Classroom Environment. The teacher creates and implements a physical and interpersonal classroom environment that supports student learning
Classroom Environment. Contributes to a safe, caring and orderly environment for all students
Classroom Environment. Component 2B: Establishing a Culture for Learning Importance of the content, expectations for learning and achievement; and student pride in work. Describe how you convey the importance of the content, your expectations for achievement and how students show pride in their work.
Classroom Environment. This area focuses on: interactions that occur in a classroom, activities and tasks that establish a comfortable and respectful classroom environment, and the learning culture that creates a safe place for risk-taking.
Classroom Environment. When the District decides to staff a new position, that position will be provided with materials and equipment that are comparable to what the District provides to like positions at that site.
Classroom Environment. The learning environment reinforces learning activities, which are modified to meet the needs of individual students. The teacher:
a. Establishes a climate that promotes fairness and respect.
b. Creates a physical environment that engages all students.
c. Modifies the learning environment to meet individual student needs.
d. Displays current student work in various areas of the curriculum.
Classroom Environment i. Classroom facility, set-up classroom style (tables and chairs).
ii. Computer projector and screen.
iii. Dry eraser board with markers.
iv. Some specialty programs require additional audio/visual equipment. If necessary, this will be discussed with you.
Classroom Environment. Teacher establishes and maintains a positive learning environment.
A. Organizes physical setting for effective and efficient learning.
B. Establishes a climate in which students feel free to question and think creatively.
C. Exercises classroom control in a positive, yet assertive, manner, using a variety of effective behavior management techniques.
D. Follows current district and/or building discipline plans consistently.
E. Provides a positive environment conducive to learning.
F. Assists students to assume responsibility for appropriate behavior.
Classroom Environment. 1. Creating a climate that promotes fairness.
2. Establishing and maintaining rapport with students.
3. Communicating challenging learning expectations to each student.
4. Establishing and maintaining consistent standards of classroom behavior.
5. Making the physical environment as safe and conducive to learning as possible.
Classroom Environment. 1. The District shall support and uphold employees in their efforts to maintain discipline and shall give a timely response to all employee requests and concerns regarding disruptive students and other discipline issues.
2. Teachers shall have the right to temporarily remove seriously disruptive students from their classroom. A seriously disruptive student is one who is physically unmanageable and/or who may pose a threat to the physical safety of themselves, the teacher or other students.
a. At the request of the teacher, a meeting will be held with the building principal or designated representative to discuss student concerns and/or additional supports to help keep a safe and effective learning environment.