cost of which shall be included in Operating Expenses. Landlord may, at any time during the Term (or any extension thereof), upon five (5) business days prior written notice to Tenant, relocate the position of Tenant’s signage on the Monument Sign (provided that if Tenant is the sole tenant on the monument sign, Landlord shall make no such relocation without Tenant’s prior written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld) without materially impairing its visibility. The cost of such relocation shall be at the cost and expense of Landlord. The rights provided in this Section 23 shall be non-transferable unless otherwise agreed by Landlord in writing in its sole discretion.

  • Floor Load Tenant shall not place a load upon any floor of the Premises that exceeds 50 pounds per square foot “live load”. Landlord reserves the right to reasonably designate the position of all Equipment which Tenant wishes to place within the Premises, and to place limitations on the weight thereof.

  • Ceilings 13.1 Lambdaboard ceilings, minimum 25mm thick with a width of 1220mm x 1800mm, skimmed with Plascon EZ Joint and EZ Skim system.

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