Section 8.7.2 Sample Clauses
Section 8.7.2. The returning employee shall notify the District thirty (30) days prior to the intended date of 34 return or by May 15th for the following school year, if released at that time by the doctor, and 35 will be assigned to the position occupied before the leave of absence. Employees hired to fill 36 positions of employees on leave of absence will be hired for a specific period of time, during 37 which they shall be subject to all provisions of this Agreement. It shall be the responsibility of 38 the employer to inform replacement employees of these provisions. If a current classified 39 employee was hired to fill the leave of absence position, that employee will return to his/her 40 previous position. If the position is not available, the employee will follow the process in 9.9.2. 41
Section 8.7.2. 20 Vacation leave is available to the employee and should be used. If leave is not used, the 21 employee and supervisor shall discuss this leave and the subsequent balance of unused leave.
Section 8.7.2. 44 The returning employee shall be assigned to a similar position occupied before the leave of 45 absence, provided a vacancy exists.
Section 8.7.2. 25 All overtime must receive prior authorization by the employee’s supervisor or the office of the 26 superintendent, excepting emergency conditions that justify immediate employee action.
Section 8.7.2. 10 The returning employee will be assigned to the position occupied before the leave of absence, 11 subject to Section 9.7. A replacement employee shall be entitled to District paid insurance 12 premiums in accordance with Section 11.1 of this agreement only after the replacement employee 13 has worked for thirty (30) consecutive workdays in the same position, and only if the employee is 14 not presently covered by another health care provider; provided, however, no replacement 15 employee shall receive District-paid insurance premiums as long as the regular employee for that 16 position is receiving District-paid insurance premiums.
Section 8.7.2. 2 Vacation leave must be taken within the twelve (12) month period following the time when 3 vacation was earned, except that a maximum of forty (40) hours may be accumulated and 5 vacation benefits due to District employment need. 7 When staff members separate from service by reason of resignation, layoff, dismissal, 8 retirement, or death, they are entitled to a lump sum payment of unused leave. 11 A R T I C L E I X 13 LEAVES
Section 8.7.2. 1. Untimely application for a leave of absence without pay will be adequate reason for 18 refusal, but application by February 1 for leave to begin in September shall not be considered untimely.
Section 8.7.2. 16 The returning employee will be assigned to the position occupied before the leave of absence, 17 or if the position is not available in the District, to a position substantially equal. Employees 18 hired to fill positions of employees on leave of absence will be informed of this provision by 19 the District and shall be subject to all provisions of this Agreement. The return of the regular 20 employee shall conclusively establish justifiable cause for the layoff of the temporary 21 employee.
Section 8.7.2. 2 The returning employee will be assigned to the position last held if one is available, or a 3 comparable position. (Employees hired to fill positions of employees on leave of absence will 4 be hired for a specific period of time as a temporary employee in accordance with the condition 5 giving rise to the leave of absence. It shall be the responsibility of the Employer to inform 6 replacement employees of these positions.)
Section 8.7.2. 36 The returning employee will be assigned to the position occupied before the leave of absence, 37 subject to Section 9.7. A non-employee applicant or substitute filling a replacement position 38 shall be entitled to District paid insurance as provided by state law.