SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED 1. The Subcontractor is responsible for the administration and provision of programs and services in the following counties: Brevard. 2. Specific Subcontractor obligations under this subcontract require that the Subcontractor: a. Comply with the provisions and conditions specified in the Master Contract, which is incorporated herein by reference and may be located at: xxxxx:// ME1 (Master Contract, includes the standard contract, its’ attachments, any exhibits referenced in said attachments, any documents incorporated by reference, and any subsequent renewals and amendments). The Subcontractor shall provide services in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in the Master Contract including all attachments, exhibits, and documents incorporated by reference which constitutes the contract document. Any reference to the Department of Children and Families in the Master Contract documents is equivalent to the Contractor in relation to the Subcontractor, unless otherwise noted. b. Secure and maintain all necessary authority and licenses to provide the services allowable within the cost centers for which the Contractor shall be invoiced and to provide those services for the rates specified in their CFCHS approved Funding Detail, hereby incorporated by reference. c. Ensure Contractor access to the documentation necessary for ensuring compliance to the conditions of this subcontract. d. Ensure that all persons served under this subcontract are eligible, that services provided are allowable and that documentation is consistent with and maintained in accordance with the conditions of the Master Contract, including, where applicable, verification that the services provided cannot be paid for through Medicaid. e. Subcontractor and staff shall comply with the staffing qualifications and requirements of this subcontract and as required by applicable law, rule or regulations, including without limitation, the regulations of the Department of Children and Families. The Subcontractor shall enroll in the E-Verify program to initiate verification of employment eligibility prior to hiring. The Subcontractor will ensure that the standards for mental health personnel are used for Level II screening as set forth in Chapter 435 and s. 408.809, F.S., and, except as otherwise specified in ss. 394.4572(1)(b)-(d), and 394.4572(3), F.S. Additionally, the Subcontractor shall provide employment screening for substance abuse personnel using the standards set forth in Chapter 397, F.S. f. Each party shall comply with all confidentiality and non-disclosure requirements contained in the Master Contract or required by applicable law, rule or regulation. Further, each party shall not use or disclose to any unauthorized person any information relating to the business or affairs of the other party or of any qualified individual, except pursuant to the express written consent of the other party or the qualified individual, as applicable, court order, or as required by law, rule or regulation. This provision shall survive the termination or expiration of the subcontract. g. Subcontractor shall provide deliverables, including reports and data as specified in the included Attachments and Exhibits, in accordance with the stated standard terms and conditions of the contract. The failure to comply is considered a breach of contract as specified in the Master Contract and could result in denial of payment until acceptable deliverables are received. h. Contractor shall not be required to pay Subcontractors or other vendors if Contractor does not receive payment for the corresponding services and materials from its payment source. This shall not mean that Contractor is excused from payment unless Contractor is not paid due to no fault of its own. Contractor may make partial payments to the extent it receives partial funding. In the event the acts or omissions of a Subcontractor are a cause, in whole or in part, of a payment source’s failure to pay Contractor, then Contractor may elect to apportion any payment received among Subcontractors or vendors whose acts are not a cause for non-payment. Subcontractors and vendors shall not be subject to non-payment for reasons other than Contractor’s failure to receive its funding, unless the Subcontractor or vendor has failed to comply with a corrective action plan and has received notice that its failure shall lead to non-payment as the next step of subcontract enforcement. Pursuant to s. 287.0582, F.S. the State of Florida’s performance and obligation to pay under this subcontract is contingent upon an annual appropriation by the Legislature. i. Subcontractor agrees to participate in the Contractor’s quality assurance and quality management activities, including: peer reviews, critical incident reporting, evaluations, reviews of both individuals served and administrative records, and compliance with contract management requirements. The Subcontractor shall grant staff of the Contractor access to programmatic files, fiscal files and individual served records for monitoring purposes. The purpose of the quality assurance monitoring shall be to objectively and systematically monitor and evaluate the appropriateness and quality of client care, to ensure that services are rendered consistent with reasonable, prevailing professional standards and to resolve identified problems. In addition, the Subcontractor shall grant access for the purpose of monitoring compliance with corrective action. j. The Subcontractor shall deliver services and system improvements as identified within their CFCHS approved Program Descriptions. The Subcontractor shall describe through their Program Description how consumers shall have access to care at each level of service delivery and how the care shall be coordinated to allow for seamless transition from one level of care to another. The Subcontractor shall also describe how the services shall be integrated to offer a total comprehensive array of services to accommodate the co-occurring population. k. The Subcontractor shall protect data in the CFCHS data system(s) from accidental or intentional unauthorized disclosure, modification, or destruction by persons by insuring that each user possesses a unique personal identifier and password known only to the user. Further, Subcontractors shall follow all guidelines, as specified by CFCHS, concerning required trainings and forms to be completed for staff with access to CFCHS data system(s). l. The Subcontractor shall maintain continuous adequate liability insurance during the existence of this subcontract and any renewal(s) and extension(s) of it. Each insurer must have a minimum rating of “A” by A.M. Best or an equivalent rating by a similar insurance rating firm, and shall name both Central Florida Cares Health System, Inc. and the Department of Children and Families as an additional insured under the policies. The Subcontractor accepts full responsibility for determining and identifying the type(s) and extent of liability insurance necessary to Subcontractor that provides reasonable financial protections for the Subcontractor and the clients. Upon execution of this subcontract the Subcontractor shall furnish the Contactor’s verification supporting the determination and existence of such insurance coverage. The Contractor reserves to right to require additional insurance coverage as specified in the subcontract. m. If requested, the Subcontractor shall submit to the Contractor an actual expense report for every month of the subcontract period. The due date for the report is the 10th of the month following the end of the month. The Contractor shall provide the format of the report and shall determine the extent of cost analysis after reviewing the report. n. The Subcontractor shall make available and communicate all plans, policies, procedures, and manuals to the Contractor’s staff, Subcontractor’s staff, and to clients/ stakeholders if applicable. o. The Subcontractor agrees that all payments made for services will be based solely on data submitted to and accepted by Contractor or Contractor’s data system. Any payments subsequently determined by the Contractor to not be in full compliance with subcontract requirements shall be deemed overpayments.
Covered Services You will receive Covered Services under the terms and conditions of this Contract only when the Covered Service is: • Medically Necessary; • Provided by a Participating Provider for in-network coverage; • Listed as a Covered Service; • Not in excess of any benefit limitations described in the Schedule of Benefits section of this Contract; and • Received while Your Contract is in force.