Unused Leave Sample Clauses
Unused Leave. At the time of retirement each unused day of sick leave will be certified by the District to be applied for additional service retirement credit for those unit members to whom Government Code Section 20862.5 applies (those hired before July 1, 1980).
Unused Leave. If the University determines that an employee will not need donated leave, such leave will be returned to donors.
Unused Leave. If the University determines that an employee will not need donated leave, such leave will be returned to donors accrual balances. The hours are proportionately returned to the appropriate type of leave accrual, i.e., annual leave, sick leave, personal holiday. If there are multiple donors, the unused hours are returned to the donors’ on a prorated basis.
Unused Leave. Employees who have accrued unused vacation or compensatory time will receive cash in lieu of leave as part of their final pay, based upon their base rate of compensation in effect at the time of termination.
Unused Leave. If the Employer determines that an employee will not need donated leave, such leave will be returned to donors in a timely manner.
Unused Leave. There shall be no pay for leave available but unused either during or upon ending of employment except as may be specifically set forth herein.
Unused Leave. In the event that the service of an employee is terminated, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, the employee shall receive vacation pay for any unused vacation leave that the employee earned at the time of termination.
Unused Leave. The Company may require that any unused leave entitlement be taken during a period of notice (whether such notice is given by the Company or the Employee). Where notice of termination is given by the Company or the Employee , the Company shall be entitled at its sole discretion to make payment in lieu of such notice.
Unused Leave. Unit members shall not be compensated by the Employer for unused sick leave upon separation from employment. Upon written request of the employee or subsequent Upon retirement from OSA, a unit member’s accrued and unused sick leave shall be reported to the State Teachers’ Retirement System (STRS). The parties acknowledge that the OSA Charter prohibits the transfer of sick leave at this time. However, OSA may receive documentation of accrued unused sick leave from a prospective unit member’s immediately previous California public school or Charter School employer. Such documentation shall be retained by OSA, but none of the documented hours shall actually be transferred or awarded to the prospective employee until and unless the Charter is revised to allow such transfers. When XXX seeks renewal following expiration of its current Charter, it will request deletion of the prohibition against transfer of sick leave in “Element 13” and any other prohibition language. Upon that revision of the charter, OSA will accept transfer of previously documented or subsequently certified unused basic sick leave (but not “excess” sick leave) for purposes of retirement only. Such transferred sick leave hours may not in any case be used as paid time off from OSA.
Unused Leave. The Superintendent shall be entitled to compensation for unused sick leave at rate of ninety dollars ($90.00) for each day of unused sick leave up to a maximum of 100 days at the time of retirement, death, resignation and/or termination. The Superintendent may elect to receive said compensation over a two year period payable in the first pay period of the new calendar year following retirement.