Layoff and Recall Procedure a. In the event that a bargaining unit member's position is eliminated or reduced, or the bargaining unit member is bumped, said bargaining unit member shall have the right to bump the bargaining unit member with the least seniority among those bargaining unit members with equal or more scheduled work hours in the classification; provided that said bargaining unit member is qualified for the position. b. Only if no position is available with equal or more scheduled work hours in the classification for which the employee is qualified and for which she is more senior, said bargaining unit member shall have the right to bump the bargaining unit member with lower seniority among those bargaining unit members whose number of work hours in the classification most closely aligns with her original hours; provided that said bargaining unit member is qualified for the position. The bargaining unit member shall have no more than two (2) work days after receipt of her layoff notice or schedule reduction notice to notify the Board in writing of her intention to exercise her right to bump, and the specific position which she intends to bump. If the employee fails to exercise her right to bump within two workdays under this article, she shall be laid off. If the employee exercises her right to bump under this article, the Board shall notify the bargaining unit member within two (2) workdays to verify the effective starting date for the position, and follow up said notification in writing as soon as practicable. c. When a vacancy occurs, bargaining unit members in the classification who are on layoff shall be recalled in the following order: (1) Laid off bargaining unit members in the classification of the vacancy in the order of most seniority first; (2) Laid off bargaining unit members not in the classification of the vacancy in the order of most seniority first, provided that the bargaining unit member is qualified for the job; (3) In no case shall a new employee be hired by the Board while there are laid-off bargaining unit members who are qualified for a vacant or newly-created bargaining unit position.
Layoff Procedures Layoffs shall be administered pursuant as follows: An employee with permanent seniority in class shall have the right to displace an employee with less permanent seniority in the same class in any department. All bumping and displacement shall first occur within the department that affected the layoff in question prior to City-wide bumping.
Induction Procedures a) The parties to this Agreement acknowledge that it is in the interests of the industry that all new employees and employers on a building project understand their obligations to this Agreement and are introduced to their jobs in a manner which will help them work safely and efficiently. b) In order to achieve this it is recommended that, in conjunction with the Site Management, Job Xxxxxxx and Safety Supervisor/Safety Committee, new employees and new employers be given an explanation of the following: ⮚ The Rights and Obligations of this Agreement including its disputes/grievance resolution procedures; ⮚ The appropriate issue of work clothing and safety equipment as per this Agreement; ⮚ Safety Rules and Procedures including relevant legislation; ⮚ Superannuation entitlements; ⮚ Long Service Leave provisions; ⮚ Redundancy Pay entitlements; ⮚ Site Emergency procedures; ⮚ Award or Enterprise Agreement rates of pay; ⮚ Site-specific matters such as security, etc. procedures; ⮚ Rights, obligations and benefits of union membership. c) The induction presentation and material shall have regard to the language skills of the employee/employer.
LAYOFFS AND RECALL 16.01 It is not the intent of these lay-off and recall procedures to apply to the normal summer period. However, where known, recall dates of ten (10) month employees shall be indicated on the Separation Certificate issued by the Employer. 16.02 In the event of lay-off, employees shall be laid off in reverse order of their seniority provided that those persons retained have the necessary skills, qualifications, and ability to perform the duties of those jobs maintained. a) In order to minimize the potentially disruptive nature of an Educational Assistant lay-off during the school year, an Educational Assistant who has received a lay-off notice during the school year may elect to: i) Accept the lay-off and be recalled under the terms of the Collective Agreement or; ii) Displace the most junior permanent Educational Assistant in the Division. b) Where there are Educational Assistants who are on lay-off or who are laid off at the end of June, and there will not be sufficient positions in September for them all to be recalled, then the Employer will lay-off a sufficient number of the most junior Educational Assistants so as to enable the more senior Educational Assistants to be recalled in September. c) Educational Assistants who receive a lay-off notice must declare their intention to displace a junior Educational Assistant within the first five (5) working days of receipt of the lay-off notice. It is agreed between the parties that failure to do so will mean that the Educational Assistant accepts lay-off at the end of the notice period. 16.03 Employees shall be recalled in order of their seniority provided that the person recalled has the necessary skills, qualifications, and ability to perform the duties of the job. 16.04 New employees shall not be hired if there are employees on lay-off with the necessary skills, qualifications, and ability to perform the work. 16.05 In the event of lay-off, every employee affected shall be given four (4) weeks’ notice before the date on which she is to be laid off, and to the extent that such minimum notice is not given, the employee shall receive pay in lieu thereof. 16.06 Grievances concerning lay-offs and recalls shall be initiated at Step II of the grievance procedure. 16.07 Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 15.01, an Educational Assistant who normally works twenty-seven and one-half (27 ½) or more hours per week, and whose hours of work have been unilaterally reduced during the school year, shall, at the Educational Assistant’s option, be deemed to have been laid off. An Educational Assistant accepting a position having fewer hours than their normal working day will be given primary consideration upon application when new positions become available having comparable hours. 16.08 All Educational Assistants laid off shall be placed on a recall list, with copy furnished to the Union, and shall be called back to work as required beginning with the most senior Educational Assistant and descending from there. 16.09 No Educational Assistant shall be permitted to have her name remain on the recall list in excess of twelve (12) school months following the month in which the layoff occurred.
LAYOFFS AND RECALLS (a) Employees will be laid off in reverse order of seniority whenever there is a reduction of employees in the bargaining unit. The only exception to this provision is when the client requests in writing that a specific security guard be retained at their site. Guards can bump due to (1) loss of site, (2) being bumped by a senior guard, (3) client removal for non-disciplinary reasons, (4) return from approved leave of absence or (5) loss of position on a site. (b) The Company shall notify employees whose position is to be eliminated due to the loss of work at a specific site or the loss of the entire site at least five (5) working days prior to the effective date of termination of the position. Such employee will be entitled to bump junior employees at other sites in order to maintain employment and status. The company will meet with the affected employee and their Union representative as quickly as possible after notification in order to allow the employee to review options and make an informed decision where they wish to bump into. The parties will attempt to place the security guard into an alternate site where said guard will not lose any days of pay, but in no event, will the placement, or bumping take more than five (5) working days (no more than five (5) unpaid days). If an employee is not slotted into their new position within said five (5) working days, the company will provide payment in lieu of work. During the up to five (5) days waiting period, the employee will be entitled to be on top of the spare board list if they so desire. (c) The Company shall generally give notice of recall by registered mail to the last recorded address of the employee. The employee shall keep the Company informed of the employee's present address of location where he may be reached. The employee who fails to do so shall forfeit his right of recall. (d) If, within one (1) calendar day from the receipt of such notice, the employee accepts the recall, the job will be held open for one (1) calendar day from the day of the employee's acceptance. In the event that such recalled employee is employed elsewhere at the time of recall, the Company will hold the position vacant for two (2) weeks if the Company has received appropriate advance notice from its client. (e) In circumstances where the Company must fill vacant positions without delay, the Company shall give notice of recall by telephone until able to find a qualified employee who is prepared to report to work immediately. (f) If the employee declines the position, or fails to respond to the notice within one (1) calendar day from the date of receipt of the original notice, or fails to report to work within the time period outlined above, such employee shall be considered to have resigned and shall forfeit his recall rights. Should such employee be prevented from returning to work due to illness or accident he shall retain his recall rights and the Company shall be at liberty to recall another employee. The employee shall be required to show proof of such illness or accident.
Recall Procedures A. Eligibility to be recalled from layoff and employment shall terminate after fourteen (14) months. Employees shall be recalled from layoff based on seniority in the following order: 1. Employees shall be recalled to the position from which they were laid off starting within the employee’s Department; or, 2. Employees shall be recalled to other positions within the position series from which they were laid off starting with the employee’s Department and then other Departments, provided the employee possesses the qualifications, performance record, aptitude, and ability to perform the work; or 3. Employees shall be recalled to other positions the employee previously held, provided the employee completed probation in that position starting with the employee’s Department and then other Departments, and provided the employee possesses the qualifications, performance record, aptitude, and ability to perform the work. 4. Employees shall be recalled from layoff into vacant County positions not previously held provided: 1) The employee possesses the qualifications, performance record, aptitude, ability to perform the work, and the ability to meet the minimum requirements for the position as defined in the job description; and 2) The employee specifies in writing to the Human Resources Office, within thirty (30) days of the date of layoff, the position(s) they want to be considered for recall. B. Employees on layoff who have been offered recall, and who have voluntarily refused such recall, shall be removed from the recall list and their employment shall be terminated. A form provided by the Human Resources Office signed by the employee shall document this recall refusal. C. When necessary, the Human Resources Director shall determine the recalled employee’s qualifications, performance record, aptitude, and ability to perform the work through discussions with the applicable Supervisor and a meeting with the employee. The employee shall be notified of the right to have a representative of his or her choosing present. If there is a disagreement over the County not allowing the employee to exercise recall rights, the Human Resources Director shall document this disagreement. D. After finding out more information about a specific job(s), a recalled employee may decide their overall qualifications, aptitude and ability are not compatible with the requirements of the job and may request to remain on the County recall list rather than pursue recall to the available position. Authorization to remain on layoff status, and return to the recall list after declining recall, must be mutually agreed upon. A form produced by the Human Resources Office and signed by the employee shall document this process. E. Laid off employees shall report to work on the date specified in the notice of recall, such date shall be not less than fourteen (14) days from the date of the notice unless mutually agreed upon.
Seniority Verification Process i. The new school district shall provide the employee with the necessary verification form at the time the employee achieves continuing contract status. ii. The employee must initiate the seniority verification process and forward the necessary verification forms to the previous school district(s) within ninety (90) days of receiving a continuing appointment in the new school district. iii. The previous school district(s) shall make every reasonable effort to retrieve and verify the seniority credits which the employee seeks to port.
Layoff Procedure 31.1 Nothing herein shall be construed to require the District to fill vacant, budgeted positions nor to prohibit the District from eliminating vacant positions from the budget. The District reserves the right to reassign staff to other positions in instances involving job restructuring, reorganization or due to lack of work. 31.2 The layoff procedure outlined below shall be followed if the District finds it necessary to layoff personnel who were hired after January 1, 2000 and for any layoffs which occur after November 1, 2002. 31.3 If, in the sole discretion of District management, personnel reductions are necessary, layoff order and recall lists shall be developed based upon job classification, priority of function, job performance, individual qualifications and seniority. The OCEA and employees subject to layoff shall be provided with at least two weeks notification in writing, whenever possible. 31.4 Employees in classifications subject to layoff may request a voluntary demotion to any previously held position for which they remain qualified. Such requests must be made in writing to the Human Resources Department within five (5) days of receipt of the Layoff Notice. The salary of an employee who voluntarily demotes shall be unchanged, except that it may not exceed the maximum rate of the range for the lower level classification. 31.5 Recall lists shall be developed for all classifications experiencing personnel reductions, and shall be maintained for a period of two years from the date of layoff. Individuals shall be placed on the list in the inverse order of layoff, so that the last person laid off is the first recalled. When a vacancy occurs in a classification for which a Recall list exists, an offer of reemployment shall be made to the individual on the top of the list. That individual must respond to the offer within five days, or the offer shall be made to the next person on the list. An individual who either does not respond or refuses three consecutive offers shall have their name removed from the list. 31.6 All notification and responses must be in writing and delivered either in person or by Certified Mail. It is the responsibility of all employees to keep the Human Resources Department informed of their current address, or where they may be contacted.
Quality Control Procedures The Seller shall have an internal quality control program that verifies, on a regular basis, the existence and accuracy of the legal documents, credit documents, property appraisals, and underwriting decisions. The program shall include evaluating and monitoring the overall quality of the Seller's loan production and the servicing activities of the Seller. The program is to ensure that the Mortgage Loans are originated and serviced in accordance with Accepted Servicing Standards and the Underwriting Guidelines; guard against dishonest, fraudulent, or negligent acts; and guard against errors and omissions by officers, employees, or other authorized persons.
Company Procedures Whenever the holders of Registrable Securities have requested that any Registrable Securities be registered pursuant to this Agreement, the Company shall use its best efforts to effect the registration and the sale of such Registrable Securities in accordance with the intended method of disposition thereof, and pursuant thereto the Company shall as expeditiously as possible: (a) prepare and file with the Securities and Exchange Commission a registration statement with respect to such Registrable Securities and use best efforts to cause such registration statement to become effective as soon as possible (provided that before filing a registration statement or prospectus or any amendments or supplements thereto, the Company shall furnish to the one counsel selected by the holders of a majority of the Registrable Securities included in such registration copies of all such documents proposed to be filed); (b) prepare and file (within 60 days, in the case of a request for registration pursuant to Section 2.1(a)) with the Securities and Exchange Commission such amendments and supplements to such registration statement and the prospectus used in connection therewith as may be necessary to keep such registration statement effective for a period of not less than 120 days (or, if such registration statement is pursuant to a Short-Form Registration, then for a period that shall be necessary to keep such registration statement effective for the period that shall be adequate to sell all Registrable Securities covered thereby) and comply with the provisions of the Securities Act with respect to the disposition of all securities covered by such registration statement during such period in accordance with the intended methods of disposition by the sellers thereof set forth in such registration statement; provided, however, that such 120-day period shall be extended for a period of time equal to the period the Stockholders are required to refrain, at the request of an underwriter of Common Stock (or other securities) of the Company, from selling any securities included in such registration; (c) furnish to the holders of Registrable Securities being registered such number of copies of such registration statement, each amendment and supplement thereto, the prospectus included in such registration statement (including each preliminary prospectus), and such other documents as each such holder may reasonably request to facilitate the disposition of the Registrable Securities owned by such holder; (d) use best efforts to register or qualify, if necessary, the Registrable Securities being registered under such other securities or blue sky laws of such jurisdictions as any holder of such Registrable Securities reasonably requests and do any and all other acts and things that may be reasonably necessary or advisable to enable such holder to consummate the disposition in such jurisdictions of the Registrable Securities owned by such holder (provided that the Company shall not be required to: (i) qualify generally to do business in any jurisdiction where it would not otherwise be required to qualify; (ii) subject itself to taxation in any such jurisdiction; or (iii) consent to general service of process in any such jurisdiction); (e) in the event of the issuance of any stop order suspending the effectiveness of a registration statement, or of any order suspending or preventing the use of any related prospectus or suspending the qualification of any securities included in such registration statement for sale in any jurisdiction, use best efforts promptly to obtain the withdrawal of such order; (f) notify each holder of the Registrable Securities included in an offering hereunder, at any time when a prospectus relating thereto is required to be delivered under the Securities Act, of the happening of any event as a result of which the prospectus included in such registration statement contains an untrue statement of a material fact or omits any fact necessary to make the statements therein not misleading, and, at the request of any such holder, the Company shall prepare a supplement or amendment to such prospectus so that, as thereafter delivered to the purchasers of such Registrable Securities, such prospectus shall not contain an untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state any fact necessary to make the statements therein not misleading; (g) cause all such Registrable Securities included in an offering hereunder to be listed on any national stock exchange on which any Common Stock is listed, or, if the Common Stock is not listed on any national stock exchange, the Company shall use best efforts to qualify the Registrable Securities for inclusion on The Nasdaq Stock Market and, if listed on The Nasdaq Stock Market use its best efforts to secure designation of all such Registrable Securities covered by such registration statement as a Nasdaq “national market system security” within the meaning of Rule 11Aa2-1 of the Securities and Exchange Commission or, failing that, to secure The Nasdaq Stock Market’s authorization for such Registrable Securities and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, to arrange for at least two (2) market makers to register as such with respect to such Registrable Securities with the National Association of Securities Dealers; (h) provide a transfer agent and registrar for all Registrable Securities included in an offering hereunder not later than the effective date of such registration statement; (i) enter into such customary agreements (including underwriting agreements in customary form) and take all such other reasonable actions to expedite or facilitate the disposition of the Registrable Securities including in an offering hereunder (including effecting a stock split or a combination of shares); (j) make available for inspection at the Company’s principal office (during normal business hours and upon reasonable notice) by any holder of Registrable Securities, any underwriter participating in any disposition pursuant to such registration statement, and any attorney, accountant, or other agent retained by any such holder or underwriter, all financial and other records, pertinent corporate documents and properties of the Company, and cause the Company’s officers, directors, employees, and independent accountants to supply all information reasonably requested by any such holder, underwriter, attorney, accountant, or agent in connection with such registration statement; (k) comply with all applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission, and make available to its security holders, as soon as reasonably practicable, an earnings statement covering the period of at least 12 months beginning with the first day of the Company’s first full calendar quarter after the effective date of the registration statement, which earnings statement shall satisfy the provisions of Section 11(a) of the Securities Act and Rule 158 thereunder; (l) permit any holder of Registrable Securities included in an offering hereunder which holder, in the sole and exclusive judgment of such holder, might be deemed to be an underwriter or a controlling person of the Company, to participate in the preparation of such registration or comparable statement and to require the insertion therein of material, furnished to the Company in writing, which in the reasonable judgment of the Company and its counsel should be included; (m) obtain from its counsel an opinion or opinions in customary form and substance; (n) obtain a cold comfort letter from the Company’s independent public accountants in customary form and covering such matters of the type customarily covered by cold comfort letters as the holders of a majority of the Registrable Securities being registered reasonably request (provided that such Registrable Securities constitute at least 10% of the securities covered by such registration statement); (o) notify each selling Stockholder, promptly after the Company receives notice thereof, of the time when such registration statement has been declared effective or a supplement to any prospectus forming a part of such registration statement has been filed; (p) after such registration statement becomes effective, notify each selling Stockholder of any request by the Securities and Exchange Commission that the Company amend or supplement such registration statement or prospectus; and (q) take all other actions reasonably necessary to effect the registration of the Registrable Securities contemplated hereby.