Required Proof Sample Clauses

Required Proof. Read a work of literature (book or collection of poems/stories) recommended to you by someone who grew up in that country. Or, read 7-10 children’s books recommended to you by someone who grew up in that country, if possible in the native language. Discuss the impact or cultural meaning of the works with the person who recommended them to you. For your written proof, explain how this literature affects your understanding of the culture, politics, or history of the country.
Required Proof. In order to obtain the benefits provided for in this Section, the Settlement Class Member must timely provide, together with a fully completed, signed and dated Claim Form, Proof of Repair Expense and Proof of Adherence to the Vehicle’s Maintenance Schedule.
Required Proof. In order for a claim to be eligible for reimbursement pursuant to Section III, Settlement Class Members must submit a Claim Form to the Claims Administrator that is post-marked during the Claims Submission Period or submitted through the online portal during the Claims Submission Period and include: a. a legible repair order from an authorized BMW Center or independent repair facility licensed to perform such repairs that identifies a Settlement Class Vehicle and VIN, the part number(s) used, and the cost of the repair, with parts and labor separated; b. documentation that identifies the owner/lessee of the Settlement Class Vehicle (i.e., a true copy of a vehicle title or registration) at the time of the repair; c. proof of payment, in the form of a canceled check, credit-card receipt, credit-card statement, or receipt from the repairing entity demonstrating that the Settlement Class Member paid for the amount(s) sought for reimbursement; d. the mileage of the Settlement Class Vehicle at the time of repair; e. the nature of the repair and the part(s) used in the repair; f. the date of repair; and g. evidence of adherence to regular oil changes in accordance with the Class Vehicle’s Condition Based Service Indicator. Documents evidencing a claimant’s adherence to the relevant aspects of the vehicle maintenance schedule during the time they owned the vehicle are required, in particular, scheduled oil changes up to date/mileage of replacement/repair, within a variance of 1,000 miles of the scheduled time or mileage maintenance requirements. However, in the event maintenance records cannot be obtained despite a good faith effort to obtain them, the claimant may submit a declaration under penalty of perjury detailing what efforts were made to obtain the records, who he/she communicated with and when, why the records were not available, and attesting to adherence to the maintenance schedule and, in particular, scheduled oil changes up to the date/mileage of the replacement/repair, within the variance set forth above.
Required Proof. 1. In order for a claim to be eligible for reimbursement pursuant to Section III, Settlement Class Members must submit a Claim Form to the Claims Administrator that is post- marked during the Claims Submission Period or submitted through the online portal during the Claims Submission Period and include: a. a legible repair order from an authorized BMW Center or independent repair facility licensed to perform such repairs that identifies a Settlement Class Vehicle and VIN, the part number(s) used, and the cost of the repair, with parts and labor separated; b. proof of payment, in the form of a canceled check, credit-card receipt, credit-card statement, or receipt from the repairing entity demonstrating that the Settlement Class Member paid for the amount(s) sought for reimbursement; c. the mileage of the Settlement Class Vehicle at the time of repair; d. the nature of the repair and the part(s) used in the repair; e. the date of repair; and f. If the ownership/leasing records accessible to BMW NA and/or the Claims administrator do not match with the information submitted on a claim, or multiple claims for reimbursement for the same repair on the same Class Vehicle are received, the Class Member(s) seeking reimbursement will also have to provide documentation that identifies the owner/lessee of the Class Vehicle (i.e., a true copy of a vehicle title, registration or proof of insurance coverage) at the time of the repair. 2. Reimbursement amounts will be reduced by goodwill or other adjustment, coupon, refund, or payment made by an authorized BMW Center, BMW NA, any person or entity associated with BMW NA, an insurer, or a provider of an extended service contract.
Required Proof. In order to be compensated for claims submitted pursuant to Section III(A)(1), Class Members must submit a Claim Form to the Claims Administrator that is post-marked during the Claims Submission Period and include: (a) documentation that identifies the Class Vehicle VIN; (b) a repair order, invoice, or other documentation that identifies a documented complaint made to a Hyundai dealer, to HMA directly, or made on a publicly available complaint forum regarding the Smart Trunk not opening to expectation that includes a description of the complaint along with information regarding repair or lack thereof, parts used, labor time and costs, mileage at the time of repair, and payment for repair, if applicable.
Required Proof of Graduate Work 6
Required Proof. To receive reimbursement on a Claim for an Out-of-Pocket Cost under Paragraph 4, Settlement Class Members must submit a Claim Form to the Claims Administrator that is post-marked during the Claims Submission Period or submitted through the online portal during the Claims Submission Period and includes: A. a legible repair order from a BMW Center that identifies a Settlement Class Vehicle and VIN; B. proof of payment, in the form of a canceled check, credit-card receipt, credit-card statement, or receipt demonstrating that the Settlement Class Member paid for the amount(s) sought for reimbursement (a repair order that itself denotes a payment by check or credit card that is issued from a BMW Center is sufficient proof of payment); C. the mileage of the Settlement Class Vehicle at the time of Eligible Repair; D. the date of the Eligible Repair, and E. a description of the Eligible Repair performed with indications as to the parts and labor for the repair. Reimbursement amounts will be reduced by goodwill or other adjustment, coupon, refund, or payment made by an authorized BMW Center, BMW NA, any person or entity associated with BMW NA, an insurer, or a provider of an extended service contract.
Required Proof.  The actions taken were necessary for removal of oil discharged due to the Spill or to prevent, minimize, or mitigate oil pollution from the Spill;  The removal costs incurred as a result of these actions are reasonable and necessary; and  The actions taken to remove, prevent, minimize, or mitigate oil pollution were directed or approved by the Federal On-Scene Coordinator or are otherwise determined to be consistent with the National Contingency Plan.
Required Proof. To obtain reimbursement for Out-Of-Pocket Costs incurred prior to the Class Notice for an Eligible Repair, you must provide, in addition to timely submission of this fully completed Claim Form: (1) a repair order/invoice from a BMW dealer that pre-dates the Class Notice and that: a. states the date of the Eligible Repair; and b. states your vehicle’s mileage at the time of the Eligible Repair; and c. identifies your class vehicle by (i) including both your name and the model/model year of your vehicle, and (ii) by your vehicle’s VIN (Vehicle Identification Number); and d. Describes the Eligible Repair performed with indications as to the parts and labor for the repair; and x. states the amount charged for the Eligible Repair (2) Proof that you paid the amount you claim in reimbursement for the Eligible Repair. Acceptable proof of payment can be a canceled check, credit-card receipt, credit-card statement, or receipt demonstrating that you paid for the amount(s) sought for reimbursement (a repair order that itself denotes a payment by check or credit card that is issued from a BMW Center is sufficient proof of payment).
Required Proof. In the event Aspire has reason to believe that an employee is misusing this provision 14.4, it may with sufficient prior notice, require proof. No discipline will occur to an employee for use of leave days except for misuse. The parties agree that there is no automatic discipline for the presence or absence of available paid leave time.