Teacher Attendance Sample Clauses

Teacher Attendance. If a school transitions to full remote learning, all staff (who are not asked to isolate or quarantine) will be required to report to work in-person, including on all preparation days.
Teacher Attendance. If a teacher has accumulated twenty-five (25) sick leave days, and if that teacher has perfect attendance during a school term, he/she shall receive a payment of three hundred and fifty dollars ($350) with the last paycheck in June. If such teacher misses no more than two (2) days during a school term, such teacher shall receive a payment of one hundred seventy-five dollars ($175) with the last paycheck in June. Only time missed on sick leave days shall count against the attendance record of the teacher for purposes of this Section. Such payment shall not affect the accumulation of sick leave. Sick leave days donated toward the Sick Leave Bank shall not be counted as days used for purposes of this Section.
Teacher Attendance. 4.4.1. All members of the bargaining unit are presumed to be on duty on the High School campus during the hours of their established work schedules unless school business demands their presence elsewhere, in which case approval shall be secured from the principal and notice of absence, destination, purpose of trip and probable time of return shall be recorded at the office prior to departure. All absences require official notification, including meetings, purchases, illness occurring after the start of the workday, and personal errands. 4.4.2. Teachers shall not be required to be present when school is closed due to weather conditions or other emergencies, but absence on such days shall not be counted toward the completion of the teacher’s individual contract and teachers shall make up for absence by working an equal number of days extending the school year. The additional days beyond 180 teaching days shall be used as follows: a. The school year for teachers is 185 days which includes: one (1) administrative day at the beginning of the school year, one (1) professional development day at the beginning of the school year, one Freshmen orientation day at the beginning of the school year, one (1) professional development day during the school year, and one (1) Open House day. b. The salary schedule is based on 185 days. Only those days needed to fulfill Department of Elementary and Secondary Education requirements, the freshman orientation program, and those high school students on an extended school year need to be made up. 4.4.3. High School classes shall be canceled whenever travel conditions are sufficiently hazardous to endanger students traveling to and from the Institute, as determined by the Superintendent.
Teacher Attendance. C.3.1 The school year for teachers shall comprise 4 Terms and will not exceed 40 weeks (200 days including gazetted public holidays during term weeks for which attendance is not required) plus 5 additional days (6 for holders of Positions of Responsibility) designed as Preparation/Professional Development days. C.3.2 The following circumstances are not included when calculating the 200 days: (a) Professional activities that are conducted on a weekend (b) Co-curricular activities (c) School-related overseas and interstate trips, conferences and similar activities undertaken by mutual consent during non-term weeks. (d) When the teacher appointed to a leadership position is performing duties in non- term weeks that are directly associated with the leadership position. (e) Exceptional circumstances, such as the requirements to provide pastoral care to students in the event of a tragedy in the school community, in which a teacher may be recalled to perform duties relating to their position. C.3.3 There shall be a period of not less than 4 consecutive weeks uninterrupted paid annual leave (prorated for teachers working part of a year), exclusive of public holidays, concluding on the day prior to the commencement date for Teachers in the new school year. C.3.4 The School year for Teachers shall end not later than the 19th December. C.3.5 The school shall provide written notice of the term weeks and days in non-term times on which its teachers are required to attend, six months in advance of the requirements to attend. C.3.6 There shall be a period of paid leave, at the end of each of terms one, two and three, which shall not be of less than ten consecutive weekdays in duration. This leave shall be inclusive of any public holidays that occur during the paid leave.
Teacher Attendance. 7.3.1 The School District and Association recognize the importance of regular teacher attendance in the classroom and other assignments to provide for the best instruction. The parties agree to create a joint committee under the direction of the District Labor/Management Committee to review the issue of teacher attendance and absenteeism with the charge of returning observations and recommendations to the District Labor/Management Committee.

Related to Teacher Attendance

  • Court Attendance Any employee covered by this Agreement who may be required to attend any commission, court or hearing, to give evidence in any case, civil or criminal respecting the hotel in which they are employed, shall be compensated at the same hourly rate as called for in this Agreement, with a minimum of four (4) hours pay.

  • Attendance MPS shall allow any Charter School pupil who meets MPS admission standards to enroll in an MPS School, in accordance with MPS Student Assignment Policies, as amended from time to time, unless such pupil has been expelled from Charter School.

  • Perfect Attendance Employees in regular, full-time positions who do not utilize any sick leave in a calendar year (pay period 1 through 26/27 of that year, when applicable, of the same year), and who do not record any sick leave without pay or absence without pay for that year, shall receive a one (1) year’s paid membership in a County Human Resources approved health facility or utilization of perfect attendance leave. The paid health facility membership shall not exceed the cost of a one (1) year paid membership at the County Human Resources approved health facility. In lieu of a County Human Resources approved health facility membership, the employee has the option of utilizing sixteen (16) hours of perfect attendance leave, no cash out provision, within the time frame of the subsequent calendar year. Failure to utilize perfect attendance leave within the subsequent calendar year shall result in forfeiture of the same.

  • Conference Attendance The Federation will be entitled to five (5) person days per year release time for designated Federation representatives to attend conferences. All conference expenses will be the responsibility of the Federation, unless funding is requested and approved through regular District processes for conference attendance.

  • Meeting Attendance The Contractor shall attend such meetings of the Town relative to the Scope of Work set forth in Exhibit A as may be requested by the Town. Any requirement made by the named representatives of the Town shall be given with reasonable notice to the Contractor so that a representative may attend.

  • Teacher The term, “teacher,” shall mean all persons in the appropriate unit employed by the School District in a position for which the person must be licensed by the State of Minnesota, but shall not include superintendent, assistant superintendent, principals and assistant principals who devote more than 50% of their time to administrative or supervisory duties, confidential employees, and such other employees excluded or included by law.

  • Teachers Xxxxxx Xxxxxx (lead), Xxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Board: Xxx Xxxxxxxx (lead), Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx, and Xxxx Xxxxx Supt: Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx and Xxx Xxxxxxxxx

  • Attendance Policy ‌ Existing policy requires that an employee notify management in advance of the scheduled shift start when said employee is absent from work. This policy also requires an employee to notify management in advance of the scheduled start of the work shift when this employee will be late in reporting to work. Generally, these provisions are most relevant to unscheduled absences. There are two situations which occur relative to tardiness. The first, involves an employee who has not called in before the start of the work shift as is required by existing policy. The second applies to an employee who calls in before the start of his or her work shift: Section 1. Employee Fails to Call in Before Start of Work Shift: An employee who is tardy and has not called in before the start of his or her scheduled work shift will be considered to be in an unauthorized leave status. The first occurrence of this type tardiness will result in the employee receiving a verbal reprimand and being docked pay as below. A second occurrence within a twelve (12) month period will result in the employee not being permitted to go to work thereby forfeiting eight hours pay, and also, it will result in the employee receiving a written reprimand from the Supervisor. A third occurrence within a twelve (12) month period will result in an automatic three- day suspension without pay. A fourth occurrence within the twelve (12) month period will result in the scheduling of a pre-disciplinary conference with the employee being recommended for dismissal from service with the City of Xxxxxxxx. Section 2. Employee Calls in Before Start of Work Shift as required When an employee is tardy and has notified management in advance of the start of the scheduled work shift, a different set of circumstances will initially occur. The first occurrence of such tardiness will be considered to be an excused absence; however, the employee will be docked an appropriate amount of pay in accordance with the length of time he or she is tardy. If the crew is still at the garage, the employee will be docked for lost time in increments as follows: Period Late Time Docked 16 - 30 minutes ½ hour 30 - 60 minutes 1 hour In the event the crew has left for the job site and the employee must be transported by a Supervisor to the site, the employee’s time for pay purposes will be started when he or she reaches the job site. Again, the amount of pay which will be docked will be figured in time increments as above. In the event an employee has a second occurrence of tardiness within a thirty-day period, even though he or she has called in, the employee will receive a verbal reprimand from the Supervisor. Appropriate loss of time policy will be in effect as described above. In the event an employee has a third occurrence of tardiness in this manner within a ninety-day period, the employee will be issued a written reprimand concerning the violation of Departmental attendance policies. In the event the employee has a fourth occurrence of tardiness within a six-month period, the employee will be considered for disciplinary action involving a minimum three-day suspension without pay. In this particular situation, such disciplinary action will be meted out after a pre-disciplinary conference is scheduled by management. If additional tardiness occurs within a one (1) year period, the employee will again be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from employment with the City. Such disciplinary action will be meted out after a pre-disciplinary conference is scheduled. Section 3. An employee will not be disciplined under Section 2 of this Policy if the employee has six (6) or fewer unscheduled absences for any time off, including, but not limited to, vacation, sick leave, compensatory leave, holiday leave, and funeral leave within a Section 4. Excessive absenteeism or tardiness results in disruption to the scheduled activities, an excessive waste of supervisor and management time in transporting employees to job sites, and further results in a hardship on other employees who are available for work at the start of their work shift as required.‌

  • First Aid Attendants a) Designated First Aid Attendants shall receive their job rate of pay plus the Ticket Premium rate. All other employees holding valid First Aid Tickets shall receive a premium of five cents (5¢) per hour over and above their job rate. There shall be no stacking or pyramiding of premiums. b) Where a company is paying a bonus or premium(s) greater than set out above, it shall keep such policy in effect. c) Effective July 1, 1994, premiums for designated First Aid Tickets shall be: Xxxxx 0 - $0.85 per hour Xxxxx 0 - $0.50 per hour

  • Lunch If the Company elects to furnish a lunch meal, it will be suitable and may be in the form of a box lunch. The meal shall be eaten at the job site or a Company designated location. Employees eating a box lunch or other Company-provided lunch at the job site will be allowed 30 minutes paid time to eat and will also be granted the dollar amount of the meal allowance as specified under the labor agreement.