Rules of Debate. (i) A motion or amendment shall not be discussed unless it has been proposed and seconded.
(ii) A Member shall address the Chair and direct any speech to the question under discussion. If two or more Members indicate they wish to speak the Chair shall call on one to speak first.
(iii) An amendment shall be
(a) to leave out words
(b) to leave out words and insert or add others
(c) to insert or add words but any such amendment must not have the effect of introducing a new proposal into or of negating the original motion.
(iv) A Member shall not speak for longer than 5 minutes on any matter without the consent of the Board.
(v) No Member shall address the Board more than once on any issue unless this be by invitation of the Chair, but the mover of an original motion may reply, in which reply no new matter shall be introduced, but the reply shall be confined strictly to answering the previous observations.
(vi) A Member may claim to speak on a point of order or in personal explanation and shall be entitled to be heard forthwith. A point of order shall relate only to an alleged breach of a specified statutory provision or this constitution or any of its Schedules and the way in which the Member raising it considers that it has been broken. A personal explanation shall be confined to some material part of a former speech by him in the current debate which may appear to have been misunderstood. The ruling of the Chair on a point of order or on the admissibility of a personal explanation shall not be open to discussion
(vii) If an amendment is rejected other amendments may be moved on the original motion. If an amendment is carried, the motion as amended shall take the place of the original motion and shall become the motion upon which any other amendment may be moved.
(viii) A further amendment shall not be moved until the Board has disposed of every amendment previously moved, provided that the Chair shall have discretion to allow debate to take place on two or more amendments.
(ix) A Member at the conclusion of a speech of another representative may move without comment
(a) that the question be now put
(b) that the debate be now adjourned
(c) that the Board proceed to the next business
(d) that the Board do now adjourn If such a motion is seconded, the Chair, shall, subject to the mover's right to reply, put the motion to the vote, and if it is carried - in case (c) - the motion then before the Board shall be regarded as lost and the Board shall proceed to the ...
Rules of Debate. 1. No member, without leave of the Council, shall speak to the same question, or in reply, for longer than five (5) minutes except that Council, upon motion thereof, may grant extensions of time for speaking of up to five (5) minutes for each time extended. The member may not speak on the same issue again until everyone else has spoken, and then, just to ask a question or to clarify the issue.
2. A member may ask a question, stated concisely, of the previous speaker for explanation of any part of the previous speaker’s remarks.
Rules of Debate. 1. A Councillor may indicate their desire to speak by raising their hand, but shall only speak when called by name by the Chair. When speaking the Councillor shall stand, unless unable to do so. All other Councillors shall remain seated in their allotted place when another Councillor is speaking, unless wishing to make a point of order or point of personal explanation. If more than one Councillor stands, the chair will ask one to speak and the others must speak.
2. When the Chair stands during a debate, any Councillor speaking at the time must stop and sit down. The meeting must be silent.
3. Councillors shall address the Chair when speaking, and:
(a) refer to each other as Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Leader, Executive Member, Chair or Councillor, as the case may be;
(b) refrain from using unbecoming language;
(c) refrain from comments of a personal nature about another Councillor;
(d) not attribute improper motives to another Councillor.
(e) refrain from comments that relate to an investigation (whether complete or not) by, or ruling of, the Standards Board for England, the Standards Committee or the Adjudication Panel, in so far as those comments relate to the behaviour or conduct of an individual Member or Members.
4. No debate shall be allowed except in relation to a motion or amendment under consideration. Only one motion or amendment may be considered at a time. A motion or amendment once moved and seconded, may be withdrawn only by the mover and seconder, with the consent of the meeting. No further debate shall take place on a motion or amendment once it has been withdrawn.
5. Every motion or amendment must be moved and seconded. A Councillor may not move more than one amendment or motion on the same subject.
6. No speeches may be made until the mover has moved a proposal and explained the purpose of it and the motion has been seconded.
7. Unless notice of the motion has already been given, the Mayor may require it to be written down and handed to him/her before it is discussed.
8. When seconding a motion or amendment, the seconder may reserve their speech until later in the debate.
9. Speeches must be directed to the matter under discussion or to a personal explanation or point of order. No speech may exceed five minutes without the consent of the Mayor. A seconder’s speech may not exceed three minutes without the consent of the Mayor.
10. A Member who has spoken on a motion may not speak again whilst it is the subject of debate, except:
(a) to speak once...
Rules of Debate. 1. A councillor may indicate their desire to speak by raising their hand, but shall only speak when called by name by the chair. When speaking the councillor shall stand, unless unable to do so. All other councillors shall remain seated in their allotted place when another councillor is speaking, unless wishing to make a point of order or point of personal explanation. If more than one councillor stands, the chair will ask one to speak and the others must sit down.
2. When the chair stands during a debate, any councillor speaking at the time must stop and sit down. The meeting must be silent.
3. Councillors shall address the chair when speaking, and:
(a) refer to each other as Mayor, Deputy Mayor, leader, executive member, chair or councillor, as the case may be;
(b) refrain from using unbecoming language;
Rules of Debate. 7.1 Any Member of the Joint Committee may speak on any business on the published agenda of the committee. Matters not relevant to the business on the agenda will not be permitted.
7.2 A Member may only speak once on a motion and amendment except:
7.2.1 The mover may reply to the debate but, in doing so, may only answer statements and arguments made in the course of the debate. He/she may not introduce any new matter;
7.2.2 The mover of a motion may speak during the debate on any amendment to the motion;
7.2.3 A Member who has already spoken may speak on a point of order or may, at the Chairman’s discretion, explain any statement made by them which they believe has been misunderstood;
7.2.4 The Chairman may speak before the mover of the motion or amendment replies to the debate;
7.2.5 A Member seconding any motion or amendment may reserve their right to speak later.
Rules of Debate