Section 6.2. Loss of Seniority Sample Clauses

Section 6.2. Loss of Seniority. Seniority shall be terminated if a nurse is laid off for 2 more than twelve (12) consecutive calendar months, quits, retires or is discharged. If a 3 nurse retires and is rehired by the Hospital within a period of less than one (1) year from 4 the date of termination, s/he will be returned from the time of reemployment to the same 5 pay rate as prior to termination, to the same date of hire for purpose of PTO accrual, 6 and to the seniority list with the same seniority date (adjusted for the length of time of

Related to Section 6.2. Loss of Seniority

  • Loss of Seniority An employee shall lose all seniority and shall be deemed terminated if:

  • Loss of Seniority and Employment A Nurse shall lose both Seniority and employment in the event that: (a) The Nurse is discharged for just cause and is not reinstated. (b) The Nurse resigns or retires from employment. (c) After recall, the Nurse fails to notify the Employer as set out in lay off provisions unless such notice was not reasonably possible. (d) The Nurse is laid-off for more than two (2) years, subject to lay off provisions. (e) The Nurse is absent from work for three (3) consecutive scheduled shifts or more without sufficient cause or without notifying the Employer, unless such notice was not reasonably possible. (f) A Nurse who retires from employment loses employment and Service, but if within six months of the retirement, the Nurse returns to work in any Bargaining Unit represented by the Nova Scotia Nurses’ Union, the Nurse will maintain the Seniority the Nurse had prior to retirement and may accumulate additional Seniority on either a Casual or Regular basis depending on the status of the appointment after retirement. (g) The Nurse fails to return from an approved leave of absence, without notifying the Employer unless such notice was not reasonably possible or takes unauthorized employment while on an approved leave of absence.

  • Termination of Seniority An employee's seniority shall terminate: A. If the employee resigns B. If the employee retires C. If the employee is discharged D. If the employee is laid off for a period of more than twenty-four (24) consecutive months E. If the employee who has completed his/her probationary period fails to report to work as scheduled after any authorized absence or layoff, he may be terminated effective on the 4th calendar day following the scheduled return to work date

  • Determination of Seniority Seniority records shall be maintained by the University and shall be based on the employee's seniority date. The University shall maintain current records on seniority for use in the application of these provisions and they shall be available whenever a Union representative shall raise a question of seniority. Such lists and records shall also show the job title and latest employment date with the University for each person, and a copy of the list shall be furnished to the Union every six (6) months, upon request.

  • Retention of Seniority (a) Any employee, other than a probationary employee, whose employment ceases through no fault of his own, shall retain seniority and shall be recalled on the following basis: (i) An employee with less than one year's continuous service shall retain these rights for six (6) months from the date of lay-off. (ii) An employee with one or more year's continuous service shall retain these rights for twelve (12) months from the date of lay-off, plus two (2) additional months for each year's service up to an additional twenty-four (24) months. (b) Failure of the employee to report for work within one (1) week of notice by registered mail at their last address reported to and received by the mill shall result in his termination of employment with the Company. Bona fide reasons for failure to report shall not deprive an employee of his recall rights.

  • Calculation of Seniority For the purpose of this Article, "seniority" shall be defined as continuous employment at the university in positions within the bargaining unit. An authorized leave of absence or sabbatical, pursuant to Articles 15, Section C, 18 or 19 of this Agreement, shall not be deemed an interruption of continuous employment. For purposes of seniority calculation, time on a Sabbatical Leave pursuant to Article 15, Section C will be counted based on the ASF Member’s regular appointment as provided in this Subdivision. For purposes of this Section, a full-time ASF Member on a nine (9) to twelve (12) month appointment or a part time ASF Members on a seventy five percent (75%) time or greater appointment for twelve (12) months shall be considered to have accrued one (1) year of seniority. For other part time ASF Member and for first year full time ASF Members whose FTE is less than seventy five (75) percent, the number of months of seniority will be credited based on the FTE of the individual's appointment. If an ASF Member has an assignment in more than one department, program or service area, all seniority will be credited in the one in which the ASF Member is assigned the greatest percentage of time. If the assignment is split equally between more than one department, program or service area, then the President/designee will designate that one in which all seniority will be credited prior to the issuance of the subsequent seniority roster. If two (2) or more ASF Members have equal seniority, then those with greater length of service in permanent status shall have priority for retention. Should ASF Members still be equal in seniority, then the decision of which person to retain will be made on the basis of ASF Member competence and programmatic needs of the university as determined by the President. A seniority roster shall be posted by the President/designee on or before November 1 of each year, and a copy of such rosters shall be furnished to the Campus Association President. Grievances concerning the accuracy of the roster must be filed within thirty (30) calendar days of publication of the roster and must be limited to changes made and shown on the most recent roster. ASF Members on leave status at the time of posting of the seniority roster shall have thirty (30) calendar days after the end of such leave within which to file a grievance. The format of the seniority roster shall be the same for each university. The rosters shall contain all relevant information necessary to implement this Article, including a notification of any department, program or service area in which the ASF Member has served at least thirty-six (36) FTE months.

  • Definition of Seniority Seniority shall consist of the length of service from the date of hire. All seniority must be continuous and uninterrupted except as otherwise provided in this agreement. Bargaining unit seniority shall be defined as the amount of time an employee has accrued while represented by the Wausau Professional Police Association. Officers not represented by the bargaining unit shall be allowed to return to the bargaining unit with their full bargaining unit seniority, including length of service outside of the unit, if their return is caused by the elimination of their position.

  • Super Seniority For purposes of layoff and recall only, the President shall head the seniority list, provided however, that such officer must have the necessary skill and experience to perform the required work. The Sheriff agrees that this section shall not be applied in an arbitrary manner.

  • Accumulation of Seniority The seniority of an employee shall continue to accrue during an absence due to: (a) accident or illness; (b) maternity or parental leave; (c) any unpaid leave of absence of up to twelve (12) months; (d) any paid leave of absence provided for under this Agreement.

  • Classification Seniority Classification Seniority" is defined as the length of service in a specific job classification within the bargaining unit, beginning with the date an employee starts to serve a probationary appointment. Classification Seniority shall be interrupted only by separation because of resignation, discharge for just cause, failure to return upon expiration of a leave of absence, failure to respond to a recall from layoff, or retirement.