RETIREMENT PICK-UP. 179. The City shall pick up the full amount of the employees' contribution to retirement.
RETIREMENT PICK-UP. 239. The parties acknowledge that the San Francisco Charter establishes the levels, terms and conditions of retirement benefits for members of the San Francisco Employees Retirement System (SFERS). The fact that the MOU does not specify that a certain item of compensation is excluded from retirement benefits should not be construed to mean that the item is included by the Retirement Board when calculating retirement benefits.
RETIREMENT PICK-UP. 245. Effective July 1, 2006, represented employees agree to pay their own employee retirement contribution in an amount equal to seven and one-half percent (7.5%) of covered gross salary. For employees who became members of SFERS prior to November 2, 1976 (Charter Section A8.509 Miscellaneous Plan), the City shall pick up the remaining one-half percent (0.5%) of the total eight percent (8%) employee retirement contribution to SFERS.
RETIREMENT PICK-UP. As permitted by the Internal Revenue Service, the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS), and the Police and Fire Disability and Pension Fund (PFDPF), the Employer agrees to implement the "salary reduction" method for pension "pick-up". Such plan will take effect upon approval of the pension boards and appropriate governmental agencies.
RETIREMENT PICK-UP. The Employer agrees to continue the salary reduction method of reporting employee pension contributions. Commencing with the first pay of the 2010-2011 program year, employees shall be responsible for the full amount of the employee contribution, and existing wage rates shall be increased by one percent (1%) to offset the previous “pick up and payment” of that percentage by the Employer.
RETIREMENT PICK-UP. 103. For the duration of this Agreement, employees shall pay their own retirement contributions in accordance with the Charter. The parties acknowledge that these contributions satisfy the requirements of Charter Sections A8.596-11(e) and A8.598-11(d).
RETIREMENT PICK-UP. 268. For the term of this Agreement, the CITY shall continue to pick-up the EMPLOYEES’ portion of their retirement contribution at the current rate.
RETIREMENT PICK-UP. 257. For the term of this Agreement, the CITY shall pick up the full amount of the employees’ contribution to retirement.
RETIREMENT PICK-UP. The District shall "pick-up" and pay a six percent (6%) average employee contribution (as allowed by ORS 238.205) to the Public Employees Retirement System. Such "pick up" or payment of employee member monthly contributions to the System shall continue until the termination of this Agreement and shall also be applicable to employees who first begin to participate in the System after the effective date of this Agreement and to the termination of this Agreement. The District will follow the rules and regulations established by the Public Employees Retirement System applicable to the "pick up" of the Public Employees Retirement System contribution by the District.
RETIREMENT PICK-UP. The Board will designate the mandatory contributions of all unit members to the School Employees Retirement System of Ohio in accordance with Internal Revenue Service Rulings 77-462, 81-35 and 81-36 although they will continue to be designated as employee contributions as permitted by Attorney General Opinion 82-097, in order that the amount of the employee's income reported by the Board as subject to Federal and Ohio income tax shall be the employee's gross income reduced by the current percentage amount of the employee's mandatory S.E.