Red Circle Rates. A red circle rate is a salary rate above the maximum of the salary range for a class or sub-range for a skill level which may be granted by the President when an employee moves to a class or skill level with a lower salary range.
Red Circle Rates. No employee will suffer any reduction in their rate of pay as a result of the implementation of this Agreement.
Red Circle Rates. It is agreed that where red-circle rates exist they will continue to exist while the employee is employed in that specific job classification and, in addition, will receive the negotiated wage increases.
Red Circle Rates. (a) A Red Circle Rate is a rate which has been established for an employee in a job classification by agreement of the Parties at a level higher than that indicated in Exhibit A.
(b) Employees with Red Circle Rates will be eligible for COLA increases as provided for in Section 9. of this Article.
(c) The following practices will apply to employees with Red Circle Rates:
1. If a job is changed so that the provisions of Article XVII, Section 9., regarding Formality Bidding apply, any employee exercising such a bid will retain his Red Circle Rate.
2. Any employee who bumps into, bids into, displaces an employee within, or requests a job within his own job classification as provided under Article XVII, Sections 3., 7., and 8. shall retain his own Red Circle Rate.
3. Temporary layoffs or recalls will not terminate Red Circle Rates.
4. The Company agrees that it will not recall, layoff, or otherwise change the status of an employee for the purpose of eliminating a Red Circle Rate exclusively.
5. The applicable hourly rate shall include the Red Circle Rate.
Red Circle Rates. SENIORITY only to apply to current employees as named below and not new employees. List of names is ranked in order of seniority. Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxx
Red Circle Rates. (a) For the life of this collective agreement employees who are red circled will receive a monthly payment of $75.00 while they are red circled. Such premium will be retroactive to January 1, 2012.
(b) At the end of the year red circled employees provided they are on the payroll at November 30 will receive a bonus of $600 per year payable by January 30 of the following year.
(c) Red circle employees will keep their rate of pay, premiums and bonuses for the length of the agreement regardless of where he works. The only time a red circle employee will lose this protection is if he voluntarily posts to another position.
Red Circle Rates. 208 Any “Red Circle Rates” after the effective date of this Agreement shall be determined mutually. Employees “Red Circled” shall have their rates frozen until such time as the new rates surpass the “red circle” rates.
Red Circle Rates. A. For purposes of this Agreement, the term red circle rate shall mean that any employee hired prior to March 7, 2007 who has a rate that is higher than the new progression rate for his job will maintain his current rate and remain “red-circled” until the new progression rate for his job is greater than his “red-circled” rate, or the employee moves into a job with a rate higher than his “red-circled” rate.
B. In the event of an involuntary layoff, if an employee hired prior to March 7, 2007 is called back, he/she will be placed under the “red-circled” rate in effect for that job. If an employee is involuntarily moved down due to a reduction in the workforce or discontinued job to a job that compensates with a “red-circled” rate, he/she will be compensated by the “red-circled” rate of the job to which the employee is moved.
C. If a current employee hired prior to March 7, 2007 bids within his rate group he will not be paid less than the red circled rates for any job, so long as those red circled rates are applicable for that particular job in the rate group. If a current employee hired prior to March 7, 2007 with a “red- circled” rate bids out of his rate group and down, he will be paid the rate of the new classification.
D. If an employee hired prior to March 7, 2007 promotes in his job sequence to a higher level job, the employee will receive either the new progression rate or his “red-circled” rate, whichever is higher.
X. Xx employee hired prior to March 7, 2007 who is disqualified during one of the trial periods set forth in Paragraph 9.7 C 5(C) of this Agreement shall retain his/her “red-circled” rate and shall be returned to his/her former job. An employee hired prior to March 7, 2007 who is disqualified because he/she is unable to do the job through no fault of his/her own shall retain his/her “red-circled” rate. Any other disqualification which results in redeployment to another job, the employee will receive either his/her current red-circled rate, or the red-circled rate of the new job, whichever is lower.
Red Circle Rates. It agreed that no further Red Circle Rates will be implemented without the consent of the Union advance. In this section Union means Area Representative or International Representative.
Red Circle Rates. Pursuant to the elimination of the job classification Engineering Helper and the consolidation of the work within the job classification of Crystal Bank Operator, it is agreed that the following employees rate be red circled until their employment ceases with the company or they change job classifications. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx 107X Xxxxx Xxxx 107X This red circle rate represents a $.25 premium on the 107C rate and is entitled to any negotiated rate increases. The premium was calculated based on the $1.00 rate difference of rate codes 109C and 107C paid for 10 hours per week amortized over a 40 hour work week. This red circle rate is limited to the employees listed above and no other employee will be eligible for this rate code should they post into this job classification.