Rights of Intellectual Property. Any moral and conception right in relation to the projects sent, remains property of the users, however when Projects are published, the users declare and guarantee (under their own exclusive responsibility) to be the owners of the shared Projects and concede to Desall and to the Sponsors a perpetual, free, exclusive license without any territorial limitation for all Projects uploaded on the Desall Site by users participating in the Contest for project internal-use, editorial and advertising purposes. Such license is not to be considered as a license for economic exploitation. Accordingly, during the 12 months following the date of expiration of the contest, the users shall not propose to third parties the Projects submitted in the framework of the Contest promoted by the Sponsor. After 12 months following the date of expiration of the contest, the users will be free to propose their own projects to third parties; however, Desall and the Sponsor will remain entitled to a free, not exclusive license for all Projects uploaded on the Desall Site by users participating in the Contest for project internal-use, editorial and advertising purposes. Such license is not to be considered as a license for economic exploitation. Desall will put to the disposal of the Sponsor a copy of all Projects submitted by the participants to the Contest. Furthermore, with the exception of the restrictions for the use of the Personal Data by Desall and the Sponsor laid down in paragraph 18 hereunder, and except as provided in the provisions contained in the Brief, the participants in the Contest will concede to Desall and to the Sponsor the following rights:
a) For all Projects: for 12 (twelve) months following the date of expiration of the contest a perpetual, free, exclusive license without any territorial limitation for all Projects uploaded on the Desall Site by users participating in the Contest for project internal-use, editorial and advertising purposes. Such license is not to be considered as a license for economic exploitation. During the 12 months following the date of expiration of the contest, the user shall not propose to third parties the Projects submitted in the framework of the Contest promoted by the Sponsor. The Sponsor will have the possibility to obtain a perpetual exclusive license for the economical exploitation of the Projects, by exerting – within 12 (twelve) months since the conclusion of the Contest – an option right. If this option right is exerted by th...
Rights of Intellectual Property. Patents, trademarks, service marks, copyrights, editing rights, trade secrets, and other property rights. • Claims or losses: Any responsibilities, taxes, duties, rights, losses, damages, penalties, lawsuits, expenses, trials, settlements, or expenses of any kind, including, for example, moral, financial and special damages, direct and direct, emergency and consequent, administrative, and judiciary expenses, as well as any legal and auditing fees. لإةةةيمعو ناةةةيو لاو ةةةةيلاملا لرا و ا لاوةةةقأ وأ ةةةةيلاملا لرا وdا ةةةةصروب :ةةةةصروبلا • وأ نةرداةةصلا ااةةميلعتلاو ميماةةعتلاو نيناوةةقلا ةةةعومجم اةةهب دصقي :ةصروبلا دعاوق • نةةةف لةةةماعتلا ميةةةظ تب ةةةلعتت نةةةتلاو ةةةةئيهلا وأ ةةةةصروقلا نةةةع نًاةةةقحd ردةةةصت دةةةق نةةةتلا هقغةةش ةةلع ةكرةةشلا لةةقق نةةم ةدةةعملا ةحفةةصلا اةةهب دةةصقي :ةةةيةورترلكا ةحفةةصلا • وةة قلاو ةةةيتيو لا ااكرةةشلا ةغةةس لاو يزةةكرملا اةةيو لا ةة ب نةة عتو :يزكرملا كنبلا • صةةةةةةةصحلاو ةةةةةةةةيلاملا لرا و او ،اوةةةةةةةم او ،وةةةةةةةص ا لإةةةةةةةيمع نةةةةةةة عتو :لوةةةةةةةصلأا • وأ دةةعو اةةمي وأ ًاةةيلاح اةةهب لفتةةحملاو اةةهعون اةةك اةةمهم الاةةمعلا دوةةقعو ةيرامثتةةقdا .ليمعلا ااواسح نم يأ نف اهتةوح نفو ةكرشلا لقق نم ةظوفحملا وأ ةلومحملا نةةةةع ةةةةةواين ةةةةةوولطملا ااةةةةيلمعلا ìةةةةيف تب موةةةةقي طيةةةةقو يأ نةةةة عت :ìةةةفنملا ليةةةسولا • ثةةيح) لرا و ا ،وادةةت ةةلع ليمعلا ةردق ن عي :ةيفاضكا تاعاسلا للاخ لوادتلا • اةةةقو دةةعو ًاةةحوتفم لوةةسلا اةةهيف وةةقي نةةةتلا ااعاةةسلا ءاةة اأ رةةخن اةةقو نةةم )رفوةةتت را عتةةةقاو رةةةماو ا ميدةةةقتب لةةةيمعلل حمةةةست نةةةتلا ةليةةةقولا نةةةه :لاةةصتصا ةليةةسو • %50 ةةلع دةةيزت ةغةةسن صخةةش اةةهب لمي ثيح ةعوات ةكرش دعت :ةعباتلا ةكرشلا • نةةةم ةكرةةشلا اهمدةةقت نةةتلا ااةةةجت ملاو اامدةةخلا ةةةفاك اةةهب دةةةصقي :لوادةةتلل كةةتيب • ةةةثيدحلا نلاةةملا لوةةسلا راعةةقأ رةةصحلا d ،اثملا ليقق لع هو دصقي :ىوتحملا • ةةةةةيراجتلا ااةةةةملاعلاو را ةةةةتخلإا ااءرا ةةةةب اةةةةهب دةةةةصقيو :ةةةةةيررفلا ةةةةةيرلملا قوةةةةقح • وأ موةةةةقر وأ ائرا ةةةةض وأ اايلواةةةةسم يأ اةةةةهب دةةةةصقيو :ر اةةةسئلا وأ تاةةةبلاطملا • وأ ااةةمكاحم وأ اافورةةصم وأ اياةةضق وأ ااةةووقع وأ ررا ةةضأ وأ رئاةةسخ وأ لوةةقح ررا ةةض ا رةةصحلا d ،اةةثملا ليقةةق ةةلع لمةةشت ثةةيح وةةن يأ نةةم ااقفن وأ اايوست اافورةةصملاو ةةةغترتملاو ةةةئراطلا ةرةةشاغملا رةةيغو ةرةةشاغملا ةةةصاخلاو ةةةيداملاو ةةةيبد ا .ااواسحلا نععرا م ااقفنو باعتأو ءاعدلإاو ءاضقلا اافورصمو ةيرادلإا • Source of Information: The sources from which the Company receives and acquires the content, include, for example, stock markets in Kuwait, the United Arab Em...
Rights of Intellectual Property. 4.1 All rights of intellectual property in the Monitoring Service, including copyrights, vest in Omron and/or its licensors. The Customer does not acquire any such rights.
Rights of Intellectual Property. Any moral and conception right in relation to the project sent, remains property of the user, however when Projects are published, the user declares and guarantees (under his/her own exclusive responsibility) to be the owner of the shared Projects and concedes to Desall and to the Sponsors free license without expiration, irrevocable, not exclusive and freely sub-licensing to use, publish, adjust, exhibit, translate, create works deriving from the Projects, distribute, show such Projects (totally or partially) throughout the world and/or embed them in other works in any way whatsoever, be it media or any technology currently known or developed in the future. Furthermore, the user pledges to concede to the sponsor the possibility to exert – within 12 (twelve) months since the Contest closing – a pre-emption right (the Pre-emption right) to obtain an exclusive license on the Project (the Exclusive License); after 12 months from the closing of the contest, the Pre-emption right shall be transferred to Desall for another 6 (six) months. The user declares to be aware and henceforth accepts that, in case the Sponsor exerts the right of pre-emption, the Sponsor will purchase the exclusive license on his/her project for a gross amount of Euro 1.000,00= (one-thousand). The final price for the purchase of the license will be determined by the Sponsor by mutual agreement with the user. For the sole Projects and respective concepts winning the Contest, even if in one single Category: for Projects that, on the basis of the Official Regulation for the Participation in the Contest, will be acknowledged as the winning Projects, even if in one single Category, the authors of the winning projects concede to Desall and the Client – upon payment of the award – exclusive license for the economic exploitation of the winning projects, without any territorial/temporal limitations. In addition, the user is not allowed to upload, publish, send, transmit, disseminate or use in any way Projects not belonging to himself/herself.
Rights of Intellectual Property. Patents, trademarks, service marks, copyrights, editing rights, trade secrets, and other property rights. Claims or losses: Any responsibilities, taxes, duties, rights, losses, damages, penalties, lawsuits, expenses, trials, settlements, or expenses of any kind, including, for example, moral, financial and special damages, direct and direct, emergency and consequent, administrative, and judiciary expenses, as well as any legal and auditing fees.
Rights of Intellectual Property. 32.1. Copyrights over all drawings, specifications, manuals, documents and data, and the rights of intellectual property provided by one of the Parties to the other, according to this Agreement, should remain with the Party holding such rights, however, the recipient Party will be entitled to the non-exclusive and non-transferable license for using copyrights for the execution of this Agreement, as well as for the System operation and maintenance, when strictly defined in this Agreement.
Rights of Intellectual Property. All Intellectual Property Rights produced from or arising as a result of the performance of this Agreement shall, so far as not already vested, become the absolute property of the Buyer, and the Supplier shall do all that is reasonably necessary to ensure that such rights vest in the Buyer by the execution of appropriate instruments or the making of agreements with third parties.
Rights of Intellectual Property. 20.1 The client safeguards GymCreators B.V. against any claim by third parties on grounds of an (alleged) violation of a right of intellectual property as a result of use of the goods, designs, or other information provided to the client as a result of storage or delivery by GymCreators
Rights of Intellectual Property. Tuchman acknowledges and agrees thxx xxx patents, licenses, copyrights, tradenames, trademarks, service marks, planning, marketing and/or creative policies, advertising campaigns, media campaigns, and budgets, practices, concepts, strategies, and methods of operation (excluding such budgets, practices, concepts, strategies, and methods of operation that are standard practices in the toy industries), financial or business projections, designs, logos, slogans and business plans developed or created by Tuchman in the course and scope of xxx xxployment with APII and/or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates, either individually or in collaboration with others, was and is deemed works for hire and the sole and absolute property of APII. Tuchman agrees that, at APII's reqxxxx xxd expense, he will take all steps necessary to secure the rights thereto to APII by patent, copyright or otherwise.
Rights of Intellectual Property. 19.1 The purchaser safeguards Targod and indemnifies Targod for any claim by third parties on grounds of an (alleged) violation of a right of intellectual property as a result of the use of matters, designs, or other data provided to the counterparty as a result of storage or delivery by Targod of the matters manufactured also in accordance with those data.
19.2 Targod does not transfer the intellectual property right associated with the relevant matter along with the relevant materials or performances, nor are licenses granted in this manner. Barring to the extent this is expressly agreed upon.