Shoulders. Shoulder blades lying close to the body, strongly muscled. Shoulder and upper arm forming a good angle of approximately 110°.
Shoulders. Pavement for the shoulders of all roadways must be constructed with the 24 same pavement section (materials and depths) as the adjacent roadway pavement.
Shoulders. Set in style with slight drop for increased range of motion and comfort. Shoulder sleeve shall be top stitched for strength.
Shoulders. That portion of the Roadbed from the outside edges of the surfaced area to the inside edges of the slopes of ditches in cuts or top of slopes in fills.
Shoulders. The portion of the roadway contiguous with the traveled way for accommodation of stopped vehicles, for emergency use, and for lateral support of base and surface courses.
Shoulders. All shoulders shall be one (1) foot on each side where possible. Total width of gravel surface shall be twenty (20) feet.
Shoulders. Pavement for the shoulders of all roadways shall be the same section (materials and depths) as the adjacent roadway pavement.
Shoulders. Shoulder construction shall be completed by blading, moistening, or drying as necessary to achieve compaction. The shoulders shall be four feet on all roads except arterial roads, which will require a 6-foot shoulder.
Shoulders. Shoulder work consists of placing, shaping, mixing, profiling and compacting Granular A to construct a 1.0m wide shoulder graded to the edge of the road surface. Granular will be added, as required to provide 6% crossfall
Shoulders. Existing cleared right-of way (ROW)