Results and Discussions. In the present work we consider the effect of different impurities on the morphology of cementite nanowires. We have performed our modeling for both pure and doped nanowires oriented along different crystallographic axes. Mn and Si were chosen as the most common impurities (of course, apart from carbon) in ordinary steels, V is also used in the high-strength low-alloy steels [29] and P, S and V were experimentally found in DS [27, 28, 34]. The calculations were performed first for the ferromagnetic ground state of cementite. However, the morphology of cementite in steels at high enough temperature (in particular, above the Xxxxx temperature) is also of great interest. To study the effects of changes in magnetic state induced by the temperature, we have also performed calculations for disordered magnetic configurations [42, 43]. More specifically, calculations for three different randomly chosen spin configurations with the total magnetic moments equal to zero, which models the high-temperature paramagnetic state, have been performed for the bulk cementite and the nanowires. During the optimization of atomic structure we keep the chosen magnetic configuration. In all studied disordered configurations we have found a decrease of formation energies of cementite nanowires. For the smallest (1.24 nm) width of the nanowire oriented along the c axis it changes from 5.10 to 4.95 eV/Fe3C for the pure case, from 4.95 to 4.70 eV/Fe3C for P-doped J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24 (2012) 395001 X X Xxxxxxxxxx et al and from 5.21 to 5.13 eV/Fe3C for Mn-doped cases, in comparison with the ferromagnetic states. Thus, the degree of magnetic order of cementite plays an insignificant role in the energetics of the formation of pure and doped cementite nanowires. In contrast to elemental iron, the crystal structure of cementite is strictly anisotropic and can be described as a layered system with alternation of two iron and one carbon layers perpendicular to the crystallographic b axis (see figure 1). The axes in the cementite are chosen according to the standard denomination of the axes in the cementite lattice used in the previous works [28]. This special crystal structure determines the anisotropy of lattice distortions in the presence of impurities. Our calculations demonstrate that all impurities (Mn, V, Si, P, S) studied in this work produce an expansion of cementite along the a and c axes and an insignificant compression along the b axis. Substitution of a iron atom by silic...
Results and Discussions. To investigate the accuracy of the presented formulations, an example is chosen from Ref. [4], where the coupled thermoelasticity of a disk is analyzed using the finite element method. In this example, a stationary disk made of aluminum, with the Lamè constants λ = 40.4 GPa, μ = 27 GPa and α = 23 × 10−6 K−1, ρ = 2707 kg/m3, κ = 204 W/m·K and c = 903 J/kg·K is considered. The nondimensional inner and outer radii of the disk is given as a = 1 and b = 2, respectively. The inside boundary of the disk is assumed to be radially fixed, but exposed to a step function heat flux. The outside boundary is traction free with zero temperature change. The initial conditions for the displacement, velocity, temperature, and the rate of temperature are assumed to be zero. In the case of zero angular velocity, assuming that C = 0.02 and tˆ0 = 0.64, the time
2.1. Good agreements are observed between the results of presented analytical method and those obtained using the Galerkin finite element method in Ref. [4]. t∧ =0.64, C =0.02, ω∧ =0, r∧=1.5 0 Exact Solution Numerical (Xxxxx & Xxxxxx, 2004) Nondimensional Temperature (T) 9 t∧ =0.64, C =0.02, ω∧=0, r∧=1.5 0 7 Exact Solution Numerical (Xxxxx & Xxxxxx, 2004) 3 2 1 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Nondimensional Radial Displacement (u) < 0. 0.25 0. 0.2 0. 0.05 ∧ Nondimensional Time (t) ∧ Nondimensional Time (t)
(a) temperature change (b) radial displacement
Fig. 2.1 Time history of the nondimensional temperature and displacement at mid-radius of the stationary disk.
2.2. Moreover, for these theories, the time histories of radial stress and tangential stress are plotted in Figs. 2.3 and 2.4, respectively. In this case, the reference temperature is considered to be 293 K. As shown in Figs. 2.2-2.4, when thermal shock load is applied, the generalized coupled theory based on LS model leads to larger maximum value of the curves for temperature, displacement and stresses compared to other theories. The classical coupled theory and uncoupled theories of thermoelasticity predict an infinite propagation speed for the thermal disturbances. In other words, when tˆ0 = 0 the hyperbolic heat conduction equation (2.11) reduces to a parabolic equation with infinite speed for thermal wave propagation. Moreover, this Fig. 2.2 shows that in the case of dynamic uncoupled solution, C = 0, the influence of temperature field on displacement filed is ignored and thus the radial displacement varies harmonically along the time with constant amplitudes. For couple...
Results and Discussions. Results obtained:
Results and Discussions. The text of the manuscript (A4 format) is made in the MS Word editor in 1.5 spacing, the font size is 12 pt. Schemes are given in appropriate places of the text. References, drawings, captions, tables are placed on separate pages at the end of the article. Illustrations and tables should have relevant references in the text. Figures (no more than 5 for experimental articles) are drawn up without “frames” and “grids”. All illustrations are sent in separate graphic files. Line drawings (maps, charts, diagrams) are accepted only in Excel, Corel Draw, Adobe Illustrator vector programs or in scanned form with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Raster illustrations (photos) are accepted in JPG, TIFF, GIF, PNG formats with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Parts of figures are denoted by letters, which are written in italics (Fig. 1, a), (Fig. 2, a, b). The numbers of the curves in figures, in the text and figure captions are typed in italics (1), (2). Table 1 t is necessary to carefully monitor the exact correspondence of the designations in the text and in the figures. In the left margin of the manuscript, references to tables and figures are made, where they are first mentioned in the text (Insert → Shapes → Rectangle with letter A). For example: Table 1 presents data ... F Fig 1, а ig. 1, a demonstrates the dependence of ... When reiterating references to data in tables or figures, the following format is used: (see Table 1) or (see Fig. 1, a). The tables are provided with brief informative names, are numbered in consecutive Arabic numerals, and are given after the figure captions on separate pages at the end of the article. TABLE 1 Table title Title Parameters, units Са, g/l Text 1 11.200 0.15 Text 2 0.153 1.25 Text 3 21.6–37.8 –
Results and Discussions. Results of the experiment are organized in the following three sections: (1) verification of adjustment methods, (2) color agreement testing by paired comparison, and (3) further color agreement testing using different colorants. Subsequent discussions are also included to reflect key findings in the research. Let’s begin with the before-and-after comparison of to gradation adjustment method. Figure 5 shows the adjusted NexPress print (dotted line) and the initial print (solid line). The left-hand side of Figure 5 is the overall gradation, expressed as % digital dot area vs. density; and the right-hand side of Figure 5 shows the density differences relative to the offset reference (x-axis). There are two observations: (1) the gradation difference is quite small to begin with (something that we did not envision beforehand), and (2) the experimental error is very small, i.e., we implemented the gradation adjustment well.
Results and Discussions. In static target tracking, the steady state error (SSE), standard deviation (σ) and settling time (ST) of the controller are measured and used to evaluate the robot performance. Results are summarised in Table 1. The results demonstrate that the position error of the controller is smaller than 0.001 m. The error is stable across all the experiments, demonstrated by the low standard deviation. Representative experimental results for static target tracking are shown in Figure 29. In trajectory tracking mode, the root mean squared error (RMSE) and standard deviation (σ) of error across five trials are calculated and presented in Table 2. Representative results comparing robot tip trajectory with the desired trajectory are shown in Figure 30. The robot is capable of tracking the circle, square and helix respectively with maximum RMSE of 3.5e-3 m. Circle 3.10 3.21 3.32 3.07 3.16 3.28 Square 2.72 3.61 3.31 2.63 3.53 3.22 Helix 3.50 3.34 3.13 3.43 3.29 3.03 from 0.01Hz to 0.2Hz. As expected, the controller accuracy decreases when desired velocity of the time-varying trajectory increases. The results exemplify the limits of the robot in tracking time-varying trajectories. The robot has high accuracy in tracking static targets (i.e., Figure 29). However, this increases to 3.5 mm for slow periodic trajectories with frequency of
Results and Discussions. A borrow-to-use agreement is an agreement in which one of the parties (the creditor) benefits from the performance. The owner of the object or the one lending it does not gain any profits from the borrower during a borrow-to-use agreement. The willingness to help or to lend other party is possibly derived from an agreement, volunteering, solidarity, or a social sense of the object owner. Such things are every day occurences in Indonesian societies. The provisions regarding the a borrow-to-use agreement can be found in the Civil Code. The provisions regarding the borrow-to-use agreements can be found in the paragraph 1753 of the Civil Code. A borrow-to-use agreement is an agreement in which the lender hands in the object to be “used” until the agreed time is due. By then, the borrower must return the object to the lender. From the characteristic point of view, a borrow-to-use agreement in real, in which the lender hands in the object an object to the borrower and it is received by the borrower. Only then is the contract effective.
Results and Discussions. 5.2.1. Exciton band broadening in absorption spectra. in Heptane
(A) (F) on sapphire (B) (G)
Results and Discussions. The above system is implemented using Java Platform. The program contains a GUI as shown in the figure below. IT contains a key sharing program which demonstrates the key sharing protocol mentioned above.
Results and Discussions. Here the result shows the service which ordered from the cloud service provider via Service Level Agreements for the client. The result shows that the availability of datacenter on the client- side machine. It contains different information just like how much service outage, how much is violated, satisfactory and updates the service. The promised availability of the service value of 99.99% divided into the following results. According to the results, the client-side measuring, and monitoring can provide this report to the cloud service provider according to their agreement among them. The promised result 99.999% on the SLA the following results displays on the client-side machine of one week’s measuring datacenter. The service outage 0.192%, violation 2.154%, satisfactory 93.531% and configuration update 4.122%. Using the result which runs on the client-side machine the customer has the right to terminate the service or to compensate the service form the provider again. Besides that, the consumer can pay as use. According to the results obtained on the client-side machine the user may ask or provide the above report to the service provider either compensate the service or to terminate the service. So, the above result gives control and negotiation power to the client. The Service Provider promised 99.99% of availability and the system reported around 93.531% satisfactory, violated result 2.154%, service outage 0.192% and configuration update 4.122%. According to the above report, the customer negotiates with the provider to compensate the service or to terminate the agreement between them. After obtained result of the datacenter we can order other service from the Amazon web service providers. The following result shows the ordered application from the service providers.