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SIMULATION EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN. To fully investigate TSP system performance under various traffic conditions, the Phase Two test corridor, i.e., the section of Washington SR 99 between 238th Street SW and 164th Street SW in Lynnwood, was selected as the simulation test site because of its large scale, complex traffic conditions, and diverse control strategies. There were 13 signalized intersections along this test corridor. Semi-actuated control strategies had been executed to coordinate signal control at these intersections. In our study, three typical signal plan groups were used to investigate TSP system operations. Each signal plan group consisted of 13 individual timing plans for the corresponding intersections. These signal plans included phase structures and timing parameters exported from the corresponding controllers. An individual VISSIM model was configured for each plan, including various field-observed traffic volumes, traffic control parameters, and so on. Because of consistent cycle lengths for all the intersections under the coordinated control mode, we were able to distinguish these signal groups by using their unique cycle length as follows: the 120-second signal plan group, the 130-second signal plan group, and 150- second signal plan group. In TSP systems there are two important pre-specified control parameters, early green time and green extension time. In the SS-RTSP system, the early green time and green extension time were pre-set to 15 seconds. It is widely recognized that these two parameters have significant impacts on system performance because they indicate the extent of priority treatment for transit vehicles. Therefore, optimizing these two parameter settings is important for improving TSP system operation efficiency. Simulation experiments were conducted with different early green time and green extension time settings under different time plans. Various XXXx were applied to quantify their impacts on system performance, including delays, stops, and throughputs for both transit and general vehicles. Six simulation scenarios were established as follows to fully examine TSP system operations and explore the optimal control strategy settings: Scenario 1: Fixed early green and green extension times of 15 seconds under 120- second-cycle signal plan In VISSIM, traffic generation is manipulated by a random seed number; by employing different random seeds, simulation results can be changed correspondingly, but within a certain range. To minimize the randomness of s...


  • Schematic Design See Section 2, Part 1, Article 2.1.4, Paragraph

  • Laboratory Testing All laboratories selected by UPS Freight for analyzing Controlled Substances Testing will be HHS certified.

  • Computer Equipment Recycling Program If this Contract is for the purchase or lease of computer equipment, then Contractor certifies that it is in compliance with Subchapter Y, Chapter 361 of the Texas Health and Safety Code related to the Computer Equipment Recycling Program and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality rules in 30 TAC Chapter 328.

  • Development Records Each Party shall maintain complete, current and accurate records of all Development activities conducted by it hereunder, and all data and other information resulting from such activities. Such records shall fully and properly reflect all work done and results achieved in the performance of the Development activities in good scientific manner appropriate for regulatory and patent purposes. Each Party shall document all non-clinical studies and Clinical Trials in formal written study reports according to Applicable Laws and national and international guidelines (e.g., ICH, cGCP, cGLP, and cGMP).

  • Curriculum Development This includes the analysis and coordination of textual materials; constant review of current literature in the field, some of which are selected for the college library collection, the preparation of selective, descriptive materials such as outlines and syllabi; conferring with other faculty and administration on curricular problems; and, the attendance and participation in inter and intra-college conferences and advisory committees.

  • LIMITATIONS ON REVERSE ENGINEERING, DECOMPILATION AND DISASSEMBLY You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation.

  • Project Design Applicants must design a project that provides access to health services to enable eligible women and men experiencing health needs to secure and maintain safe and accessible quality screening and diagnostic services, comprehensive family planning, and/ or other women’s health services. A. Applicants are encouraged to emphasize the following components in the design of their projects. Projects must: 1. Use a collaborative approach to maximize existing community resources and avoid duplication of effort; 2. Enhance systems and local processes to make it easier for people to transition to, from, and between services; 3. Address barriers to ensure services are accessible to people regardless of setting or location; and 4. Promote improvement and positively impact health and well-being through coordinated service delivery. B. To be effective, services and activities provided or made available as part of the Proposed Project should have policies and procedures in place and include with the application as an attachment that: 1. Delineate the timely provision of services; 2. Deem Client eligibility and service provision as soon as possible and no later than 30 calendar days from initial request; 3. Require staff to assess and prioritize Client needs; 4. Implement with model fidelity to an evidence-based program or based upon best available research; 5. Plan in partnership with the person and are inclusive; 6. Provide in an environment that is most appropriate and based on a person’s preference including reasonable clinic/reception wait times that are not a barrier to care; 7. Provide referral sources for Clients that cannot be served or receive a specific service; 8. Are culturally and linguistically sensitive; 9. Tailor services to a person’s unique strengths and needs; 10. Manage funds to ensure established Clients continuity of care throughout budget year; 11. Continue to provide services to established Clients after allocated funds are expended; 12. Have processes to identify and eliminate possible barriers to care; 13. Do not deny services due to inability to pay; 14. Have appropriate key personnel and required staff to meet the medical and health needs of Clients; 15. Bill services appropriately and timely through TMHP; 16. Effectively communicate and document information related to health care needs with next steps available to Client; 17. Establish outreach and education plan for the community; and 18. Outline successful delivery of direct clinical services to Clients By submitting an Application under this RFA, the Applicant certifies that Applicant has or will have at time of grant award services, policies, or procedures that conform with the requirements in this section as applicable. HHSC, in its sole discretion, may request to review relevant documentation during the project period as necessary to ensure program fidelity.

  • Development Work The Support Standards do not include development work either (i) on software not licensed from CentralSquare or (ii) development work for enhancements or features that are outside the documented functionality of the Solutions, except such work as may be specifically purchased and outlined in Exhibit 1. CentralSquare retains all Intellectual Property Rights in development work performed and Customer may request consulting and development work from CentralSquare as a separate billable service.

  • Program Design The County Human Resources Department will operate a Catastrophic Leave Bank which is designed to assist any County employee who has exhausted all paid accruals due to a serious or catastrophic illness, injury, or condition of the employee or family member. The program establishes and maintains a Countywide bank wherein any employee who wishes to contribute may authorize that a portion of his/her accrued vacation, compensatory time, holiday compensatory time or floating holiday be deducted from those account(s) and credited to the Catastrophic Leave Bank. Employees may donate hours either to a specific eligible employee or to the bank. Upon approval, credits from the Catastrophic Leave Bank may be transferred to a requesting employee's sick leave account so that employee may remain in paid status for a longer period of time, thus partially ameliorating the financial impact of the illness, injury, or condition. Catastrophic illness or injury is defined as a critical medical condition, a long-term major physical impairment or disability which manifests itself during employment.

  • Schematic Design Phase 1.2.1 Based on the mutually agreed upon Program of Requirements, Amount Available for the Construction Contract and the Project Schedule, the Architect/Engineer shall prepare sufficient alternative approaches utilizing BIM for design and construction of the Project to satisfy Owner’s project requirements and shall, at completion of this phase, submit Schematic Design Documents derived from the model in accordance with the BIM Execution Plan, “Facility Design Guidelines” and any additional requirements set forth in Article 15. The Architect/Engineer shall review alternative approaches to design and construction for the Project as they are being modeled at intervals appropriate to the progress of the Project with the Owner and Construction Manager at the Project site or other location specified by the Owner within the State of Texas. The Architect/Engineer shall utilize the model(s) to support the review process during Schematic Design. The Architect/Engineer shall provide the Construction Manager with a compact disc containing documents and data files derived from the model to assist the Construction Manager in fulfilling its responsibilities to the Owner. 1.2.2 Architect/Engineer shall provide all services necessary to perform the services of this phase (preparation of model(s), relevant data, decision support model views and Schematic Design Documents) including, without limitation, unless otherwise approved by Owner, the preparation and prompt delivery of all items specified in the BIM Execution Plan and “Facility Design Guidelines”. 1.2.3 Architect/Engineer shall work closely with Owner in preparation of schematic drawings and shall specifically conform to Owner’s requirements regarding aesthetic design issues. 1.2.4 The Architect/Engineer shall review the Estimated Construction Cost prepared by the Construction Manager, and shall provide written comments. 1.2.5 Before proceeding into the Design Development Phase, the Architect/Engineer shall obtain Owner’s written acceptance of the Schematic Design documents and approval of the Architect/Engineer’s preliminary Estimated Construction Cost and schedule. 1.2.6 The Architect/Engineer shall participate in a final review of the Schematic Design Documents and model(s) with the Owner and Construction Manager at the Project site or other location specified by Owner in the State of Texas. Prior to the Owner’s approval of the Schematic Design Documents, the Architect/Engineer shall incorporate such changes as are necessary to satisfy the Owner’s review comments, any of which may be appealed for good cause.