Scheduling of Games and Practice Time. 1) number of competitive events per sport;
2) number and length of practice opportunities;
3) time of day competitive events are scheduled;
4) time of day practice opportunities are scheduled; and
5) opportunities to engage in available pre-season and post-season competition.
Scheduling of Games and Practice Time. A. By February 14, 2014, the District will develop a plan to ensure that it provides equal athletic opportunities at Arsenal, Broad Ripple, Northwest, and Washington High Schools for members of both sexes in the scheduling of games and practice times. The District will immediately commence implementation of the plan to the extent practicable for spring 2014 sports, with final implementation by no later than the 2014-2015 school year. To that end, the District will demonstrate that the District’s girls’ interscholastic athletic teams at each of these high schools are provided with comparable opportunities as provided to the boys’ interscholastic athletic teams at the same school in the number of competitive events per sport, number and length of practice opportunities, time of day competitive events are scheduled, time of day practice opportunities are scheduled, and opportunities to engage in available pre-season and post-season competition. In particular, the District will provide girls’ basketball teams at the identified schools a comparable opportunity to compete at the prime time of Friday or Saturday night as provided to the boys’ interscholastic athletic teams at the same school and will also provide a comparable number of athletic contests to boys’ and girls’ teams at Arsenal, and will ensure that boys’ and girls’ basketball teams are provided comparable schedules for optimal practice times at Arsenal.
B. In assessing compliance with Section VII of this agreement, OCR will compare the availability, quality and kinds of benefits, opportunities, and treatment afforded to the District’s male and female athletes at each of the four identified high schools in the scheduling of games and practice times to determine whether they are equivalent. Under this equivalency standard, identical benefits, opportunities, or treatment are not required as long as the effects of any differences are negligible. If a comparison of the benefits, opportunities and treatment afforded to males and females in the identified program components indicates that benefits, opportunities, or treatment are not equivalent, the District could still be in compliance with Title IX if the differences are shown to be the result of nondiscriminatory factors, such as the unique aspects of particular sports or athletic activities.
A. By February 14, 2014, the District will submit a report to OCR that includes its plan referenced in item VII.A of this Agreement and its schedule of competitive ...
Scheduling of Games and Practice Time. The Dallas ISD agrees to provide equal athletic opportunities to participants of both sexes in its interscholastic athletics program with respect to the scheduling of games and practice time, as required by Title IX and its implementing regulations at 34 C.F.R. § 106.41(c)(3), and OCR policy. In this regard, the Dallas ISD agrees to take the following actions:
1. Dallas ISD will complete a comprehensive assessment of the scheduling of games and practice time in its interscholastic athletics program at X.X. Xxxxx High School (WTWHS) to ensure that male and female student athletes benefit from the scheduling of games and practice time in a manner that is equivalent or equivalent in effect (“Scheduling Assessment”). The Scheduling Assessment will include consideration of input from student athletes of both sexes and coaches. The assessment will be documented in a report and will include information about the Dallas ISD’s athletics program as it existed during the 2017- 2018 school year. The Scheduling Assessment will assess the following factors:
a. Number of competitive events per sport;
b. Number and length of practice opportunities;
c. Time of day competitive events are scheduled;
d. Time of day practice opportunities are scheduled, and
e. Opportunities to engage in available pre-season and post-season competition. If Dallas ISD determines through its assessment that the male and female athletes at WTWHS are not receiving comparable benefits and opportunities with respect to the scheduling of games and practice times (including the use of Athletics class periods), Dallas ISD will also submit to OCR for its review and approval a plan to ensure that male and female student athletes are provided benefits and services with regard to the scheduling of games and practice times that are equivalent or equivalent in effect (“Scheduling Plan”). The plan will include a description of specific action steps, a timeline indicating when each action step will be completed, and any proposed revisions of policies, procedures, and practices needed to ensure the provision of equal athletic opportunity to participants of both sexes with respect to the scheduling of games and practice time.
2. If Dallas ISD determines that male and female athletes at WTWHS are not receiving comparable benefits and opportunities as identified in Item 1. above, within 30 days following OCR’s approval of its Scheduling Plan, the Dallas ISD will begin implementation of the plan.
Scheduling of Games and Practice Time. A. The District agrees to provide equivalent treatment, benefits, and opportunities to female and male student athletes with respect to the scheduling of games and practice time consistent with the requirements of Title IX at (34 C.F.R. §106.41(c)(3)).
Scheduling of Games and Practice Time. In conducting its assessment to determine whether the CCSD is providing equivalent benefits and opportunities to RHS’s female and male students with respect to the scheduling of games and practice times, the CCSD will consider: the number of competitive events per sport; the number and length of practice opportunities; the time of day competitive events are scheduled; the time of day practice opportunities are scheduled; the number of competitive events per sport; and opportunities to engage in available pre-season and post-season competition. Further, based on the allegations raised in this complaint, the CCSD will ensure that it specifically assesses the following:
a. Whether each interscholastic athletic team at RHS is afforded an opportunity to begin practices prior to the commencement of its competition season, and whether the number and length of practices are substantially equivalent.
b. Whether RHS’s softball and baseball programs are scheduled a substantially equivalent number of regular-season competition games.
c. Whether any athlete – male or female – is permitted to be enrolled in RHS’s designated Athletics period if he/she is not currently on the roster for the sport which is currently practicing during Athletics period.
d. Whether female athletes are being afforded equivalent opportunities with respect to the time of day that practices are scheduled, including, but not limited to, consideration of the convenience of practice times. The CCSD will specifically assess whether female athletes are being provided with an opportunity to practice at the end of the school day – with “carryover” into after-school practices – or whether this opportunity is only being provided to male athletes (including assessing whether there is any negative impact to female students with respect to the time of day that practices are scheduled).
Scheduling of Games and Practice Time. Number of competitive events per sport;
Scheduling of Games and Practice Time. The CCSD agrees to provide equal athletic opportunities to members of both sexes in its interscholastic athletics program at RHS with respect to the scheduling of games and practice time, as required by Title IX and its implementing regulation at 34 C.F.R. § 106.41(c)(3).
Scheduling of Games and Practice Time. The University will ensure that by 2018-19, it provides equal athletic opportunities for members of both sexes in the scheduling of games at “prime time.” For purposes of this Agreement “prime time” for athletic competitions is typically defined as evenings that precede days without classroom instruction, usually Friday evenings and Saturday evenings.
A. The University will demonstrate that its women’s athletic teams are provided with comparable opportunities as provided to the men’s intercollegiate athletic teams in the time of day competitive events are scheduled. In particular, the University will provide women’s basketball, soccer and softball teams comparable opportunities as men’s basketball, soccer and baseball to compete in “prime time.”
B. In assessing compliance with Section III of this Agreement, OCR will compare the availability, quality and kinds of benefits, opportunities, and treatment afforded to the University’s male and female athletes in the scheduling of games to determine whether they are equivalent. Under this equivalency standard, identical benefits, opportunities, or treatment are not required as long as the effects of any differences are negligible. If a comparison of the benefits, opportunities and treatment afforded to males and females in the identified program components indicates that benefits, opportunities, or treatment are not equivalent, the University could still be in compliance with Title IX if the differences are shown to be the result of nondiscriminatory factors, such as the unique aspects of particular sports or athletic activities.
Scheduling of Games and Practice Time a. The College agrees to provide equivalent treatment, benefits, and opportunities to female and male student athletes with respect to the scheduling of games and practice time.
b. By January 31, 2015, the College will complete an assessment of its competitive events and practice schedules to ensure that female and male student athletes are provided with equivalent benefits and services in this area. The assessment will consider, at a minimum, whether the College’s women’s intercollegiate athletic teams are provided with comparable opportunities as provided to the men’s intercollegiate athletic teams in the number of competitive events per sport, number and length of practice opportunities, time of day competitive events are scheduled, time of day practice opportunities are scheduled, and opportunities to engage in available pre-season and post-season competition.
c. By January 31, 2015, if the College determines that the men’s and the women’s athletic teams are not receiving comparable scheduling for competitive events and/or practice times, the College will develop and, once approved by OCR, implement a plan to ensure that female and male student athletes are provided with equivalent benefits and services in this area. If the College determines that the competitive events and/or practice times currently provided to the women’s and men’s athletic programs are comparable, the College will provide to OCR a report outlining that determination and the information, including appropriate documentation upon which it is based.
Scheduling of Games and Practice Time a. The College agrees to provide equivalent treatment, benefits, and opportunities to female and male student athletes with respect to the scheduling of games and practice time.
b. By January 31, 2015, the College will complete an assessment of its competitive events and practice schedules to ensure that female and male student athletes are provided with equivalent benefits and services in this area. The assessment will consider, at a minimum, whether the College’s women’s intercollegiate athletic teams are provided with comparable opportunities as provided to the men’s intercollegiate athletic teams in the number of competitive events per sport, number and length of practice opportunities, time of day competitive events are scheduled, time of day practice opportunities are scheduled, and opportunities to engage in available pre-season and post-season competition.
c. By January 31, 2015, if the College determines that the men’s and the women’s athletic teams are not receiving comparable scheduling for competitive events and/or practice times, the College will develop and, once approved by OCR, implement a plan to ensure that female and male student athletes are provided with equivalent benefits and services in this area. If the College determines that the competitive events and/or practice times currently provided to the women’s and men’s athletic programs are comparable, the College will provide to OCR a report outlining that determination and the information, including appropriate documentation upon which it is based.