RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE MUNICIPALITY. The MUNICIPALITY, without cost to STREETSCAN, shall do the following in a timely manner so as not to delay the services of STREETSCAN:
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RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE MUNICIPALITY. 15. The Municipality covenants that it shall be fully responsible for the following:
RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE MUNICIPALITY. 8.1 The municipal assessing officials shall identify to Contractor, in writing, which properties within the taxing jurisdiction are exempt from taxation.
RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE MUNICIPALITY. The responsibilities of the Municipality are: o to comply with all terms and conditions of the CARES Act; o to use Municipal Funds in compliance with the CARES Act; o to promptly return to the County any Municipal Funds not used; o to participate in the Forum; o to maintain proper and adequate records of its own expenses, including monthly uploads to Dropbox, and supporting documentation of the expenditures, and provide copies of, or access to such, at any time as required by the County; o to maintain proper and adequate records of the expenses of any grantees of Municipal Funds, including monthly uploads to Dropbox, and supporting documentation of the expenditures, and provide copies of, or access to such, at any time as required by the County; o to return the Statement of Compliance Certificate by February 1, 2021; o to cooperate and coordinate with other members in the Forum concerning a federal compliance audit; and o to comply with Chapter 381 and Chapter 380, if applicable.
RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE MUNICIPALITY a. The Municipality of Kincardine is the owner of the Kincardine Municipal Airport, and as such, shall be responsible for the overall policy direction for the maintenance, operations, and management of the Airport.
RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE MUNICIPALITY. 1. If additional collections of household chemical waste are desired besides the regular Conservation District collections, such additional collections will be mutually agreed upon by both parties as to the date, hours of operation and eligibility of clients. These collections will be subject to funding from the municipality. The municipality will provide volunteers to staff these additional collections.
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RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE MUNICIPALITY. The Municipality shall obtain all required authorizations, use reasonable efforts to secure release of data, provide all public information necessary to the Consultant for performance of Consultant services and cooperate with the development and implementation of the Plan. A detail of these responsibilities will be provided in a formal Services Agreement at a later date.
RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE MUNICIPALITY. 4.1 Communication of Potential Wetland Replacement Projectsthe Municipality will provide a brief written summary document to the Province by February 1 of each year that includes the following information for the Municipality’s potential Wetland Replacement Projects for the upcoming fiscal year (April 1 to March 31) :
RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE MUNICIPALITY. The Municipality will: • conduct necessary surveys among teachers (with the support of the Partners) in order to verify existing ICT classroom equipment and specify teacher training needs; • confirm final selection of teachers that will take part in the Pilot (later also the selection for further phases) and – directly or through headmasters – involve teachers in the Project; • support the Partners in coordination of the Project and actively participate in communication with all stakeholders and related PR activities; • finance participation of selected teachers from their territory in the Pilot from the 2021 or 2022 budget according to Appendix 1, based on a public tender (if applicable), with deadlines enabling the transfer of the amount to the Partners by 1st February 2022; • consider potential further participation of teachers of Grades 1–4 in the Project in any long-term plans/budgets for next years, taking into account the amount according to Appendix 1. It is mutually understood that any financial obligations of the Municipality towards the Partners may depend on the laws for public procurement and results of the public tender (if applicable). ОБОВ’ЯЗКИ МУНІЦИПАЛІТЕТУ Муніципалітет має: • провести необхідне опитування серед учителів (за підтримки Партнерів) з метою перевірки наявного обладнання у навчальних кабінетах для цілей ІКТ та уточнення потреб у підготовці вчителів; • підтвердити остаточний відбір учителів, які візьмуть участь у Пілотній фазі (згодом також відбір на подальші етапи) та – самостійно або за посередництвом директорів шкіл – залучити вчителів до Проєкту; • підтримувати Партнерів у координації Проєкту та брати активну участь у спілкуванні з усіма зацікавленими сторонами та у пов'язаній PR-діяльності; • фінансувати участь відібраних учителів зі своєї території в Пілотній фазі з бюджету 2021 або 2022 згідно з Додатком 1, на основі публічного тендеру (якщо застосовно) із зазначенням термінів, що дозволяють передавати суму Партнерам до 1 лютого 2022 року; • розглянути можливість подальшої участі вчителів 1–4 класів у Проєкті у будь-яких довгострокових планах/бюджетах на наступні роки, беручи до уваги суму згідно з Додатком 1. Порозуміється, що будь-які фінансові зобов’язання Муніципалітету перед Партнерами можуть залежати від законів про публічні закупівлі та результатів публічного тендеру (якщо застосовно). As ICT classroom equipment and internet access for teachers participating in the Project is the sole responsibility of the Munici...
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