Union Conferences Sample Clauses
Union Conferences. The Union President or his/her designee shall receive a total of not more than five days during the school year to attend local, state, and national organizational meetings and conferences. These days must be approved by the Superintendent. The Union will reimburse the Board of Education for the cost of substitutes used during these absences and the Union shall cover all expenses incurred as a result of attendance at such meetings.
Union Conferences. The Company shall grant an unpaid leave of absence to an employee appointed by the Union to attend a Union conference or seminar, if such leave is requested at least four (4) weeks prior to commencement and only if such leave would not impact on operations or customer service. The four
Union Conferences.
20.1.1 For the purposes of this clause the term conference will include MUA conferences; CFMMEU national conference; ITF or IDC conferences.
20.1.2 The terminal manager will approve during the life of the Agreement Branch and National conferences as set out in 20.1. Attendance will be capped for each conference to a maximum of five (5) persons, from each site to a maximum of five
Union Conferences. 23.1 The Library shall establish a bank of thirty-two (32) hours per calendar year for the purpose of allowing union representatives to attend union conferences. No more than two SEIU representatives may use this bank per day. When the Union requests that employees attend union conferences, the employees shall receive compensation from this account. SEIU shall provide the Library with the names of attending employees and the dates of conferences at least three (3) weeks prior to the meeting date. The Library reserves the right to refuse attendance based upon staffing requirements or other factors that would require the individual to perform his or her normal duties. Upon completion of the conference, the Union shall reimburse the Library for the hours deducted from the Union bank. The Library will charge the actual salary expense plus the cost of fringe benefits for the attending employee. The Library shall be reimbursed either by check issued by the SEIU or by an offset of the union dues to be forwarded by the Library to the SEIU. Deductions from the Union bank may be in increments of no less than eight (8) hours. Any time in the bank not spend by midnight on December 31 shall be lost. At 12:01 a.m. on January 1 of each year the time in the bank shall be increased to 32 hours.
Union Conferences. Employees of the bargaining unit will be allowed time off to attend conventions, conferences and other functions of the Union without pay, provided the Union submits the names of those employees attending seven (7) days in advance.
Union Conferences. Employees shall be allowed time off with pay to attend union conferences only if the union is putting on the program and awarding continuing education credits.
Union Conferences. The Town will grant time, without loss of pay to the officer of the Union, to attend conferences, not to exceed one (1) day per year, provided same are held at a time such employee is scheduled to work. In the event more than one (1) day is requested, the Town, at its option, may grant additional time without loss of pay. A reasonable request will not be refused. The request in this section must be made prior to the requested release. The Union will designate the officer to the Director of Labor Relations.
Union Conferences. The Unit shall be entitled to one delegate up to five days per year to attend the CSEA State Convention, Regional or County level training or seminars. Union leave may only be taken after the delegate has provided forty-eight hours notice to the Employer in writing.
Union Conferences. GSEs may request time off, without an interruption in regular funding, from their supervisor to attend Union conventions, conferences, meetings, trainings, or conduct other union business, as long as the time off would not interfere with teaching or research responsibilities, as determined by the supervisor. Requests for time off under this Section shall not be unreasonably denied. All such time off combined shall not exceed 50 business days per year. The Union shall provide a quarterly report listing GSEs who have obtained time off and the amount of time off granted under this section.
Union Conferences. Union officers, not to exceed two (2), shall be allowed to attend up to two (2) official union conferences per year without loss of pay for the period required to attend the function, provided that written notice of intent to attend the function is given to the Superintendent of Schools at least two (2) weeks before the start of the absence.