Scheduled Day Off Sample Clauses
Scheduled Day Off. 6.1 Each registered clerk, other than monthly and preferred, shall be entitled to 2 full days (48 hours) off each payroll week.
Scheduled Day Off. An employee may refuse to work on a scheduled day off and shall not be penalized for such refusal. However, should all employees in the job classification refuse to work on a day off, the Company may assign the work to any available qualified employee in reverse order of seniority in that classification. Where such assignment constitutes more than sixteen (16) hours of overtime over the fourteen (14) day period the next most junior qualified employee may be so assigned.
Scheduled Day Off. 6.1 Each registered longshoreman shall be entitled to 2 full days (48 hours) off each payroll week.
Scheduled Day Off. Any full-time employee who worked on his/her scheduled day off and is also available for work on each of his/her regularly scheduled five (5) days (except for absence due to legitimate good cause) shall receive overtime pay at the rate of time and a half for all work on such scheduled days off, but in the event he/she is absent on any of his/her regularly scheduled five (5) days without legitimate good cause he/she shall receive no overtime pay for work on his/her scheduled day off.
Scheduled Day Off. An employee shall be paid overtime if they are required to work on a scheduled day off, at the rate of double-time.
Scheduled Day Off i. Employees will be scheduled to take one (1) day off each four (4) weeks. This day off can be scheduled on any day of the week at the Company’s discretion and will be advised to employees at least two (2) weeks in advance.
ii. The scheduled day off can be changed by mutual agreement, or if required by the Company, with at least one (1) weeks notice in writing (or forty eight (48) hours in exceptional circumstances)
iii. Annual leave cannot be split to avoid a scheduled day off falling during such leave. The parties to this agreement recognise that an employee is entitled to twelve (12) scheduled days off per year. (based on an employee working forty eight (48) weeks and taking four (4) weeks annual leave)
iv. Where an employee’s scheduled day off falls on a day fixed by the Company as a nominated public holiday as per clause 25, the day shall be deemed to be only a public holiday and the scheduled day off shall be rescheduled by mutual agreement
v. It is further agreed that employees may accrue up to five (5) scheduled days off at any one (1) time for use in the future. The non working days that can be banked, and the times that they can be banked, and the times that they can be redeemed will again be at the Company’s discretion.
vi. Through mutual agreement between the Company and the employee, the employee may choose to work a roster than does not include a scheduled day off.
Scheduled Day Off. If a full-time employee’s scheduled day off falls on a designated holiday, the employee will be compensated with a day to be taken at a time mutually agreeable to the employee and the Board. It is understood that no such request for time off shall be unreasonably denied and the lieu day must be taken within three (3) months of accrual. • Each year, employees with banked lieu days for public holidays will be required to take the totality of the bank or 10 holidays from the bank until the bank is exhausted; • The days will be taken at a time mutually agreeable to the employee and the Board; • The bank of lieu days may not be converted into vacation; • All concerns about the use of the banked lieu days are to be referred to Labour-Management Committee; • The Board will provide semi-annually to the Union a list of employees with banked lieu days by location and including classification.
Scheduled Day Off. The pastor shall be permitted 1 to 1 ½ days off per week. It is understood that Sundays are excluded under this provision. This day will be determined by the pastor in consultation with the elders. The congregation shall be notified of this time off. Emergencies may disrupt this scheduled day-off. If an emergency happens, a substitute day may be taken when available.
Scheduled Day Off. A. Each member shall receive 8 scheduled days off (SDO’s) per contract year for the duration of the contract to adjust their weekly average hours.
B. All SDO’s shall be assigned by the authority of the Fire Chief. The Fire Chief will have the authority to determine the manner in which the SDO’s are selected.
C. Trading of SDO’s shall be permitted by members on the same shift. All trades shall be approved by the Fire Chief. Written notification of SDO trade requests will be provided as required by the Fire Chief.
D. SDO’s shall be taken in increments of 24 hours only.
E. A member transferred from one shift to another shall have their remaining SDO’s assigned by the Fire Chief once the transfer has been announced. SDO selection shall be made based on available/open days only.
F. Employees are not permitted to elect to work on a scheduled SDO and collect pay for the hours worked. If a member is called in to work while he or she is on a scheduled SDO (unscheduled overtime), the member shall forfeit that SDO and shall be compensated at one and one-half times the unscheduled over time rate for hours actually worked.
G. A member who is sick on their SDO cannot take sick leave for that day and bank SDO hours.
H. There will be no reimbursement for SDO’s not taken, nor may SDO’s be carried over to a following year. SDO time not taken is lost as of December 31st of each year.
Scheduled Day Off. An employee will receive normal straight-time pay for any statutory holiday or any day proclaimed in lieu thereof provided that on the scheduled working day immediately before and/or on the scheduled working day immediately following the holiday, they were at work or on sick leave, or on annual vacation or on approved leave of absence not exceeding ten (10) working days.