Resources and Capacity. XXX possesses sufficient financial, ---------------------- managerial, and technical capacity and resources to perform its obligations under the terms of this Agreement.
Resources and Capacity. Service Provider possesses and shall at all times during the term, and any renewal thereof, maintain sufficient financial, managerial, and technical capacity and resources to perform its obligations under the terms of this Agreement.
Resources and Capacity. PG&E possesses sufficient financial, managerial, and technical capacity and resources to perform its obligations under the terms of this Agreement.
Resources and Capacity. UTOPIA possesses sufficient financial, managerial and technical capacity and resources to perform its obligations under this Agreement.
Resources and Capacity. SRP possesses sufficient financial, ---------------------- managerial, and technical capacity and resources to perform its obligations under the terms of this Agreement.
Resources and Capacity. FOCAS possesses sufficient financial, managerial, and technical capacity and resources to perform its obligations under the terms of this Agreement.
Resources and Capacity. IPN possesses sufficient financial, managerial, and technical capacity and resources to perform its obligations under the terms of this Agreement.
Resources and Capacity. 11.1 In order to ensure that stability and functionality is maintained during the transfer, some practical and operational arrangements need to be covered by this MoU in order to protect the quality of services on offer to learners.
11.2 The Shadow SRG Strategic Board will commence its work on 1 April 2009, taking over the reigns from the officer working group that has progressed this issue to date.
11.3 The Three authorities agree to work together in a spirit of collaboration and pool resources to achieve the best outcomes where this is appropriate, adds value and demonstrates efficiencies.
11.4 It is agreed that the sharing of resources will be evenly allocated between the three authorities with the burden at no time being placed on one authority. The effectiveness of this policy will be reviewed regularly at the Strategic Board. Any issues in relation to resources will be referred to the Executive Group as necessary.
11.5 Undertakings made in this submission assume that sufficient resource will transfer to local authorities to allow us to discharge our new obligations properly.
11.6 The SRG will have a clear understanding of its staffing and skills requirements by October 2009. This information will then be considered alongside the detail relating to LSC staff transfers as soon as it is available to use.
11.7 The SRG acknowledges that the practicalities of TUPE negotiations and the disaggregation of functions may not provide a neat solution in all cases. We understand that some staff transferring may not be fully familiar with the local area or that the mix of skills available to one authority may need to be supplemented by that available elsewhere in the SRG.
11.8 The SRG believes that it is important that the LSC staff that will support the transition work with the local authorities from October 2009, as far as possible, are those that will eventually transfer to the local authorities. This will both support smooth transition and ensure effective induction and capacity building of future teams and structures.
11.9 The SRG understands that they may not have a full complement of staff that transfer due to vacancies within the LSC. Again the SRG believes it is essential that they are aware of any vacant posts that will transfer and the level of funding that will transfer linked to these vacancies to enable the sub regional group to determine any staff recruitment priorities during the autumn of 2009, allowing sufficient time to have staff in post by Apri...
Resources and Capacity. CUSTOMER possesses sufficient financial, managerial, and technical capacity and resources to perform its obligations under the terms of this Agreement.
Resources and Capacity. Network Owner, or Network Operator, possesses sufficient financial, managerial, and technical capacity and resources to perform its obligations under this Agreement.