Scrutiny Arrangements. 8.1 The Authority will establish scrutiny arrangements to enable the Constituent Councils to exercise an overview and scrutiny role in relation to the decisions and activities of –
(a) the Authority
(b) the Merseytravel Committee
Scrutiny Arrangements. 5.6.1 The decisions made by (and, for the avoidance of doubt, not mere recommendations of) the Committee shall be subject to the Overview and Scrutiny arrangements of each Partner Authority.
5.6.2 Decisions or actions of the Joint Committee shall be notified to the Proper Officer of each Partner Authority together with all those to whom agenda papers etc are despatched in accordance with this agreement within seven (7) Working Days of the decision being reached or the actions being taken, as the case may be
5.6.3 The Joint Committee Members and their officer advisers shall fully co- operate with the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committee of the Partner Authorities and shall, where requested, attend any meeting of any relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
5.6.4 Any decision or action of the Joint Committee may be called in for scrutiny by members of a Partner Authority. A decision is called in by members of a Partner Authority in the same way in which they would call in a decision of that Partner Authority’s Executive except that:
(a) decision may not be called-in after 5pm on the 5th working day after the date upon which the decision is published.
(b) a call in of such a decision or action can only be made if the decision or action concerned affects the Partner Authority whose membership wishes to call in the decision or action.
5.6.5 Once a decision is called in it may not be implemented until the Scrutiny Arrangements of the Partner Authority whose membership has called in the decision or action has been completed. Where a Scrutiny Committee or a full Council makes recommendations to the Joint Committee the Joint Committee shall arrange for the decision to be reconsidered in the light of comments made by the Committee or the full Council and the final decision of the Joint Committee shall not be subject to call in.
5.6.6 The call-in procedure set out above shall not apply where the decision or action being taken by the Joint Committee is certified by the Joint Committee as urgent.
5.6.7 A Scrutiny Committee must notify the Joint Committee if it includes in its work programme any aspect of policy development or review relating to the work or functions of the Joint Committee.
5.6.8 Where a Scrutiny Committee has formed recommendations on proposals for development, a Scrutiny Committee shall prepare a formal report and submit it for consideration by the Joint Committee.
5.6.9 The Joint Committee shall consider the report of a Scrutiny Committee within...
Scrutiny Arrangements. 14.1 The decisions made by the Accountability Board may be subject to the individual scrutiny arrangements of each Council.
14.2 Committee Members and their officer advisers shall co-operate with the relevant Scrutiny Committee of any of the Councils and shall, where requested, comply with any statutory duty to attend any meeting of any relevant Scrutiny Committee.
Scrutiny Arrangements. 27.1 The decisions made by (and, for the avoidance of doubt, not mere recommendations of) the Joint Committee may be subject to the individual scrutiny arrangements of each Partner Authority operating under executive arrangements.
27.2 Decisions or actions of the Joint Committee shall be notified to all those to whom the papers etc are despatched in accordance with Paragraph 16.5 within seven working days of the decision being reached or the actions being taken, as the case may be.
27.3 Committee Members and their officer advisers shall fully co-operate with the relevant scrutiny committee of any of the Partner Authorities and shall, where requested, attend any meeting of any relevant scrutiny committee.
Scrutiny Arrangements. Partners will be encouraged to conduct scrutiny through their individual scrutiny arrangements.
Scrutiny Arrangements. 9.1 The Parties will establish joint scrutiny arrangements to enable the Constituent Councils to exercise an overview and scrutiny role in relation to the decisions and activities of the following bodies –
(a) the AGMA Executive Board
(b) the GMCA
(c) the TfGMC
(d) TfGM
9.2 The scrutiny arrangements are set out in Schedule 3.
9.3 The Constituent Councils will make arrangements (whether by standing orders or otherwise) for enabling questions on the discharge of the functions of GMCA and the business of TfGMC to be put to that council’s representative on GMCA and one of their representatives on TfGMC at full council meetings of the Constituent Councils.
Scrutiny Arrangements. The former content of Schedule has been superseded by the statutory scrutiny arrangements established under Combined Authorities (Overview and Scrutiny Committees, Access to Information and Audit Committees) Order 2017 and the Local Authority (Public Health, Health and Wellbeing Boards and Health Scrutiny) Regulations 2013.
Scrutiny Arrangements. 10.1 The decisions, actions and activities of the Administering Authority shall be subject to the Scrutiny Arrangements of each of the Parties.
10.2 The Administering Authority and the Joint Waste Client Team and its officers shall fully co-operate with the Scrutiny Committees of each of the Parties and shall ensure that any reports to be considered by a Scrutiny Committee are prepared and submitted to the most appropriate meeting, and in a timely fashion, in order not to cause any undue delays to the planned work of the Administering Authority.
10.3 Any decision of the Administering Authority called in for Scrutiny before it is implemented shall not be implemented until the Scrutiny procedures of either the Parties whose membership has called in the decision has been completed.
10.4 A call in of such a decision can only be made if the decision concerned affects either of the Parties whose membership wishes to call in the decision.
Scrutiny Arrangements. The Elected Member with responsibility for adults at risk will have a role, via the Scrutiny Committee, in determining how well the Local Authority is fulfilling its responsibilities to safeguard and promote the welfare of adults at risk, and the work of the SSAB in this.
Scrutiny Arrangements. 22.1 The decisions made by (and, for the avoidance of doubt, not mere recommendations of) the Joint Committee may be subject to the individual scrutiny arrangements of each Partner Authority operating under executive arrangements.
22.2 Committee Members and their officer advisers shall fully co-operate with the relevant Scrutiny Committee of any of the Partner Authorities and shall, where requested, attend any meeting of any relevant Scrutiny Committee. The expectation would be that the Committee Members and their officer advisors attending any meeting of any relevant Scrutiny Committee will be those relevant to the decision to be discussed.