Recall Procedure (a) A laid-off faculty member shall be offered reemployment when a vacancy becomes available for which the bargaining unit member is qualified. A faculty member will be recalled according to the principles of last laid off/first recalled, provided the faculty member is qualified to perform the duties of the position to be filled. (b) Faculty members being recalled shall be notified by mail, e-mail, and telephone to their last known address and shall have fifteen (15) working days from the date of delivery confirmation to respond affirmatively in writing. It shall be the faculty member’s responsibility to provide the College with a current address and make appropriate arrangements for forwarding receipt of mail if the faculty member will be away from their address for more than five (5) calendar days. (c) If the faculty member fails to accept the recall in writing to the College within fifteen (15) working days from the date the delivery of recall notification was confirmed, the faculty member shall be removed from the recall list and the College shall have no further obligation to the faculty member. The faculty member who has been laid-off shall remain on a recall list for two (2) years after layoff. (d) A faculty member who is laid off shall not be considered to have broken continuous service with the College, but shall not accumulate any additional service time during the period of layoff. During the recall period, the faculty member’s compensation, including benefits, shall cease, but shall be reinstated when recalled with the following exceptions: (i) Medical/Dental/Vision Insurance: COBRA will apply. (ii) Sick Leave: Faculty will retain accrued sick leave but will not accrue additional leave during the period of layoff. Sick leave may not be applied during the lay off period.
Operational Procedures In order to minimize operational problems, it will be necessary for trade information to be supplied in a secure manner by the Subadviser to the Fund’s Service Providers, including: JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association (the “Custodian”), Virtus Fund Services (the “Fund Administrator”) BNY Mellon Investment Servicing (US) Inc., (the “Sub-Accounting Agent”), any Prime Broker to the Series, and all other Counterparties/Brokers as required. The Subadviser must furnish the Fund’s service providers with required daily information as to executed trades in a format and time-frame agreed to by the Subadviser, Custodian, Fund Administrator, Sub-Accounting Agent and Prime Broker/Counterparties and designated persons of the Fund. Trade information sent to the Custodian, Fund Administrator, Sub-Accounting Agent and Prime Broker/Counterparties must include all necessary data within the required timeframes to allow such parties to perform their obligations to the Series. The Sub-Accounting Agent specifically requires a daily trade blotter with a summary of all trades, in addition to trade feeds, including, if no trades are executed, a report to that effect. Daily information as to executed trades for same-day settlement and future trades must be sent to the Sub-Accounting Agent no later than 4:30 p.m. (Eastern Time) on the day of the trade each day the Fund is open for business. All other executed trades must be delivered to the Sub-Accounting Agent on Trade Date plus 1 by Noon (Eastern Time) to ensure that they are part of the Series’ NAV calculation. (The Subadviser will be responsible for reimbursement to the Fund for any loss caused by the Subadviser’s failure to comply with the requirements of this Schedule A.) On fiscal quarter ends and calendar quarter ends, all trades must be delivered to the Sub-Accounting Agent by 4:30 p.m. (Eastern Time) for inclusion in the financial statements of the Series. The data to be sent to the Sub-Accounting Agent and/or Fund Administrator will be as agreed by the Subadviser, Fund Administrator, Sub-Accounting Agent and designated persons of the Fund and shall include (without limitation) the following:
Layoff Procedures Layoffs shall be administered pursuant as follows: An employee with permanent seniority in class shall have the right to displace an employee with less permanent seniority in the same class in any department. All bumping and displacement shall first occur within the department that affected the layoff in question prior to City-wide bumping.