Paid Leave Time. Executive shall be entitled to leave time in accordance with the standard policies or practices of the Company for senior executive officers, as in effect from time to time.
Paid Leave Time. Executive shall be entitled to five (5) weeks of annual leave time in accordance with the standard policies or practices of the Company and the Bank for senior management officers. Executive shall not take any leave in excess of a two week period at a time unless approved in advance by the Board of Directors. Executive shall receive his Base Salary and other benefits during periods of leave. Executive shall also be entitled to paid legal holidays in accordance with the policies of the Company and the Bank.
Paid Leave Time. A. All regular full-time employees hired before July 1, 2008 will earn one (1) sick day for each month employed subject to a maximum of twelve (12) workdays in any one fiscal year. Sick leave is credited at the beginning of each month but earned on the 15th of the month. Employees shall use sick time only as earned. All full-time employees hired before July 1, 2008 will be able to accumulate sick time without limit. Employees hired full-time after July 1, 2008 will earn .833 sick days per month up to a maximum of 10 days per year. Sick leave is credited at the beginning of each month but earned on the 15th of the month. Full-time employees may maintain a sick time balance up to 75 days. There shall be no payout of sick time upon separation of employment. Part-time employees hired before July 1, 2008, shall earn sick days on a pro-rated basis based upon their scheduled weekly work hours as a proportion of 40. (Example: 16/40 x 8 hours/month = 3.2 hours/month employed). All part-time employees hired before July 1, 2008 will be able to accumulate sick time without limit. Part-time employees hired after July 1, 2008 will earn sick days on a pro-rated basis (based upon their scheduled weekly work hours as a proportion of 40, for example: 16/40 x 8 hours/month = 3.2 hours/month employed), up to an annual maximum of 40 hours. Part-time employees shall be allowed to carry-over a maximum of forty (40) sick leave hours.
1. Absences chargeable against such sick leave time shall be allowed for the following reasons:
a. The employee’s personal mental or physical illness, injury, or health condition; medical diagnosis, care or treatment of the employee’s personal mental or physical illness, injury, or health condition; or preventative medical care for the employee. Sick time usage of more than three (3) consecutive days may require a doctor’s note as requested by the College.
b. The employee’s family member’s mental or physical illness, injury, or health condition; medical diagnosis, care or treatment of the employee’s family member’s mental or physical illness, injury, or health condition; or preventative medical care for family member of the employee. Sick time usage of more than three (3) consecutive days may require a doctor’s note as requested by the College.
c. If the eligible employee or the eligible employee’s family member is a victim of domestic violence or sexual assault, the medical care or psychological or other counseling for physical or psychological inju...
Paid Leave Time. A. Full time employees shall be credited with leave time based upon the years of continuous service. Leave time may be used for the following purposes:
1. Vacation
2. Sick
3. Personal
4. Bereavement
5. Family Medical Leave
6. Injury/Disability (on and off the job)
B. The schedule for leave for vacation shall be the responsibility of each Department Head. Employees shall give supervisors or Department Heads adequate notice prior to the time the employee wishing to take leave for vacation. Department-wide seniority shall prevail in cases where requests are similar or overlapping. Employees who desire to receive their vacation payroll check in advance shall submit a written request to the Financial Management Department at least two (2) weeks in advance of the payroll payment date on which such advance payment is desired. Nothing contained within the Agreement shall restrict the Town from closing a Department for a one-week period for the purpose of having Employees utilize their vacation provided that all of the Employees of the Department agree in writing with the closure thereof.
C. An employee may utilize leave time in the event of illness, and medical and dental appointments. Each employee is obligated to notify his Department Head or immediate supervisor daily at least 2 hours prior to the beginning of the employees scheduled start time of work, of such employee’s absence from work, unless such employee is in the hospital or under the care of a licensed physician.
D. Leave time will be utilized to supplement the Workers Compensation Insurance Benefit as prescribed by State law. It is the intention that employee will use leave time to supplement benefits in order to receive 100% of the pre-injury weekly compensation.
E. Full time employees with less than 5 years of service leave time may be continuously accrued, up to a maximum of 200 hours for 40 hour employees. No more than the maximum leave time amounts accrued, as noted above, shall be credited from any calendar to the next calendar year (e.g. if a 40 hour work week employee has accrued 209 hours as of 12/31/15, then starting 1/1/16 the employee’s record of leave time hours would be reduced to 200 hours). If an employee transfers or occupies other positions within the work force, covered by this agreement, leave time will continue to be based upon unbroken years of service. Upon severance of employment with the employer, the employee shall be paid for 50% of the unused leave time based upon the emplo...
Paid Leave Time. 1. The day after Thanksgiving shall be a paid leave day and City offices and departments, unless otherwise required, shall be closed. Employees who are required to work on the day after Thanksgiving shall be granted one (1) day of compensatory time off.
2. City offices and departments may, with the permission of the Mayor, be closed the entire day or any part of it on December 24 and December 31. In the event an office or department is open, the department head may release employees from duty on that day at the department head’s discretion. In those cases when persons performing required duty cannot be granted all or part of the day off, appropriate compensatory time off shall be granted at a mutually agreeable time. The intention of this provision is to grant each employee their entire respective work day off with pay provided that December 24 and December 31 fall on a weekday, Monday through Friday. When December 24 and December 31 fall on either Saturday or Sunday, employees shall be provided with one (1) paid leave day in the future for each day in lieu of the benefits provided herein for December 24 and December 31.
3. Those employees who have a scheduled day off or who are on vacation or sick leave on the above specified days are entitled to receive one-half (1/2) day or one day, as appropriate, compensatory time off at a mutually agreeable time.
4. Those employees who work on a shift which requires them to work their full shift on December 24 and/or December 31 shall be entitled to one day compensatory time off even if these days fall on a Saturday or Sunday.
5. All compensatory days granted under this section shall be at straight time.
Paid Leave Time. Section 1. Full time employees shall be credited with leave time based upon the years of continuous service.
Section 2. The schedule for leave for vacation shall be the responsibility of each Department Head. Employees shall give supervisors or Department Heads adequate notice prior to the time the employee wishing to take leave for vacation. Department- wide seniority shall prevail in cases where requests are similar or overlapping. Employees who desire to receive their vacation payroll check in advance shall submit a written request to the Financial Management Department at least two (2) weeks in advance of the payroll payment date on which such advance payment is desired. Nothing contained within the Agreement shall restrict the Town from closing a Department for a one-week period for the purpose of having Employees utilize their vacation provided that all of the Employees of the Department agree in writing with the closure thereof.
Paid Leave Time. A. Employees shall earn one-half (½) day per payroll to ten (10) sick leave days per year and such days shall accumulate to a maximum of forty- five (45) days. Employees who begin the year with forty-five (45) days shall earn additional days at one-half (½) day per payroll to ten (10) sick leave days that year as long as their total remains at forty-five (45) or above throughout the year. If the accumulation goes below 45 during the year, the ceiling becomes 45 for the rest of the year. The following year, the employee would again start at forty-five (45) days. Employees who have forty-five (45) days of sick leave in June shall receive a $300 bonus each year that they carry the forty-five (45) days.
B. Past accumulated leave days that have been frozen will be credited to the individual’s sick leave account even if this exceeds the forty-five (45) day maximum.
C. Employees who are unable to perform their duties because of illness or disability should notify their immediate supervisor of the fact as far in advance as possible but not later than one (1) hour before their scheduled reporting time. If the employee’s illness or disability extends beyond the first (1st) work day, the employee and the immediate supervisor may make arrangements as to the frequency of continued notification of the illness or disability.
D. Records of sick leave accumulated and taken shall be furnished to each employee on or about October 1st each year.
Paid Leave Time. Paid leave time (with the exception of sick leave effective September 22, 2016) shall be counted as hours worked for purposes of determining eligibility for overtime. Overtime will be paid at a rate equal to time and one-half.
Paid Leave Time. A. All regular full-time employees will be allowed one (1) day of sick leave time for each month employed subject to a maximum of twelve (12) work days in anyone fiscal year. Those employees having been employed five (5) or more years at the College shall accumulate sick leave time on the basis of 1 and 112 days for each month employed, not to exceed a maximum of eighteen (18) days in anyone fiscal year. (Sick leave time shall not be granted in excess of days paid leave accrued.) The date of hire shall be the determining date in moving from one service period to another. Absences chargeable against such sick leave time shall be allowed for the following reasons:
1. Personal illness or quarantine. Chargeable to leave time.
2. Serious illness in the immediate family. Immediate family is defined as anyone living in the household or father, mother, son, daughter, step children, or spouse. Chargeable to leave time. Absences shall not exceed ten (10) days per year unless specifically approved by the Director of Physical Plant.
3. Death in the immediate family. As defined above, but with the addition of brother, sister, father-in-law, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, son- in-law, daughter-in-law, grandparents, and grandchildren with a limit of five (5) days per occurrence. Not charged to leave time.
4. Death in the non-immediate family with a limit of three (3) days allowed per occurence. Non-immediate family is defined as aunt, uncle, niece, or nephew. Chargeable to leave time.
5. Death of a close personal friend with a limit of one (1) day per occurence. Chargeable to leave time.
6. Up to three (3) days in anyone fiscal year at the rate of one day for each four
Paid Leave Time. 1. Incentive Leave Time Effective July 1, 2010 the leave time policy will be as follows:
a. All employees with zero (0) to five (5) years seniority will be credited with seven (7) leave days per fiscal year to be accumulated at a rate of four (4) hours, forty (40) minutes for each completed calendar month. Employees with more than five (5) years seniority will receive thirteen (13) leave days per fiscal year to be accumulated at a rate of eight (8) hours, forty (40) minutes for each completed calendar month.
b. For employees hired or recalled after July 1, 2010, the leave policy will be as follows: All employees with zero (0) to five (5) years seniority will be credited with six