RETIREMENT SYSTEM CONTRIBUTIONS. Retirement benefits are subject to the Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act (PEPRA) and related Public Employees’ Retirement Law (PERL). If there is a conflict between this MOU and requirements pursuant to PEPRA and/or PERL, PEPRA and PERL shall prevail.
RETIREMENT SYSTEM CONTRIBUTIONS. In compliance with Education Code Section 22713 and Government Code Section 20900, as appropriate, a faculty employee whose contract has been reduced under this article shall contribute to the appropriate retirement system by payroll deduction the amount he or she would have contributed had he or she continued full-time. The Board shall contribute to the appropriate retirement system the amount required by law.
RETIREMENT SYSTEM CONTRIBUTIONS. Section 1 - Eligibility Under the provisions of the County Employee’s Retirement Law of 1937, all employees in regular positions who are scheduled to work for a minimum of forty (40) hours per pay period shall become members of the San Bernardino County Employees’ Retirement Association (SBCERA).
RETIREMENT SYSTEM CONTRIBUTIONS. Retirement benefits are subject to the Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act (PEPRA) and related Public Employees’ Retirement Law (PERL). If there is a conflict between this MOU and requirements pursuant to PEPRA and/or PERL, PEPRA and PERL shall prevail.
a. For SBEA-MSU employees hired prior to January 1, 2011, the CITY will continue to provide a 3% @ 50 retirement benefit with the use of the employee’s single highest year salary from the California Public Employee Retirement System (CalPERS). The SBEA/MSU employees will continue to pay the entire 9% employee share cost of their benefit.
b. Employees hired on or after January 1, 2011 will receive a 2% @50 retirement benefit with the use of the average of the employee’s highest-three-year-salary. These employees will continue to pay the entire 9% employee share cost of their benefit.
RETIREMENT SYSTEM CONTRIBUTIONS. The district contributes .098901 toward TRS. The remaining contribution paid by the teacher will be tax sheltered and paid to the teacher retirement system from within the salaries on the current salary schedule. In the event legislation should be enacted requiring the Board to pay any portion of the retirement contribution to the Illinois State Teacher Retirement System which is currently paid by the State of Illinois, any existing agreement with regard to the payment of salary shall be void and the payment of salary for the duration of this Agreement shall be reopened for negotiations.
RETIREMENT SYSTEM CONTRIBUTIONS. 44 Section 1 – Eligibility 44 Section 2 – Employee Contributions 44
RETIREMENT SYSTEM CONTRIBUTIONS. The provisions of this Agreement and applicable law govern retirement contributions. Retirement contributions and benefits are based on the number of hours the employee is regularly scheduled to work. The employees’ regularly scheduled hours will increase from eighty (80) to eighty-four (84). Accordingly, both the employees’ and the County’s required contributions will increase.
RETIREMENT SYSTEM CONTRIBUTIONS. Retirement benefits are subject to the Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act (PEPRA) and related Public Employees’ Retirement Law (PERL). If there is a conflict between this MOU and requirements pursuant to PEPRA and/or PERL, PEPRA and PERL shall prevail.
a. For SBEA-MSU employees hired prior to January 1, 2011, the CITY will continue to provide a 3% @ 50 retirement benefit with the use of the employee’s single highest year salary from the California Public Employee Retirement System (CalPERS). The SBEA/MSU employees will continue to pay the entire 9% employee share cost of their benefit.
1. Cost Sharing of Employer Contribution: Employees defined as “classic members” per CalPERS and PEPRA/PERL agree to pay a portion of the employer’s contribution costs as follows:
a. Per the CalPERS contract amendment which went into effect on October 29, 2016, S B E A / M S U employees w i l l c o n t i n u e t o p a y an additional 2% of pay towards the cost of the CalPERS retirement benefit. This 2% is in addition to the employees paying their entire employee portion of the CalPERS retirement contribution. (11% of pay total)
b. Employees hired on or after January 1, 2011, will receive a 2% @50 retirement benefit with the use of the average of the employee’s highest-three-year-salary. These employees will continue to pay the entire 9% employee share cost of their benefit.