Voluntary Overtime. No employee shall be required to work overtime against her wishes when the work can be done by other employees.
Voluntary Overtime. Under normal operating circumstances, employees shall not be required to work overtime against their wishes.
Voluntary Overtime. When the Employer has more than twenty-four (24) hours' notice that an overtime assignment is needed, a notice to that effect shall be posted as promptly as possible and available for signing until twenty-four hours prior to the overtime need. Qualified employees may sign up for such overtime by either half-shifts, full-shifts, or in the case of both Jail Facilities, 1/3 of a shift, 2/3 of a shift, or a whole shift. Overtime will be awarded in the following manner:
1) Employees who sign up for a full shift will have preference over 1/2, 1/3, or 2/3 shift requests. If no employee signs up for a full shift, part shifts will be awarded.
2) In the case where there is more than one (1) person volunteering for the full shift of overtime, the overtime will be awarded to the employee with the least number of overtime hours worked.
3) If no employee signs up for a full shift, partial shift requests will be awarded. The overtime will be awarded to the employee with the least number of overtime hours worked.
4) In the case of a 12 hour shift, employees signing up for the 12 hours or two thirds of the shift will have preference over those signing up for one third. If a 12 hour need for overtime is later dissected by available staffing or volunteers being awarded a portion of the twelve hours, the remaining hours will be awarded to the employee with the least number of overtime hours with no preference to majority hours requested.
5) All overtime will be awarded in accordance to Article 19.1 (minimum staffing) with the following exceptions: For purposes of volunteering for overtime, a supervisor shall have preference over a deputy/corrections officer when there is no supervisor on duty. This applies even if the overtime was technically created by a deputy/corrections officer. In instances where overtime is not voluntarily filled, a supervisor will be mandated when there is no supervisor on duty unless the overtime is due to a supervisor being off for a period of more than two weeks due to being on extended leave. In this case, a deputy/corrections officer may be mandated to fill the overtime even if there is no supervisor on duty. This shall prevent a supervisor from being mandated everyday they are scheduled to work for an extended period of time.
6) Employees who sign up will be responsible for determining whether they were awarded the overtime.
Voluntary Overtime. If vacancies are known in advance, the openings will be posted for nurses to sign up. A seniority-based rotation list will be used for voluntary overtime. If vacancies are not known in advance, nurses who have requested to be called will be called to solicit volunteers until the vacancies are filled.
Voluntary Overtime. Any shift of four (4) hours or more, will be first offered to part-time employees who have not been scheduled forty (40) hours, provided such shift will not exceed their forty (40) hours, then by seniority to those full-time employees on their day off, full-time employees prior to or after their scheduled shift, and finally to everyone else, on the basis of classification seniority and availability.
Voluntary Overtime. (a) Employees Who Are Exempt from Overtime Scheduling Employees who are on vacation or any leave of absence under this Agreement shall not be subject to any overtime scheduling, unless otherwise agreed to by the employee.
(b) The Employer will not require employees to work on their scheduled day(s) off unless it first exhausts all other means of covering the necessary hours of work.
(c) An employee who is manditoried to work overtime on their day(s) off will be paid double (2x) time for all hours worked.
Voluntary Overtime. (a) An employee may volunteer to work Overtime, provided they make a written request for such hours to the employer.
(b) Voluntary Overtime shall not form part of an employee’s regular working hours.
(c) Voluntary Overtime will be paid at the Ordinary Hourly rate plus a 25% loading.
(d) An employee may work voluntary Overtime in a maximum of 26 weeks per year. Any Overtime in excess of 26 weeks per year is deemed to be worked at the request of the employer and shall be paid at the overtime loading of 50%.
Voluntary Overtime. When overtime is deemed necessary by the Medical Center, the Director shall ask for volunteers within the respective profession. When two (2) or more employees in the same title volunteer for the overtime assignment, the Medical Center shall assign the overtime to the most senior qualified employee. Voluntary overtime shall be distributed on a rotating basis. Employees who have volunteered to perform overtime and who call to cancel must provide the Medical Center with four (4) hours’ notice of their intent to cancel. Overtime availability lists shall be posted on each unit.
Voluntary Overtime. In the event that the Employer’s reasonable effort to avoid overtime is not successful, and the Employer has knowledge of the overtime requirement at least three (3) hours in advance, the Employer will first offer the overtime work, on a seniority basis, to qualified employees who have indicated in writing a willingness to work overtime. It is understood that if there is no availability form on file for an employee, the Employer has no obligation to contact that employee to work additional hours. If the Employer has knowledge of the overtime requirement less than three (3) hours in advance, the Employer’s obligation will be limited to offering the overtime work in order of seniority to qualified employees on duty in the affected unit or classification. The Employer will make a reasonable effort to arrange for voluntary sharing between employees of the overtime requirement prior to invoking mandatory overtime. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Employer retains the right to select a less senior employee whose overtime rate will be at time and one-half, if the more senior employee’s overtime rate for any of the overtime hours to be worked will be at double time, or to replace an employee at the point that he or she would be working on less than ten (10) hours’ rest on the employee’s next scheduled shift.
Voluntary Overtime. 1. Extra-Help JCO's will be the first group assigned for purposes of filling open work shifts.
2. Permanent JCO's will be allowed to sign up for any remaining overtime shifts by utilizing a volunteer overtime sign-up sheet.
3. If any overtime shifts remain, after following No. 1 and No. 2 above, permanent and extra-help JCO's will be allowed to sign-up for overtime.
4. JCOs will receive directed credit for voluntary overtime shifts completed in excess of 15 minutes.
5. No JCO shall receive more than one (1) directed credit per day.
6. All other overtime provisions of the Unit 2 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) remain in effect.