Sexuality. Nudity, innuendo, suggestive themes and explicit sexual activities — these are types of pertinent content that must be submitted to ESRB. Character options, models, and profiles, such as revealing clothes or suggestive character biographies, are often a source of pertinent content. Look carefully at vehicle/weapon sounds, options, and models since these elements often contain pertinent content that must be rated.
Sexuality. ● How do you define your sexual-orientation? ● Tell me about being [insert sexual orientation]: ○ When did you first discover you were [insert sexual orientation] and how did you feel? ■ Go deeper: Tell me more about those feelings, any examples? ○ Was there any opposition to claiming your sexual-orientation, now or in the past? ■ Describe what that opposition was like. ● If you overcame that opposition, what was that process like ○ How have your thoughts on sexual-orientation changed if it has at all? ● Tell me about faith and sexuality, what do you currently believe on living as [insert sexual orientation] with your faith? ● How has your faith influenced your sexuality? ○ What were some of the teachings around sexuality that you heard growing up? ○ How did these teachings impact your understanding of sexuality? ○ What was the reaction of your religious community when you shared your sexuality if you did? ● How has your sexuality influenced your faith? ○ Has your sexuality changed your faith? Positive way, negative way? ○ How has the LGBTQ+ community responded to your faith? ● How has your Asian identity influenced your sexuality? ○ What were some of the teachings around sexuality that you heard growing up? ■ Were these the same as teachings from faith or different? ■ If different, how did these teachings impact your understanding of sexuality? ○ What was the reaction of your ethnic/Asian community when you shared your sexuality if you did? ■ Family? ■ Friends? ■ Community? ■ Was the reaction inside your ethnic/Asian community any different than with people outside of your ethnic/Asian community? ● How has your Asian identity influenced your faith? ○ Were there any similarities or differences between Asian values and faith values? ○ What was the relationship between race/ethnicity and faith? ■ Were ethnic/Asian and faith identities integrated? Separate?
Sexuality. D&G is reported as an area of relative stability in terms of LGBT discrimination • the small number of people within the protected characteristics and the rurality of the region means that discrimination and isolation is more likely and positive action is required to address this • research and data is required to ensure services and support are tailored to meet need
Sexuality. Emphasis of each character’s sexuality is a major facet of Menschenfalle, as Xxxxxx provides an alternative discourse about sexuality that aims to destigmatize AIDS. Xxxxxx develops Xxxxx as a heterosexual character, perhaps in an attempt to counter the media’s depiction of AIDS as a disease of gay men and to suggest that AIDS can infect or affect any person, of any sexuality, at any time. However, it is never clear to the reader if Xxxxx actually has HIV/AIDS; the reader only knows that Xxxxx is paranoid about past viral infection. The only person in the novel to be knowingly infected with HIV, and to subsequently die from an AIDS- related disease, is Xxxxxx, a bisexual male with an American heritage. While the depiction of Xxxxxx as a bisexual man with AIDS and Xxxxx as a heterosexual man with a fear of AIDS may have been an attempt to challenge prevailing perceptions in the 1980s about the disease, in actuality, this portrayal promotes a dangerous stereotype. By specifically characterizing Xxxxxx as a promiscuous bisexual man with AIDS, Xxxxxx promotes the misinformed opinion of many people in Germany during the 1980s, that AIDS is an American disease, spread by perverse men who are outside of the heterosexual community. While depicting the only character to contract HIV as a bisexual man, Xxxxxx may be attempting to merge the heterosexual and homosexual communities and imply that members of both communities may be infected by the virus. However, Xxxxxx’s depiction of bisexuality also suggests that bisexual men serve as a dangerous liaison between the gay community and the heterosexual community, in terms of HIV transmission. For example, despite Xxxxx having engaged in high-risk sexual behavior throughout the entire first half of the novel, it is not until Xxxxxx begins to express symptoms of infection mid- way through the text, that Xxxxx becomes hyper-concerned about his own health (Xxxxxx, 90). While Xxxxx never had any direct sexual contact with Xxxxxx, Xxxxx did have relations with Xxxxx, one of Xxxxxx’s female partners. The narrator states, “If Xxxxx had already been infected by Xxxxxx or another guy, she could have passed on the disease to him [Xxxxx]...” (Xxxxxx, 107). The idea that a woman could have sexual relations with a bisexual man infected with HIV/AIDS, and then spread the infection to heterosexual men, promotes a false stereotype about transmission of the disease that is prevalent in many cultures. From a physiological and anatomical s...
Sexuality. Country level data shows that, in the Philippines, MSM are the group most at risk for and affected by HIV. In 2011, homosexual and bisexual sex (behaviors that are grouped together under the MSM category) accounted for 82% of all sexually transmitted cases of HIV reported across the country (National HIV/AIDS & STI Strategic Information and Surveillance Unit, 2011). Given the rising number of MSM diagnosed with HIV each year, expanded HIV education, prevention, and care programs targeted toward MSM are necessary. A 2011 study aimed at identifying strengths and weaknesses of HIV services for MSM and transgendered persons in the Philippines noted the “multiplicity of understandings that underscore MSM and TG people’s behaviors and identities in the Philippines” and cite the need for services that recognize and understand that individuals and groups who are categorized as MSM have different needs (AIDS Projects Management Group, 2011, p. 158). However, there is limited available data profiling MSM in the Philippines that can guide service providers in their efforts to reach MSM. Without such resources, individuals lacking insider knowledge about this community may not grasp the intricacies existing within this broadly labeled group, nor can they fully understand the social and cultural factors influencing and affecting MSM individuals. Such insight is essential to the design, implementation, and success of interventions attempting to reach MSM. The little existing literature about sexuality in the Philippines is outdated and there is no literature specifically considering sexuality in the present context of HIV. Findings from this study offer insight into experiences and perceptions of sexuality in the Philippines based on the experiences and perceptions of YFL members. The majority of the YFL community are MSM, most of whom identify as gay. Survey data from the present study showed that 65% of the YFL members identify as gay or lesbian and 17.5% identify as bisexual. 78% of those who participated in an in-depth interview identified as gay men. Therefore, the narrative data available through this study is mostly applicable to considerations of gay identity in the Philippines. Importantly, the findings for this study include data from straight identified YFL participants who helped describe social norms connected with sexuality in the Philippines. Participants noted a growing awareness of gay rights and sense of gay pride in the Philippines but a lack of forma...
Sexuality. We know that a healthy sexuality is an important part of a relationship. Furthermore, what consenting adults do in private is no one else’s business. True naturists understand that, while they have a healthy sexual life, naturism in itself is not about sexuality. Sometimes, an individual may visit because they have been misled about the sexual nature of naturism. In order to make things clear to those rare individuals, to maintain a true naturist environment, and to protect our reputation as a true naturist destination, you agree that: • you will not partake in any overt sexual behaviour, • you will not try to recruit or invite anyone for a sexual activity • you will not promote – either internally or externally – any sexual activities at Bare Oaks • you will let us know immediately if you witness or experience any of the above.
Sexuality. Sites which contain material of a mature level, images or descriptions of iexual aids, descriptions of sexual acts or techniques, sites which contain inappropriate personal ads;
Sexuality. Ruskin respects different lifestyles of staff and students and will challenge negative stereotypical views in respects to staff or students actual or perceived orientation i.e. same sex (gay/lesbian), opposite sex (heterosexual), same and opposite sex (bisexual).
Sexuality. Chapter 35
Sexuality. The child requires age appropriate guidance, protection and direction. For example, the child may: • display normal curiosity about other’s The child requires firm, consistent guidelines and teaching due to a pattern of risk behavior but attempts to assist. For example, the child may: • be sexually precocious The child requires firm, planned, consistent teaching, guidelines and increased supervision because he/she displays or has experienced a pattern of sexual behavior that places him/her or others at risk. For example, the child may: • engage in sexual The child requires constant supervision, clinical intervention and close monitoring as the child engages in inappropriate sexual activities causing great risk to him/herself or others. For example, the child may: • engage in bestiality bodies • require information on sexuality and body changes • require birth control counselling • initiate inappropriate touching • have poor undefined boundaries • masturbate in private (and/or need to be encouraged not to masturbate in pubic) activity freely either as a follower or a leader • be vulnerable to be sexually exploited due to mental, physical or psychiatric problems • have sexually offended • engage in impulsive masturbation in public • have been sexually exploited. • be a sexual offender and there is a great risk that he/she will offend again.