SENIORITY AND QUALIFICATIONS. When seniority is invoked by an employee, qualifications for performing the work claimed shall be one of the determining factors in establishing such rights. Should an issue arise regarding the application of seniority where employees are hired on the same day, the last four digits of the employee's social security number (on record with the Employer) shall be used as the impartial tie breaker with the highest number designating the senior employee.
SENIORITY AND QUALIFICATIONS. When seniority is invoked by an employee, qualifications for performing the work claimed shall be one of the determining factors in establishing such rights. Should an issue arise regarding the application of seniority where employees are hired on the same day, the last four digits of the employee's social security number (on record with the Employer) shall be used as the impartial tie breaker with the highest number designating the senior employee. It is not the intent of this Article to allow selection by the employee of job assignments or specific hours of duty. Neither shall part-time jobs be created for the purpose of destroying the eight-hour day or the forty-hour week principle.
SENIORITY AND QUALIFICATIONS. When seniority is invoked by an employee, qualifications for performing the work claimed shall be one of the determining factors in establishing such rights. Should an issue arise regarding the application of seniority where employees are hired on the same day, the last four digits of the employee's social security number (on record with the Employer) shall be used as the impartial tie breaker with the highest number designating the senior employee. It is not the intent of this Article to allow selection by the employee of job assignments or specific hours of duty. The employee declaration of the "available" or "self-restricted" list does not allow selection of job assignment or specific hours. Neither shall part-time jobs be created for the purpose of destroying the eight-hour day or the forty-hour week principle.
1. The Company will maintain a list of welders in Department 270W who are qualified to work on car repairs. The list will be available for review on request.
2. If a welder in Department 270W whose name does not appear on the list of qualified employees and who has at least five (5) years’ seniority wishes to satisfy the Company that he is qualified to perform welding work on car repairs, he may so indicate in writing on a list to be provided by the Company.
3. In the event that the Company requires at least six (6) welders to work on car repairs, the Company will assign up to two (2) active employees of the number required who have indicated their interest in writing, on the basis of seniority, to work on car repairs for at least sixteen (16) hours in order to enable the employee to satisfy the Company that he is qualified to perform welding work on car repairs.
4. In the event that an employee, after working on car repairs for sixteen (16) hours, demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Company that he is qualified to perform welding work on car repairs, the Company will add his name to the list of welders qualified to work on car repairs in the event that such work is required.
5. If the Company determines that an employee who has been assigned to work on car repairs to demonstrate his qualifications will not be able to do so within sixteen (16) hours, the Company will remove him from car repairs.
6. An employee may only attempt to demonstrate his qualifications once in each twelve (12) months. This letter does not form part of the Collective Agreement and shall be neither grievable nor arbitrable. X. Xxxxxxx, C. O. O. S. Xxxxxx, President
SENIORITY AND QUALIFICATIONS. All appointments, promotions and transfers shall be made on the basis of seniority provided the employee has the required skill, ability and qualifications for the position, save and accept for the position of the Assistant Director. For positions of Assistant Director, vacancies and promotions will be filled based on the following factors:
a) skill, competence and efficiency;
b) seniority When, in the judgment of the Employer, the qualifications in factor (a) are relatively equal, seniority shall govern. Such judgment shall be made in a fair, impartial, and consistent manner.
SENIORITY AND QUALIFICATIONS. In applying the principle of seniority as set forth in the following provisions of this Article, seniority shall be the determining factor so long as the factors of safety, efficien- cy, aptitude and ability to do the job are approximately equal among the affected Employees.
(a) Instructors shall accrue seniority from the date of hire into a permanent position or after 24 continuous calendar months (including summer, Christmas and March break inactive periods) in an occasional position. After 24 consecutive months in an occasional position, the instructor shall be considered permanent and his/her seniority shall be backdated to the date of the original appointment. A long term Occasional Instructor who obtains a permanent position while in an occasional position with no break in service with the Board, shall have their seniority back dated to the start of the LTO assignment.
(b) Seniority provisions for Continuing Education Instructors shall be distinct from seniority provisions for secondary school teachers employed by the Lakehead District School Board under the Education Act Teachers’ Bargaining Xxxx, Xxxxxxxx 0X, and such seniority shall not be impacted by the amalgamation of the Continuing Education Instructors Bargaining Unit and the Education Act Teachers’ Bargaining Xxxx, Xxxxxxxx 0X.
(c) Seniority rights shall be determined by continuous employment with Lakehead District School Board in this bargaining unit as per 11.01 (a).
(d) Should two or more instructors of this bargaining unit experience the same date of hire into a permanent position within the Bargaining Unit, the tie shall be broken in the following priority order:
(i) aggregate experience within the Bargaining Unit (i.
SENIORITY AND QUALIFICATIONS. A. Length of service is defined as the total full time equated active service to the District. Time spent on leave or lay-off will not count toward the total years of active service to the District. Employees on uniformed services leave, and employees required to provide services during a declared national emergency with Board approval, will continue to accrue seniority. Any teacher who terminates or is terminated loses his/her seniority unless the teacher is reinstated.
B. The Superintendent or designee shall provide the Association President with the following information no later than April 15:
1. A seniority list (by rank order)
2. A list of all bargaining unit employees, including date of hire, certification, c r e d e n t i a l s , endorsements, highly qualified content area(s), and majors and minors, in that order, depending on AS400 programming capabilities. This list will be updated annually and sent to the Association
C. Qualified teachers shall be defined as follows:
1. Teachers who have earned a provisional, permanent, or professional education certificate in the required subject area, and who have
2. a. Complied with all certification and continuing education requirements as promulgated by the Michigan Department of Education.
SENIORITY AND QUALIFICATIONS. A. The term “seniority” as used in this Agreement shall be the length of continuous service with the District and in a position which is included in this bargaining unit.
B. For purposes of this Agreement, the term “qualifications” shall be defined to mean meeting all applicable “highly qualified” pursuant to state standards.
C. The teacher must satisfy State of Michigan certification and accreditation requirements as revised and/or amended.
SENIORITY AND QUALIFICATIONS. Parties agree that seniority and qualifications shall be the determining factors in lay-off and recalls. Those qualified employees lowest in seniority shall be the first to be laid off and the last to be recalled.