Schedule Adjustment Sample Clauses

Schedule Adjustment. ‌ Part-time hourly employees who are scheduled to work and who, in the event of an unforeseen circumstance have to leave or miss work, may be allowed to make up the missed time during the same pay period.
Schedule Adjustment. In accordance with Section 12.5, Management may adjust an employee’s schedule for jury duty or service as a subpoenaed witness on a Port-related case contingent on the employee’s agreement.
Schedule Adjustment. If the CM and its Contractors, for reasons beyond their control, are delayed in beginning any activity, the CM shall, nevertheless, have the same number of days as is shown in the Master Schedule for the activity, and the completion date of the affected activity and any succeeding activity that is dependent upon that activity shall be adjusted accordingly; provided that at any time the Owner, by means of a change order, may require the CM to work overtime, to increase labor forces or to take any necessary or appropriate action to decrease the time required for any activity, and the CM shall be entitled to an adjustment in the GMP computed in accordance with this Agreement. The CM shall review the contents of a request for changes to the construction contract time or price submitted by a Contractor, assemble information concerning the request and endeavor to determine the cause of the request. In instances where the CM’s analysis reveals that the request is valid, the CM shall prepare a detailed report to the Designer and the Owner for review, consideration and approval. The CM shall, prior to the issuance of a change order, determine the effect on the Master Schedule of time extensions requested by the Contractor. The Designer shall prepare the necessary change order documents for signing by the CM, Designer and Owner. The CM shall then prepare the necessary documents to effect a change to the contract with the Contractor.
Schedule Adjustment. If Siemens resumes performance, Siemens will adjust all affected schedules to reasonably accommodate the suspension. After 15 days’ suspension for any reason, Siemens may reassign personnel.
Schedule Adjustment. If Innomotics resumes performance, Innomotics will adjust all affected schedules to reasonably accommodate the suspension. After 15 days’ suspension for any reason, Innomotics may reassign personnel and already ordered (off the shelf) products.
Schedule Adjustment. To accommodate a required schedule adjustment, an hourly assignment may be changed by the District in consultation with the affected faculty member, as long as the original load offered to the faculty member is not reduced.
Schedule Adjustment. A. For purposes of departmental needs to an adjustment of schedule, the minimum number of hours, and hours of work shall be defined as: Fixed – predetermined, set, and unvarying Regular – consistent and continual Ascertainable – established and verifiable B. Permanent Schedule Changes for New School Year Employees shall be given a minimum of fifteen (15) day notice of shift changes prior to the start of each new school year. Any change of more than two (2) hours must be approved by the employee and CSEA. C. Mid-Year Schedule Changes
Schedule Adjustment. Training that falls entirely on an employee’s scheduled day off, or on a combination of the employee’s scheduled days off and scheduled working days shall result in hours balancing within a four week pay cycle as contained within the PSC SOP. Classroom time for training days shall not exceed nine (9) hours duration unless mutually agreed to by the parties, excluding Officer Coaching. This Letter of Understanding applies to:
Schedule Adjustment. Whenever a holiday falls on an employee' s regularly scheduled work day, said employee shall work the holiday. Said employee, however, shall have the right to trade shifts with another employee with the approval of the Director of 911 or his designee.
Schedule Adjustment. The supervisor and employee may agree to temporarily adjust the employee’s work schedule in order to avoid the accumulation of compensatory time or overtime. Schedule adjustments must be made within the same work week.