Personal Hygiene. Hygiene is an important issue when many people live or work in close proximity. Frequent bathing and deodorant use are a necessary part of activities of daily living. If our staff mentions your hygiene to you, it is only after it has become offensive. Please pay special attention to your body care. Resident’s Name:
Personal Hygiene. I agree when bathing I will thoroughly rinse with clean water and dry underneath the SCRAM Bracelet. I understand that failure to rinse away all soap may result in a mild skin rash. Current Health Status Pre-existing Medical Conditions—To determine whether I am eligible to wear the SCRAM Bracelet, I agree I will reveal my current health status to my Contact Person and will also notify them of any pre-existing medical conditions that I am aware of such as pregnancy, diabetes or any type of known skin disorder or condition. If I experience a burning sensation, rash on my skin or any other apparent health risk from the SCRAM Bracelet, I will contact my Contact Person immediately. If I must remove the SCRAM Bracelet for health risks, I will cut the front of the bracelet strap where it says “Cut Here.” I understand that my Contact Person will use telephone calls, the SCRAM equipment, and personal visits to monitor my compliance with this Agreement. Therefore, when I am at home, I agree to promptly answer my telephone or door. I further understand and agree that all telephone calls between my Contact Person and me may be tape-recorded. I understand that my failure to comply with this Agreement or the instructions of my Contact Person will be considered a violation of the Additional Conditions (24/7 Sobriety Program) and may result in adverse legal consequences, including the removal by the Department of Social Services of a child from my physical custody and the termination of my parental rights. Should I violate any of the conditions of this Agreement, or should an alcohol or tamper alert be generated by the SCRAM equipment, I understand that I will be reported and the Department of Social Services may remove a child from my physical custody, with or without the assistance of law enforcement and without the necessity of a prior court hearing but subject to a subsequent court hearing within forty-eight hours of the removal. I understand that information regarding my participation in this Program, including my enrollment, reporting, test results, and payment of fees, will be placed in a reporting system that is operated by the Attorney General's Office and may be accessed by state and local agencies associated with my placement in the Program.
Personal Hygiene. Employees shall exercise good judgment with personal hygiene.
Personal Hygiene. This Detention Standard ensures that each detainee is able to maintain acceptable personal hygiene practices through the provision of adequate bathing facilities and the issuance and exchange of clean clothing, bedding, linens, towels, and personal hygiene items. Components Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard N/A Remarks
1. There is a policy and procedure for the regular issuance and exchange of clothing, bedding, linens, towels, and personal hygiene items. The supply of these items exceeds the minimum required for the number of detainees. The facility has policy and procedure on personal hygiene. There is an adequate supply of necessary items.
2. All new detainees are issued clean, temperature- appropriate, presentable clothing during in-processing. Detainees receive, at a minimum: • One uniform shirt and one pair of uniform pants or one jumpsuit. • One pair of socks. • One pair of underwear (daily change). • One pair of facility-issued footwear. All new detainees receive two detainee uniforms, two shorts, four sets of drawers and t-shirts, four pairs of socks and two pairs of shoes.
3. Additional clothing is available for changing weather conditions and as is seasonally appropriate. Jackets are available seasonally.
4. New detainees are issued clean bedding, linens and towels, at a minimum: • One mattress • One blanket • Two sheets • One pillow • One pillowcase • One towel • Additional blankets, based on local weather conditions. New detainees are issued a mattress with pillow attached, two sheets, and one towel.
5. The facility provides and replenishes personal hygiene items as needed. Gender-specific items are available. ICE detainees are not charged for these items. The facility provides shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, a comb and lotion. There are only males housed at this facility.
6. Toilet facilities are: • Clean • Adequate in number and can be used without staff assistance 24 hours per day when detainees are confined in their cells or sleeping areas. ACA Expected Practice 4-ALDF-4B-08 requires that toilets be provided at a minimum ratio of one for every 12 male detainees or one for every 8 female detainees. For males, urinals may be substituted for up to one-half of the toilets. Toilet facilities are clean and may be used without staff assistance. There is one toilet available for every 7 - 10 detainees.
Personal Hygiene. Personal hygiene is essential. Therefore it is necessary that all employees maintain a clean, presentable appearance. Personal hygiene includes a regular bath/shower, use of deodorant, and appropriate oral hygiene.
Personal Hygiene. Employees must wash hands before beginning / returning to work or when necessary during work at accessible, properly maintained hand sinks located in production and service areas and in toilet facilities, and maintain good hygienic practices. • Hands must be washed frequently and correctly o after using restroom facilities o before starting to work and when returning from restroom or breaks o after handling raw meat, poultry, seafood and produce o before working with ready-to-eat foods o between handling different types of food o after coughing, sneezing or blowing nose o after touching hair, face, nose, other parts of body o after eating, drinking and smoking o after cleaning o after handling chemicals o after handling dirty equipment o after handling trash and other contaminated objects • Recontamination of washed hands must be avoided by using a paper towel to turn off faucets and operate restroom door handles. Remember to dispense paper towels (roll them down) prior to washing hands to avoid recontamination. • Employees are encouraged to have fingernails that are well trimmed and clean; the wearing of nail polish or artificial nails is discouraged. Employees who do not adhere to this recommendation are required to wear gloves at all times, following closely the guidelines of the glove use policy (e.) that follows.
Personal Hygiene. Insure that you have showered and used proper deodorant prior to a training and/or working with Participants and/or Staff to insure absence of potentially offensive body odor. Insure clothing is properly clean and fresh prior to training, as to avoid offensive body odor when working with Participants/Staff.
Personal Hygiene. It is expected that all students will take care of their appearance and will be reasonably and appropriately dressed for school. • Medication If you are taking any medication prescribed by your doctor, you must tell staff straight away. They will keep the medicine for you and allow access to it at the appropriate times. A parents or carer must complete a form for us giving details of the medication. This is also the case for any E-cigs, tablets or patches you may use.
Personal Hygiene. Items needed to maintain personal appearance in order to accept employment and or work-like activity or participate in educational activity. Testing Costs associated with aptitude, educational testing, credentials, certifications, and employment licensing. Medical Costs associated with medical exams, services necessary to accept employment or participate in educational activities that are NOT covered by Apple Health.
Personal Hygiene. Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard N/A Repeat Finding