RESPECTFUL BEHAVIOR. The Employer and the Association agree that mutual respect between and among workforce members is integral to a healthy work environment, a culture of safety and the provision of excellent patient care. An employee experiencing behavior in her/his work environment that violates the OHSU Code of Conduct and expectations for respectful behavior may file a complaint with a member of management, with Human Resources, or with the Integrity Office in accordance with the Employer’s policies and protocols.
6.2.1 When the complaint is not anonymous, the Employer will report to the complainant about the progress of reviewing the complaint, including any investigation that is undertaken. Follow-up to the complaint will be conducted in a timely manner. A closing letter will be supplied to the complainant after the matter is reviewed, including the completion of any investigation that occurs.
RESPECTFUL BEHAVIOR. I agree to treat all other course participants and members of the 45 DAY EXPERIMENT ORGANIZATION with respect at all times throughout the course.
RESPECTFUL BEHAVIOR. The Employer and the Union agree that mutual respect between and 16 among workforce members is integral to a healthy work environment, a culture of safety, and the 17 provision of excellent patient care.
RESPECTFUL BEHAVIOR. In both in-person and electronic interactions, behave respectfully, courteously, and professionally to your fellow members. No discrimination, harassment, or hate speech shall be tolerated.
RESPECTFUL BEHAVIOR. The Employer and the Union agree that mutual respect between and
RESPECTFUL BEHAVIOR. The Employer and the Association agree that mutual respect between and among workforce members is integral to a healthy work environment, a culture of safety and the provision of excellent patient care. An employee experiencing behavior in her/his work environment that violates the OHSU Code of Conduct and expectations for respectful behavior may file a Step 1 grievance under Article 22, and/or may file a complaint with a member of management, with Human Resources, with the Integrity Department, or with employee’s manager in accordance with the Employer’s policies and protocols. Where applicable, an employee may also file a complaint with OCIC.
6.2.1 When the complaint is not anonymous, the Employer will report to the complainant about the progress of reviewing the complaint at least once every two weeks, including any investigation that is undertaken. Follow-up to the complaint will be conducted in a timely manner. If complaints are not followed up in a timely manner, the Association may ask the Director of Labor Relations to follow up so that a timely process is followed. Investigations other than those made or referred to OCIC should not exceed sixty (60) days unless all parties agree to an extension. Requests for extensions shall not be unreasonably denied. Reports formally investigated by XXXX’s civil rights investigative departartment (currently OCIC) shall be completed as expeditiously as possible, taking into account the due process rights of both parties. A closing letter will be supplied to the complainant after the matter is reviewed, including the completion of any investigation that occurs.
RESPECTFUL BEHAVIOR. I agree to treat other course participants and members of the THRIVING IN FUNDAMENTAL WELLBEING PROGRAM ORGANIZATION with respect at all times throughout the course.
RESPECTFUL BEHAVIOR. I agree to treat all other course participants and members of the NEXT LEVEL CHALLENGE ORGANIZATION with respect at all times throughout the course.
RESPECTFUL BEHAVIOR o We will treat others online with kindness and respect, just as we would in person. o We will not participate in cyberbullying, trolling, or spreading rumors online. o We will think carefully before posting or sharing anything online, considering how it might affect others.
RESPECTFUL BEHAVIOR. I agree to treat other course participants and members of the JUNE 2022 XXXXXX PRIVATE MEDITATION AND COACHING RETREAT PROGRAM ORGANIZATION with respect at all times throughout the course.