SEPARATION FOR HOLIDAY AND OVERTIME ACCUMULATION. A member who is owed compensation for overtime worked and for work on a holiday shall be compensated at the time of separation. Such compensation shall be computed at the rate in effect for said member at the time of separation.


  • Sick Leave Accumulation (a) An employee is eligible to accumulate sick leave with full pay at the rate of 16 working hours for each 173 1/3 hours of service. (b) The maximum number of days of sick leave which may be awarded to an employee during any consecutive twenty (20) year period of service shall not exceed 3840 hours.

  • Vacation Accumulation (a) Vacations are not cumulative from year to year. (b) Notwithstanding the above, the Employer may grant a special request from an employee to carryover a maximum of five (5) vacation days into the next year. The employee shall specify in her request to the Employer the purpose for which she is seeking the carryover. (c) During the first year of employment, a full time employee with at least six

  • HOLIDAY COMPENSATION FOR TIME WORKED Employees required by their respective appointing officers to work on any of the above specified or substitute holidays, excepting Fridays observed as holidays in lieu of holidays falling on Saturday, shall be paid extra compensation of one additional day's pay at time- and-one-half the usual rate in the amount of 12 hours pay for 8 hours worked or a proportionate amount for less than 8 hours worked provided, however, that at the employee's request and with the approval of the appointing officer, an employee may be granted compensatory time off in lieu of paid overtime as provided for elsewhere in this contract. 127. Executive, administrative and professional employees designated in the Annual Salary Ordinance with the "Z" symbol shall not receive extra compensation for holiday work but may be granted time off equivalent to the time worked at the rate of-one-and-one-half times for work on the holiday.

  • Eligibility for Holiday Pay A. An employee must be paid for all or a portion of both the regularly scheduled working assignment immediately prior to a holiday and the regularly scheduled working assignment immediately after that holiday in order to receive holiday pay. With County approval, compensatory time earned for working on a holiday or for a holiday falling on a regularly scheduled day off may be taken on the first scheduled working day after the holiday. B. A new employee whose first working day is the day after a holiday shall not be paid for that holiday. C. An employee who elects paid County retirement on a holiday shall be paid for the holiday. D. An employee who is terminating employment for reasons other than paid County retirement and whose last day as a paid employee is the day before a holiday shall not be paid for that holiday. E. Only regular, limited-term and probationary employees shall be eligible for holiday pay.

  • Payment for annual leave (a) Before going on annual leave, an employee will be paid the amount of wages they would have received for ordinary time worked had they not been on leave during that period. (b) At the election of the employee such payments may be paid in accordance with the usual pay day relevant to the period of leave being taken.

  • Vacation Leave Accrual Rate Schedule Full Years of Service Hours Per Year

  • Payment for Unused Sick Leave (a) An employee with less than ten (10) years of FIU service who separates from FIU shall not be paid for any unused sick leave. (b) An employee who has completed ten (10) or more years of FIU service, has not been found guilty or has not admitted to being guilty of committing, aiding, or abetting any embezzlement, theft, or bribery in connection with State government, or has not been found guilty by a court of competent jurisdiction of having violated any State law against or prohibiting strikes by public employees, and separates from FIU because of retirement for other than disability reasons, termination, or death, shall be compensated at the employee's current regular hourly rate of pay for one-eighth of all unused sick leave accrued prior to October 1, 1973, plus one- fourth of all unused sick leave accrued on or after October 1, 1973; provided that one-fourth of the unused sick leave since 1973 does not exceed 480 hours. The compensation in this paragraph 8(4)(b) shall not be given to an employee who starts employment at FIU on or after July 1, 2006. (c) Upon layoff, an employee with ten (10) or more years of FIU service shall be paid for unused sick leave as described in paragraph b., above, unless the employee requests in writing that unused sick leave be retained pending re-employment. For an employee who is re-employed by the University within twelve (12) calendar months following layoff, all unused sick leave shall be restored to the employee, provided the employee requests such action in writing and repays the full amount of any lump sum leave payments received at the time of layoff. An employee who is not re- employed within twelve (12) calendar months following layoff shall be paid for sick leave in accordance with this Policy. (d) All payments for unused sick leave shall be made in lump sum and shall not be used in determining the average final compensation of an employee in any State administered retirement system. An employee shall not be carried on the payroll beyond the last official day of employment, except that an employee who is unable to perform duties because of a disability may be continued on the payroll until all sick leave is exhausted. (e) If an employee has received a lump sum payment for accrued sick leave, the employee may elect in writing, upon re-employment within 100 days, to restore the employee's accrued sick leave. Restoration will be effective upon the repayment of the full lump sum leave payment. (f) In the event of the death of an employee, payment for unused sick leave at the time of death shall be made to the employee's beneficiary, estate, or as provided by law.

  • Accumulation of Vacation Leave Credits An employee shall earn vacation leave credits for each calendar month during which the employee receives pay for at least ten (10) days at the following rate:

  • Vacation Leave on Retirement ‌ An employee scheduled to retire and to receive pension benefits under the Public Service Pension Plan Rules or who has reached the mandatory retiring age, shall be granted full vacation entitlement for the final calendar year of service.

  • Holiday Coinciding with a Day of Vacation Where an employee is on vacation leave and a day of paid holiday falls within that period, the paid holiday shall not count as a day of vacation.