Right of Recall. Laid-off staff members shall retain a right of recall, for a period of twelve (12) months after layoff, to term or regular positions at the same or lower salary grade for which they are qualified and capable of doing the work after a reasonable period of familiarization. Subject to the foregoing and bona fide operational requirements, recall shall be offered first in order of service to positions doing substantially the same work at the same salary grade and then if the position remains unfilled, on the basis of service.
(i) A staff member may only decline recall to a position at a lower salary grade, a reduced FTE, or to a term position and remain on the recall list.
(ii) Where the staff member accepts a term position the staff member can elect severance under Article 26.07 at the expiry of the term appointment in which case the severance pay will be calculated based on the service and salary of the staff member at the time of initial layoff.
(iii) A staff member recalled to a term position may elect, upon the expiry of the term appointment, to remain on the recall list. Time spent working in a term position will not be counted as time on the recall list.
Right of Recall. Employees who have elected lay-off with the right of recall shall retain their seniority status and have the right of recall for a period of one year from the date of lay-off.
Right of Recall. 34.10.1 Employees who are laid off shall have, for a period of one (1) year, a right of recall for any and all work for which they are qualified in the bargaining unit.
34.10.2 Employees who are laid off shall have, for a period of three (3) years, a right of recall for any position in their former department, unless OC can demonstrate that the position is so specialized that it cannot be filled by the laid-off employee or by a re-arrangement of the duties of other members of the department.
34.10.3 In cases where an employee is recalled to a position in the bargaining unit in accordance with section 34.10.2 he or she shall return to no less than the seniority and salary step he or she held at the time of lay-off. Years of service toward consideration for completion of probation, Extended Study Leave, and other periods of eligibility shall be no less than at the time of lay-off.
Right of Recall. (1) Teachers declared redundant in accordance with Article 11.01 will be placed on a list, Secondary Recall, in the order of their placement on the Secondary seniority list. A teacher on the Secondary recall list will be rehired in order of seniority provided that the teacher has the required qualifications to fill the position or will become qualified prior to the commencement of the teaching position. In the event that the Board plans to recall a teacher who is not the most senior teacher on the recall list, by reason of qualification or available timetable, the Board and the Branch Affiliate shall meet to determine whether the situation can be mitigated in favour of a senior teacher by restructuring of proposed timetables in a manner that maintains course availability. If such is the case the Parties undertake to effect such timetable restructuring as is necessary.
(2) Subject to the provisions of article 11.03 (4), any teaching position which becomes available will be offered to teachers on the recall list by verbal contact on the condition that they provide the Superintendent of Education or designate with an address and telephone number where they can be reached if other than their regular address and telephone number. They will be given 24 hours to accept or reject the position. If a teacher cannot be contacted verbally, a registered letter will be forwarded to his/her last address known to the Board. The teacher will be expected to advise the Board of his/her acceptance of the position within ten (10) calendar days of the mailing of the registered letter.
Right of Recall. (a) When a position becomes available, the job will be posted in accordance with Article
Right of Recall. 37.01 Teachers declared redundant in accordance with Article 36 shall be placed on a recall list in order of their placement on the seniority list. In accordance with Part “A”, Article 12, the number of years of recall has increased from 2 years to 4 years in Article 37.09.
37.02 For the purposes of recall procedure, “qualified” shall be defined as those qualifications required by the Education Act and its regulations and in accordance with the requirements of the Ontario College of Teachers.
37.03 When making new appointments to the staff, the Board shall first offer these positions to those who were released because of redundancy. Such offer shall be made to the redundant Teacher who has the greatest seniority and who is qualified or commits to becoming qualified prior to the start of the school year.
37.04 If a Teacher who is already so qualified refuses the position offered, it shall be offered to the Teacher with the next greatest seniority who is either qualified or who commits to becoming qualified in accordance with 37.03.
37.05 A Teacher on the recall list who refuses a position offered shall not forfeit their right to recall or their position on the recall list.
37.06 Teaching positions which become available shall be offered to Teachers on the recall list by verbal contact on the condition that they provide the Board with an address and telephone number where they can be reached if other than their regular address and telephone number.
37.07 If a Teacher cannot be contacted verbally, a registered letter shall be forwarded to the Teacher’s last address known to the Board. The Teacher will be expected to advise the Board of confirmation of the position within ten (10) calendar days of the mailing of the registered letter.
37.08 If a Teacher accepts a part-time position because a full-time position is not available, that Teacher shall be offered the first full-time position that becomes available for which the Teacher is qualified or can become qualified pursuant to 37.03.
37.09 Teachers shall be on the recall list for a period of two (2) years from the date of termination of employment.
Right of Recall. All laid off Employees shall have recall rights for two years subsequent to layoff and shall have a right of first refusal in order of seniority over new appointments for which he/she is qualified during this two-year period.
Right of Recall a list of laid off employees shall be maintained, by seniority date and job classification in which the employee was assigned at the time of layoff. A laid-off employee shall have a conditional right of recall to a vacancy in the job classification from which the employee was laid off for the 12 month period following the effective date of his or her layoff. Laid-off employees are responsible for keeping the Company apprised of their current home addresses (no P. O. boxes) and telephone numbers.
Right of Recall. A list of laid off employees shall be maintained, by seniority date and job classification in which the employee was assigned at the time of layoff. A laid-off employee shall have a conditional right of recall to a vacancy in the job classification from which the employee was laid off for the 12 month period following the effective date of his or her layoff. Laid-off employees are responsible for keeping the Company apprised of their current home addresses (no P.O. boxes) and telephone numbers.
27.3.1 In the event an opening arises in a job classification in which an employee has the right of recall, before the Company fills the position with a new hire or a promotion, the Company will offer the position in seniority order to the laid-off employee if, in the judgment of the Company, he or she is then fully qualified without additional training to perform all of the duties of the open position. The offer will be sent by overnight delivery to the employee’s most recent address of record. The employee must accept the offer in writing within 10 calendar days of delivery, and report for work as soon thereafter as instructed to. If an employee fails to respond to the offer without good cause, or declines the offer, his or her right of recall shall be forfeited.
27.3.2 A recalled employee who accepts a recall offer and is reemployed will receive seniority credit for the period of the layoff. A recalled employee will receive the same basic rate of pay that he or she was receiving at the time of his or her lay-off. As a condition to reemployment, the employee must tender back the prorated portion of any termination pay he or she received that is derived by dividing the number of weeks remaining in the recall period at the time the employee is to be reemployed by 52, and by then multiplying that fraction times the termination pay received to determine the amount of money that must be tendered back.
27.3.3 In the event the Company acquires employees from another company or companies in connection with either the purchase of the physical properties of such other company (ies) or of the consolidation or merger of such other company (ies) with the Company, the placement of such employees on the Company’s payroll shall take precedence over any rights of recall.
Right of Recall a. When a position on the staff of the District becomes available, the Board shall recall the employee who has the most seniority among those laid off, provided that the employee possesses the necessary qualifications for the available position. If that employee declines recall, the Board shall recall the employee with the next greatest seniority and the necessary qualifications, and this process shall be repeated until the position is filled. All positions shall be filled in this manner while there are laid off employees who have recall rights.
b. It shall be the responsibility of each employee to keep the Board informed of changes of name, address, phone numbers, qualifications, and experience.
c. The Board shall make reasonable attempts by phone and email to communicate with employees on recall regarding available positions prior to an offer being made. All offers shall be finalized in writing, and shall be sufficient when given by their School District email, personal delivery, or letter mailed through Canada Post and addressed to the party receiving such offers at the address they have provided to the Board in writing. Such offers shall be effective as of the date of such personal delivery or email or on the third day following the date of such mailing.
d. An employee who is recalled pursuant to Article C.24.3.a shall inform the Board whether or not the recall is accepted within forty-eight (48) hours of the effective date of recall notice.
e. The Board shall allow ten (10) days, if necessary, from an acceptance of recall under Article C.24.3.c for the employee to commence duties, provided that where the employee is required to give a longer period of notice to another employer, such longer period may be allowed.
f. An employee’s right to recall is lost if:
i. The employee elects to receive severance pay within thirty (30) months of the layoff; or
ii. The employee refuses to accept two (2) positions for which they possess the necessary qualifications; or
iii. Three (3) years have elapsed from the date of layoff; or,
iv. The employee has accepted a continuing contract of employment in another school district.
g. An employee on a continuing contract of employment who accepts a position less than their owed FTE shall continue to have the right of recall to their owed FTE and shall be offered a suitable position at that FTE, in order of seniority, as soon as a suitable position becomes available. There shall be no limitations on this right to recall up to...