Scheduling Protocols. The Parties agree that each Party will leverage technology, where feasible, to perform electronic approvals of schedules and to perform electronic checkouts. The Parties agree to follow the following scheduling protocols: Each Party, acting as the scheduling agent for their respective BAs, will conduct all checkouts with their first tier BAs or the scheduling agent acting on behalf of those first-tier BAs. A first tier BA is any BA that is directly connected to any Party’s members’ BA. The Parties will require all schedules between the Parties, other than reserve sharing or other emergency events and loss payback schedules, to be tagged via the NERC tagging standard. For reserve sharing and other emergency schedules that are not tagged, the Parties will enter manual schedules after the fact into their respective scheduling systems to facilitate checkout between the Parties. When there is a scheduling conflict, the Parties will work in unison to modify the schedule as soon as practical. If there is a scheduling conflict that is identified before the schedule has started, then both Parties will make the correction in real-time and not wait until the quarter hour. If the schedule has already started and one Party identifies an error, then the Parties will make the correction at the earliest quarter hour increment. If a scheduling conflict cannot be resolved between the Parties (but the source and sink have agreed to a MW value), then the Parties will both adjust their numbers to that same MW value. If source and sink are unable to agree to a MW value, then the previously tagged value will stand for both Parties. For BAs or associated scheduling agents that do not use the respective Parties’ electronic scheduling interfaces, the Parties will contact those entities by telephone to perform checkouts. When performing checkouts by telephone, each entity will verbally repeat the numerical NSI value to ensure accuracy. The Parties will perform the following types of checkouts:
(a) Pre-schedule (day-ahead) daily between 1800 and 2200 hours(Eastern Prevailing Time); Intra-hour checkout/schedule confirmation will occur as required due to intra-hour scheduled changes.
(b) Hourly Before the Fact (Real-Time); Checkout for the next hours shall be net scheduled. Import and export totals may also be verified in addition to NSI if it is deemed necessary by either Party. The Parties may checkout individual schedules if deemed necessary by either Party. Checkout for the top of ...
Scheduling Protocols. 1. DWR is responsible for notifying the counter-party to each of the Allocated Contracts that scheduling under the Allocated Contracts will be performed by Utility before the first day that schedules are due to be submitted by Utility. DWR is responsible for notifying Utility of any changes to the Allocated Contracts that it has negotiated, including changes to the scheduling terms. DWR agrees to provide such notice as soon as possible following the negotiation of any changed provisions and in any case prior to the time that any changed provisions become effective. To the extent that any of the Interim Contracts are amended or modified by DWR or Utility, including changes to the scheduling terms, DWR and Utility agree to provide such notice to the other Party as soon as possible following the negotiation of any changed provisions and in any case prior to the time that any such changed provisions become effective.
2. Utility agrees to schedule Contracts in accordance with their terms and in accordance with the requirements of the Control Area operator or operators with whom the Contract must be scheduled to provide for power delivery.
Scheduling Protocols. The Parties agree that each Party will leverage technology, where feasible, to perform electronic approvals of schedules and to perform electronic checkouts, in lieu of telephone calls. The Parties agree to follow the following scheduling protocols:
Section Each Party, acting as the scheduling agent for their respective Control Areas, will conduct all checkouts with their first tier Control Areas or the scheduling agent acting on behalf of those first-tier Control Areas. A first tier Control Area is any Control Area that is directly connected to any Party’s members’ Control Area.
Section The Parties will require all schedules, other than reserve sharing or other emergency events and loss payback schedules, to be tagged via the NERC tagging standard. For reserve sharing and other emergency schedules that are not tagged, the Parties will enter manual schedules after the fact into their respective scheduling systems to facilitate checkout between the Parties.
Section When there is a scheduling conflict, the Parties will work in unison to modify the schedule as soon as practical. If there is a scheduling conflict that is identified before the schedule has started, then both Parties will make the correction in real-time and not wait until the quarter hour. If the schedule has already started and one Party identifies an error, then the Parties will make the correction at the earliest quarter hour increment. If a scheduling conflict cannot be resolved between the Parties (but the source and sink have agreed
Scheduling Protocols. Each Party shall leverage technology to perform electronic approvals of schedules, and to perform electronic checkouts. The Parties shall follow the following scheduling protocols:
Scheduling Protocols. As Scheduling Coordinator for the Generating Facility, Anaheim will receive Forecasts from Seller in accordance with EXHIBIT D and will use such Forecasts to Schedule all net electric energy produced by the Generating Facility into the CAISO Markets. Under the current CAISO Markets structure (Market Redesign Technology Upgrade), the whole amount of net electric energy from the Generating Facility will be bid or self-scheduled into the CAISO Markets as instructed by Project. Buyer shall schedule all net electric energy generated by the Generating Facility during all hours in all days of all months during the Delivery Term. This Scheduling Protocol may be modified in writing from time to time by mutual agreement of the applicable authorized representatives of the Parties, which in the instance of Anaheim is the Principal Integrated Resources Planner and in the instance of Seller is its President.
Scheduling Protocols. Each Party will leverage technology to perform electronic approvals of schedules and to perform electronic checkouts, in lieu of telephone calls. The Parties will follow the following scheduling protocols: Each Party, acting as the scheduling agent for its respective Control Areas, will conduct all checkouts with first tier Control Areas. A first tier Control Area is any Control Area that is directly connected to any Party’s members’ Control Area or any Control Area operated by an independent transmission company. The Parties will require all schedules, other than reserve sharing or other emergency events, to be tagged in accord with the NERC tagging standard. For reserve sharing and other emergency schedules that are not tagged, the Parties will enter manual schedules after the fact into their respective scheduling systems to facilitate checkout between the Parties.
Scheduling Protocols. 1. DWR is responsible for notifying the counter-party to each of the Allocated Contracts that scheduling under the Allocated Contracts will be performed by Utility before the first day that schedules are due to be submitted by Utility. DWR is responsible for notifying Utility of any changes to the Allocated Contracts that it has negotiated, including changes to the scheduling terms. DWR agrees to provide such notice as soon as possible following the negotiation of any changed provisions and in any case prior to the time that any changed provisions become effective.
2. Utility agrees to schedule Contracts in accordance with their terms and in accordance with the requirements of the Control Area operator or operators with whom the Contract must be scheduled to provide for power delivery.
Scheduling Protocols. As Scheduling Coordinator for the Generating Facility, Anaheim will receive Forecasts from Seller, or Seller’s designee, in accordance with Exhibit D and will Schedule with the CAISO in accordance with such Forecasts and the CAISO Tariff.
Scheduling Protocols. Each Party will leverage technology to perform electronic approvals of schedules, and to perform electronic checkouts, in lieu of telephone calls. The Parties will follow the following scheduling protocols: Each Party, acting as the scheduling agent for its respective Control Areas, will conduct all checkouts with first tier Control Areas. A first tier Control Area is any Control Area that is directly connected to any Party’s members’ Control Area or any Control Area operated by an independent transmission company. The Parties will require all schedules to be tagged in accord with the NERC tagging standard. For reserve sharing and other emergency schedules that are not tagged, the Parties will enter manual schedules after the fact into their respective scheduling systems to facilitate checkout between the Parties. When there is a scheduling conflict, the Parties will work in unison to modify the schedule as soon as practical. If there is a scheduling conflict that is identified before the schedule has started, then both Parties will make the correction in real-time and not wait until the quarter hour. If the schedule has already started and one Party identifies an error, then the Parties will make the correction at the earliest quarter hour increment. If a scheduling conflict cannot be resolved between the For entities that do not use the respective Parties’ electronic scheduling interfaces, the Parties will contact the non-member first-tier entities by telephone to perform checkouts. The Parties will perform the following types of checkouts:
(a) Pre-schedule (Day-Ahead), daily between 1600 and 2000 hours.
(b) Hourly Before the Fact (Real-Time):
(i) Hourly before the fact checkout includes the verification of import and export totals, and is not limited to net scheduled interchange for Control Areas with the ability to determine such net scheduled interchange. At a future time, the Parties may checkout individual schedules;
(ii) Hourly checkout is performed starting at the half hour and ending at the ramp hour;
(iii) Intra-hour checkout/schedule confirmation will occur as required due to intra-hour scheduled changes.
(c) After the fact (day end) daily starting at 0100 hours.
(d) After the fact (monthly) on a daily month to date basis (usually via email), starting on the first business day of the following month and ending by the tenth (10th) business day of that month. The Parties will require that each...
Scheduling Protocols. The Parties agree that each Party will leverage technology, where feasible, to perform electronic approvals of schedules and to perform electronic checkouts, in lieu of telephone calls. The Parties agree to follow the following scheduling protocols:
Section Each Party, acting as the scheduling agent for their respective Control Areas, will conduct all checkouts with their first tier Control Areas or the scheduling agent acting on behalf of those first-tier Control Areas. A first tier Control Area is any Control Area that is directly connected to any Party’s members’ Control Area.
Section The Parties will require all schedules between the Parties, other than reserve sharing or other emergency events and loss payback schedules, to be tagged via the NERC tagging standard. For reserve sharing and other emergency schedules that are not tagged, the Parties will enter manual schedules after the fact into their respective scheduling systems to facilitate checkout between the Parties.
Section When there is a scheduling conflict, the Parties will work in unison to modify the schedule as soon as practical. If there is a scheduling conflict that is identified before the schedule has started, then both Parties will make the correction in real-time and not wait until the quarter hour. If the schedule has already started and one Party identifies an error, then the Parties will make the correction at the earliest quarter hour increment. If a scheduling conflict cannot be resolved between the Parties (but the source and sink have agreed to a MW value), then the Parties will both adjust their numbers to that same MW value. If source and sink are unable to agree to a MW value, then the previously tagged value will stand for both Parties.
Section For Control Areas or associated scheduling agents that do not use the respective Parties’ electronic scheduling interfaces, the Parties will contact those entities by telephone to perform checkouts.
Section The Parties will perform the following types of checkouts:
(a) Pre-schedule (Day-Ahead) daily between 1800 and 2200 hours; • Intra-hour checkout/schedule confirmation will occur as required due to intra-hour scheduled changes.
(b) Hourly Before the Fact (Real-Time); • Hourly before the fact checkout includes the verification of import and export totals in addition to net scheduled interchange (“NSI”) for control areas with that ability. At a future time, the Parties may checkout individ...