Seniority List The Employer shall maintain a seniority list showing the date upon which each employee's service commenced. An up-to-date seniority list shall be sent to the Union and posted on all bulletin boards in January of each year.
Seniority Lists A copy of the seniority list will be posted by January 31st and July 31st of each calendar year on designated bulletin boards with a copy forwarded to the bargaining unit president. Included in the list shall be a breakdown of total hours paid for part-time employees. All lists will include date of hire. Any errors noted in the seniority list should be noted and the employer notified within thirty (30) days, after which the list shall be considered final.
Appeal Process PROVIDER may appeal any adverse finding by the Contract Compliance Officer as set forth in sec. 25.08(20)(c), D.C. Ords.
Seniority Application Except under extraordinary circumstances, vacations, shifts, shift transfers and regular days off shall be scheduled with due regard for the needs of the agency, seniority, and employee preference. The state and the PBA understand that there may be times when the needs of the agency will not permit such scheduling.
Administrative Appeals An administrative appeal is a request for us to reconsider a full or partial denial of payment for covered healthcare services for the following reasons: • the services were excluded from coverage; • we determined that you were not eligible for coverage; • you or your provider did not follow BCBSRI’s requirements; or • a limitation on an otherwise covered benefit exists. You are not required to file a complaint (as described above), before filing an administrative appeal. If you call our Customer Service Department, a Customer Service Representative will try to resolve your concern. If the issue is not resolved to your satisfaction, you may file a verbal or written administrative appeal with our Grievance and Appeals Unit. If you request an administrative appeal, you must do so within one hundred eighty (180) days of receiving a denial of payment for covered healthcare services. The Grievance and Appeals Unit will conduct a thorough review of your administrative appeal and respond within: • thirty (30) calendar days for a prospective review; and • sixty (60) calendar days for a retrospective review. The letter will provide you with information regarding our determination.
Appeals Process The Participants acknowledge that, pursuant to local ordinances, regulations, and rules, each Participant has its own procedures by which matters relating to the calculation, assessment, and collection of business license taxes may be appealed. With respect to Impositions subject to this Agreement, however, each Participant has enacted a local ordinance by which appeals relating to such Impositions are excluded from the otherwise applicable local ordinance. Each Participant agrees that the appeals process described in this Section shall apply to all appeals relating to Impositions subject to this Agreement. Each Participant hereby consents to the adoption of the appeals process described in this Section; specifically declares its intention that such appeals process shall be deemed an exception to its otherwise applicable local ordinances, regulations, and rules; and agrees that it has or will approve such appeals process by appropriate local action. (a) There is hereby created a board for purposes of hearing appeals pursuant to this Section (the “Appeals Board”). The Appeals Board shall contain three members. The President of the Association, the Executive Director of the Association, and the President of the South Carolina Business Licensing Officials Association (“BLOA”) shall each serve ex officio as members of the Appeals Board, with terms of office coterminous with their terms as officers of the Association or BLOA, as appropriate. The President of the Association, or in his or her absence the Executive Director of the Association, shall serve as chair at meetings of the Appeals Board. (b) With respect to the calculation, assessment, and collection of Impositions, the following appeals process, as required by Section 6-1-410, shall apply. (1) If a taxpayer fails or refuses to pay an Imposition by the date on which such Imposition is due, the LRS Business License Official may serve notice of assessment of the Imposition due on the taxpayer by mail or personal service. Within thirty days after the date of postmark or personal service, a taxpayer may request, in writing with reasons stated, an adjustment of the assessment. An informal conference between the LRS Business License Official and the taxpayer must be held within fifteen days of the receipt of the request, at which time the taxpayer may present any information or documents in support of the requested adjustment. Within five days after the conference, the LRS Business License Official shall issue a notice of final assessment and serve the taxpayer by mail or personal service with the notice and provide a form for any further appeal of the assessment by the taxpayer. (2) Within thirty days after the date of postmark or personal service, the taxpayer may appeal the notice of final assessment by filing a completed appeal form with the LRS Business License Official, by mail or personal service, and by paying to LRS in protest at least eighty percent of the business license tax based on the final assessment. The appeal must be heard and determined by the Appeals Board. The Appeals Board shall provide the taxpayer with written notice of the hearing and with any rules of evidence or procedure prescribed by the Appeals Board. The hearing must be held within thirty days after receipt of the appeal form unless continued to another date by agreement of the parties. A hearing by the Appeals Board must be held at a regular or specially called meeting of the Appeals Board. At the appeals hearing, the taxpayer and LRS have the right to be represented by counsel, to present testimony and evidence, and to cross-examine witnesses. The hearing must be recorded and must be transcribed at the expense of the party so requesting. The Appeals Board shall decide the assessment by majority vote. The Appeals Board shall issue a written decision explaining the basis for the decision with findings of fact and conclusions and shall inform the taxpayer of the right to request a contested case hearing before the Administrative Law Court. The written decision must be filed with the LRS Business License Official and served on the taxpayer by mail or personal service. The decision is the final decision of LRS on the assessment. (3) Within thirty days after the date of postmark or personal service of LRS’s written decision on the assessment, a taxpayer may appeal the decision to the Administrative Law Court in accordance with the rules of the Administrative Law Court.
COMPLAINT PROCEDURES CONTRACTOR shall maintain and adhere to its written procedures for responding to parent complaints. These procedures shall include annually notifying and providing parents of LEA students with appropriate information (including complaint forms) for the following: (1) Uniform Complaint Procedures pursuant to Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 4600 et seq.; (2) Nondiscrimination policy pursuant to Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 4960 (a); (3) Sexual Harassment Policy, California Education Code 231.5 (a) (b) (c); (4) Title IX Pupil Grievance Procedure, Title IX 106.8 (a) (d) and 106.9 (a); and (5) Notice of Privacy Practices in compliance with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), if applicable. CONTRACTOR shall include verification of these procedures to the LEA upon request. CONTRACTOR shall immediately notify LEA of any complaints filed against it related to LEA students and provide LEA with all documentation related to the complaints and/or its investigation of complaints, including any and all reports generated as a result of an investigation.