Dissemination Plan Sample Clauses

Dissemination Plan. Recipient
Dissemination Plan. ENABLING THE
Dissemination Plan. Scientific papers and dissemination materials Table of contents
Dissemination Plan. The application must: (1) explain how and to whom the products would be disseminated; describe how they would benefit the State courts, including how they could be used by judges and court personnel; (2) identify development, production, and dissemination costs covered by the project budget; and (3) present the basis on which products and services developed or provided under the grant would be offered to the court community and the public at large (i.e., whether products would be distributed at no cost to recipients, or if costs are involved, the reason for charging recipients and the estimated price of the product). Ordinarily, applicants must schedule all product preparation and distribution activities within the project period. The type of product to be prepared depends on the nature of the project. For example, in most instances, the products of a research, evaluation, or demonstration project must include: (1) an article summarizing the project findings that is publishable in a journal serving the courts community nationally, (2) an executive summary that would be disseminated to the project’s primary audience, or (3) both an article and executive summary. Applicants proposing to conduct empirical research or evaluation projects with national import must describe how they would make their data available for secondary analysis after the grant period. The curricula and other products developed through education and training projects must be designed for use by others and again by the original participants in the course of their duties. Applicants proposing to develop web-based products must provide for sending a notice and description of the document to the appropriate audiences to alert them to the availability of the website or electronic product (i.e., a written report with a reference to the website). Applicants must submit a final draft of all written grant products to SJI for review and approval at least 30 days before the products are submitted for publication or reproduction. For products in website or multimedia format, applicants must provide for SJI review of the product at the treatment, script, rough-cut, and final stages of development, or their equivalents. No grant funds may be obligated for publication or reproduction of a final grant product without the written approval of SJI. Project products should be submitted to SJI electronically in HTML or PDF format. Applicants must also include in all project products a prominent acknowledgmen...
Dissemination Plan. Data collection will occur with reports generated from the Epic EHR and data provided by the UMMS Access Center, EMS and Xx. Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx (Co-PI and representing the Division of Addiction Research and Treatment). All data will be organized by the project manager and made available for presentation to the PI and Co-PI for monthly project organization review meetings. This monthly data review will be used to guide leadership decisions and ensure we are meeting project goals, and provide context for monthly Clinical Operations Meetings with site champions. Monthly Continuous Quality Improvement meetings between leadership and individual stakeholders will also occur. Data will be presented at separate meetings with representatives from the UM Access Center, EMS/MIEMSS, the UM Division of Addiction Research and Treatment, Shore Regional Emergency Department Leadership, and Shore Regional’s Chief Medical Officer respectively to ensure each stakeholder is fulfilling its internal goals and gains understanding of how their contribution influences project performance. Running tallies of quality improvement data, cost savings, mileage savings, and stroke diagnosis data will be presented monthly to each stakeholder at these meetings to demonstrate success and encourage continual investment in the program. Quarterly Organization Planning, Policy and Guideline review meetings will bring all stakeholders in one room. The purpose of these meetings will be to present data, request feedback, and discuss strategies and potential process improvements for the project to improve outcomes. We anticipate that such active processes will promote the feeling of ownership among the stakeholders and build continued support of the program.
Dissemination Plan. According to the Dissemination Plan (Deliverable 7.1.) there are some information which is highlight recommended to keep in mind in order to analyse the results achieved related to the dissemination activities.
Dissemination Plan. Describe plans for disseminating findings from and resources developed as a part of this grant. Describe specific plans to make project findings accessible to stakeholders, including USDA FNS, WIC State and local agencies, nonprofits, community partners, and others identified throughout the course of this project. Indicate possible opportunities to present at conferences, participate in workgroups, host roundtable discussions, and present webinars. Proposed activities and indicators measuring success must be mapped to Key Objectives (as described in the Program Description section of this RFA) in the below format. Note: Indicators are defined as any metric you anticipate will be trackable during the period of performance of the grant including (but not limited to): attendee numbers, deliverable acceptance, and training assessment results.
Dissemination Plan. Table 8Table 7 (below) defines how the outputs (including deliverable reports) will be disseminated and the tools and channels which will be used. Work Package Project Activities Related Output Tool Channel Timing WP1: Biodesign Outreach Plan for Biodesign Outreach Plan for Biodesign Publication Report – D1.1 Knowledge Sharing platform, Publication Report M6 WP1 Activities 200 events Events, Printed media, videos, media articles, e-newsletters and email blasts Knowledge Sharing platform, Maps, Project events and external events M1- M36 Biodesign Engagement and Support Biodesign Engagement and Support Publication Report – D1.2 Knowledge Sharing platform, Publication Report events M15 Good practices in participatory Biodesign Good practices in participatory Biodesign Publication Report – D1.3 Knowledge Sharing platform, Publication Report M36 WP2: Environmental Sustainability Outreach Plan for Env. Sustainability Communicate availability of plan on: how public engagement env. sustainability activities will take place (calendar of activities); Best practices and methods used. Publication Report – D2.1 Knowledge Sharing platform, Publication Report M6 WP2 Activities 205 events Events, Printed media, videos, media articles, e-newsletters and email blasts Knowledge Sharing platform, social media, maps, external channels, mailing lists and contact databases, external events M1- M36 Env. Sustainability Engagement and Support Communicate availability of report on Env. Sustainabilitynactivities and outcomes. Publication Report – D2.2 Knowledge Sharing platform, Publication Report M15 Good practices in participatory Env. Sustainability Communicate availability of report on good practices and validated methods for outreach activities for citizen science and DIY science in the area of Env. Sustainability. Publication Report – D2.3 Knowledge Sharing platform, Publication Report M36 WP3: Public Engagement and Capacity Building DITOs travelling exhibition Bus Travelling exhibition visiting rural areas in Europe for 3 months Events, Printed media, videos, media articles, e-newsletters and email blasts Knowledge Sharing platform, Maps, Project events and external events M13- M24
Dissemination Plan. The goal of dissemination activities is to achieve the widest possible awareness and external communication of the Energy Action Management Navigator, achieved both as S&T concept and integrated technologies in VERYSchool. Hereafter a first planning and description of dissemination goals and channels, target groups and partner’s approach is included as a draft of short/medium-term business and goals of the Consortium as a whole. This dissemination plan shall be seen as reference material to the project consortium, while efforts shall be developed in three levels: - scientific and educational dissemination, - public dissemination; - commercial dissemination. Dissemination tools will be: posters, brochure, papers, presentations and promotional multimedia video, all of them available in the project website, while channels will be Workshops, Seminar/Conferences, Journals, Newspaper, Magazines, local/National Radio or TV. In the following, a tentative to schedule the most significant tools and channels for the dissemination activities is presented; this listing is not a must-do list of activities but merely an identification of interesting activities that the consortium considers worthwhile in moving forward. A great emphasis is given to the tentative to update the initial version of the dissemination plan during the first year of the project. All the dissemination activities target Users and Stakeholders, for interacting with VERYSchool in different ways. a. Managers and Decision Makers who mostly use managerial and educational information: ➢ Stakeholders, Public Administrators, Energy and Facility Manager, who overview cost savings and reward efforts to best energy class schools and broadcast best practices on energy management to schools rated lower in energy class. ➢ School Managers, who take energy decisions and provide governance to get the energy management process started or to be more effective on the current operational energy scenario. b. Technicians and Maintenance staff who mostly use the operative information to be effective in establishing the Energy Management Programme. c. Teachers who can present best practices and new technologies, while producing awareness on efficient scenarios and habits and Students and Practitioners, who want to learn about best practices on energy efficiency.
Dissemination Plan. 2.1 Dissemination Strategy