Regular Full-Time. A regular full-time employee is any person employed on a full-time permanent basis whose duties fall within the bargaining unit as defined in Article 2 of this Agreement and who has completed the probationary period.
Regular Full-Time. Regular full-time employees work the regular hours of the classification into which they are hired.
Regular Full-Time. A regular full-time employee is one employed in a regular job which requires forty (40) hours per week and at least two hundred four (204) days per year.
Regular Full-Time. An employee that works thirty (30) regularly scheduled hours or more per work week.
Regular Full-Time. A regular full-time employee shall be an employee who is hired into, appointed to, or currently occupies a position that is authorized, budgeted, and designated by the County as a regular full-time position. Such a regular full-time position will normally be scheduled to work 37.5 to 40 hours per week, providing that, nothing in this Agreement shall constitute a guarantee of any number of hours per day, per week, nor per year.
Regular Full-Time. For the purpose of this Collective Bargaining Agreement, a "regular full-time employee" will mean and refer to an employee who is regularly scheduled to work forty hours per week throughout the year.
Regular Full-Time. An employee shall be considered regular full-time if he or she is regularly scheduled to work:
1. Thirty (30) hours or more per week for twelve (12) months, or
2. Forty (40) hours per week for at least nine (9) months. Regular full-time status shall be calculated from July 1 to June 30 each year, and shall include work in summer programs.
Regular Full-Time. A regular full time nurse is defined as a member of the bargaining unit employed on a regular schedule of seventy (70) hours or more per pay period.
Regular Full-Time. Employees
1) less than five (5) years’ service – twenty-eight (28) calendar days’ notice, or regular pay for twenty (20) work days;
2) minimum of five (5) years’ but less than ten (10) years’ service – forty (40) calendar days’ notice, or regular pay for thirty (30) work days;
3) more than ten (10) years’ service – sixty (60) calendar days’ notice, or regular pay for forty (40) work days.