REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION. Requirements for the Degree and Licentiate in Acupuncture certificate being issued are that the student has completed the weekly clinical practice of the third year and has: a) Obtained insurance for Public Liability and Professional Indemnity b) Provided evidence of the relevant Local Authority registration c) Demonstrated satisfactory clinical competence with respect to diagnosis, treatment planning, treatment skills, sensitivity to patients and patient management d) Carried out the minimum number of treatments under supervision and observation of treatments e) Completed and handed in all coursework assignments on time and passed all examinations. f) Paid all tuition and other fees in full g) Completed any special requirements specified by clinical supervisors.
REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION. To be qualified to graduate, a student must: receive a passing grade or credit for all required course work; earn the minimum required credits for the program; achieve a minimum CGPA of 2.0; meet portfolio or other requirements, if applicable, as outlined in the college catalog/student handbook; and satisfy all financial obligations to The Art Institute of Atlanta.
REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION. To be qualified to graduate, a student must: receive a passing grade or credit for all required course work; earn the minimum required credits for the program; achieve a minimum CGPA of 2.0; meet portfolio or other requirements, if applicable, as outlined in the college catalog/student handbook; and satisfy all financial obligations to The Art Institute.
REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION. Xxxxxxxxxxxxx degrees offered by the university are awarded upon completion of the appropriate curriculum and upon recommendation of the faculty. The following requirements apply to the BSN degree: A minimum of 121 semester hours of credit. A minimum grade point average of 2.75. A minimum of 40 hours of credit in upper-division courses (courses numbered 300 or above). Completion of the General Education studies as required by the University. Completion of the nursing major's program of study as specified by the school of nursing. Completion of supporting courses as specified by the school of nursing. Students may participate in the May/August commencement only if they are within 12 hours of graduation by the end of the spring semester and have filed a plan of studies with the Registrar by April 1. Completion of the HESI Computer Adaptive Test (CAT). Completion of the three-day HESI NCLEX Review Other University requirements. If the student does not pass the HESI Exit exam, the student will be required to take an NCLEX RN review course at the student’s expense before the director of nursing programs will release the student to take the NCLEX. This is in addition to the HESI NCLEX review course provided at the end of the final semester. If the student has to sign up for an additional review course because of failing the exit, the student will be required to: Submit proof of official documentation of having completed an NCLEX review course, including the names of the corporation and the student, upon completion. The student will not be released to sign up for the NCLEX exam until this documentation has been received and approved by the director of nursing programs. Following graduation, Olivet Nursing Students from the ABSN program are eligible to sit for the NCLEX-RN exam for licensure. Applications for this exam are available online from the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation website. Senior students will be advised regarding the NCLEX-RN application process. Conferral months are January, May, and August.
REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION. In order to be recommended for graduation, students must successfully complete the following: a. Have a cumulative grade average of 70% or higher. b. Satisfactory achievement of all lab and clinical objectives c. Meet attendance requirements as specified by the Office of Higher Education approved curriculum. d. Perform a minimum of thirty (30) successful, unaided venipuncture collections on a live person, under the observation of an instructor. e. Perform a minimum of ten (10) successful, unaided capillary collections on a live person, under the observation of an instructor. f. Prior to receiving a program completion certificate and being eligible to take the certifying exam, students must pay all tuition expenses in full with no outstanding unpaid balance. If there is an outstanding balance, the program completion certificate will be held until all unpaid balances have been paid in full.
REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION understand that I must meet all requirements of the Recovery Court as explained by the team, the Participant Handbook and court orders. As I progress through the program, I will discuss any issues with requirements with my probation officer and treatment team to allow the team to effectively assist me through all phases. I also understand the Recovery Court program is tailored to my individual needs, and my needs may not mirror that of other participants.
REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION. Satisfactory performance as PGYIII, including passing all rotations 2. Recommendation of faculty to graduate
REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION. In order to graduate with a degree, students must meet the academic standards and graduation requirements including the GPA requirement specified in the catalog for the degree in which they are enrolled.
REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION. To be qualified to graduate, a student must: receive a passing grade or credit for all required course work; earn the minimum required credits for the program; achieve a
REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION. In order to graduate, each Loyola student must complete the following minimum requirements: